Saturday, December 3, 2016

 Here’s Sankei news from Japan dated November 24.
 According to Sankei news, the world leaders of cheating countries of South Korea and China are now trying to register the Comfort Women and Holocaust by Japanese Army at UNESCO memory of the world but ACIF (Association of Canada Israel friendship) protested against China and South Korea and sent a petition to UNESCO.
In the petition, ACIF pointed out that UNESCO has now become a political tool for South Korea and China. And South Korea and China are distorting the meaning of holocaust in addition to the fact that there is no evidence to prove the claimed two hundred thousand Sex Slaves by Japanese Army at all.

China and South Korea want to fabricate their history for political advantage. It’s usual “Cheating is good act to win” by Korean and Chinese traditional common sense. They just want to cheat everybody in the whole world into believing their total fabrication.
And China and South Korea are both insisting at UNESCO that Japanese Army did holocaust that was the same level as the 1.7 million people’s holocaust committed by Pol Pot in Cambodia. However, ACIF is refuting in the petition that Chinese invasion in Tibet is more like close meaning to Holocaust.

And furthermore, ACIF quoted the evidence that there was no holocaust by Japanese Army mentioned during Far East Trial after 2nd World War and there was no claim of Comfort Women from South Korea until 1991 (which was a year when first time Asahi Newspaper reported the fabricated story of Comfort Women).
China and South Korea make an excuse and say that it was Asian nature to not mention sexual crime that was why it’d been hidden from history but ACIF flatly turned them down and said “Nonsense!” and continued to say “The issue of Comfort Women was utterly for the purpose of hatred and racism against Japan by South Korea and China after coming to have economic power.


UNESCO, which is a part of UN, has now become a very much rotten organization since a native South Korean 'Ban Ki-moon' assumed the secretary of general of UN.

 There are a lot of ignorant people in Japan and western countries who think “If you didn't do anything harmful against others, then others wouldn't do anything harmful to you”.
This way of thinking doesn't work out in China and South and North Korea.
In their common sense, “If you didn't do anything harmful (stealing, cheating, etc) to others, then others would give you harmful things”
Can you see the different way of thinking by nationality?
So please don’t look at Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese from your common sense. You need to know that you have to separate Japanese from Chinese and Koreans because Japanese are totally different. And Chinese and Koreans are the world most nastiest cheaters. They brazenly make a lie before you without feeling a bit of shame or guilty. But that’s their nature and common sense. They grew up in the society of cheating each other, therefore, cheating westerners is like a piece of cake.
So if you looked at Chinese or Korean was claiming something against Japanese, don’t trust what you see. Chinese and Korean people have traditional tendency and habit of pretending a victim to give a false charge to others. That’s their traditional culture and society since old time.

You might not be able to believe me, so I will show you the evidence. You can compare yourself with Korean and Chinese people.
Here’s the video of Korean people. Seeing is believing.

You can see even young Korean men are pretending to be the victims just like their grandmothers of self-claimed Comfort Women are.

Korean and Chinese people grow up to learn cheating and lying from their parents and grandparents. That's why.

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