Saturday, December 17, 2016

I found a good YouTube video

 I have three writings now but those are incomplete yet.
I will post them when I have a time.

Anyway, I found a very good YouTube video so I’m going to share that with you.
I have been explaining here the differences of national character.
People in the US oftentimes misunderstand that there is no difference between East Asians but the difference is really huge and it is so distinctively opposite especially between Japanese and Koreans.
Japanese people are calm even under a chaotic condition but Koreans are all disordered and always in chaos. It is presumed to be the difference of DNA.
Koreans are very emotional people lacking rationale and reasoning.

Here’s a Canadian couple living in Tokyo about one year. And they had lived in South Korea for 8 years before that.
In this video, they frankly talk about the differences of national character comparing Japanese and Korean.
You never can say “There are good and bad people in any country” to Japanese and Koreans because the differences are so distinctive that you can clearly say the differences by nationality. You don't need to make the issues blurry in case of Japanese and Koreans.

What they explained in the video is the same things all Japanese people who have experienced living in South Korea, ever said. In other word they, as even westerners, noticed the differences because Japanese and Koreans are opposite in any aspect.

Here is a list of what they said in the video.
Q. Which country do you pick between Japan and Korea?
1.”I can easily say I’d pick Japan over Korea”
2.”I lived in South Korea and Canada, but this by far the greatest year of my entire life”
3.”Living in Japan makes me happy with no reason”

<<Neighbor and Sound>>
1.”We’ve heard that Japanese people were cold and reserved but we are amazed at how warm and loving our neighbors are”
2.”All Korean people were cold and distant. And they weren’t warm as they are here in Japan. I didn’t expect Japanese people could be this warm and caring. I love it and it makes me so happy”
3.”I feel welcome here and I did not feel welcome in Korea”
4.”Japan is very quiet whereas Korea was noisier than New York”
  (Distinctive difference of nationality)
5.”Japanese people are smiling and caring but Koreans are always angry and violent”
6.”Japan is helpful to do my business whereas Korea was harassing and mean to us”
7.”My Korean is significantly better than Japanese but whenever I visited local shops in Korea, they mocked at us or treated us like I had leprosy (contagious disease) but I’ve never felt that in Japan”
8.”I wanted to get out of Korea really bad”

Here are Korean people’s characters.
1.    Very mean.
2.    Very short-tempered (Angry energy)
3.    Unthoughtful (Cold to other, never care for other)
4.    Hostile

Here are Japanese people’s characters.
1.    Thoughtful
2.    Caring
3.    Smiling
4.    Calm

There distinctive differences of characters come from the way of thinking.
Japanese people have “The View of Good” which is a thought that people are fundamentally good so that Japanese people care for each other.
Korean people have “The View of Evil” which is a thought that people are fundamentally evil and malicious that’s why everyone in Korea is cheating and insulting and never helps others.

In Japan, oftentimes I hear this from people who know Koreans “Good Koreans are dead Koreans” meaning there is no good Korean. Hahaha.

If you are living in South Korea, you picked a wrong place. And you are wasting your precious life. You never can become happy living in Hell Korea. Hahaha.

In some statistic, one out of ten Koreans immigrates to overseas. That much Korean people hate South Korea because Koreans are living in South Korea. Hahaha.

Please go ahead and click the link below to watch the video. Seeing is believing.

Below are the comments on the video.

>>Francesca Gibbens
i lived in japan first and now i live in Korea and everything you have said is 10000% true. I hope i can get back to japan one day. i am really happy for you guys!

As a one of Korean, I totally get that all of the reasons you mentioned in this video. I've kinda experienced all of those. I feel so sorry for you and thank you for saying "its not represent all Korean" and "had great time in Korea though" like that. I support you guys😊 take care

>>Indigo Osmanthus
Of course Japan is better than Korea. This goes without saying. Have you ever compared the Human Development Index, Social Pregress Index, the GINI Index, and all of the other research the United Nations and other important publications have put out for these two countries? The comparison is a joke. This should have been a two-minute video tops.

>>Jeremy C.
of course japan is better. way way better. as a korean, i can say that.. look at korea now. corruption, fakeness, terrible environment.. still a long long way to go. there's a reason korea is called HELL CHOSUN (Korea).. sigh

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