Wednesday, March 11, 2020

<< Corona Virus Pandemic Update >>

 I was misreading the article of AFP and thought Canada and USA had the same death toll but I was wrong. It was the number combined together of US and Canada.
I checked WHO website this time to make sure I don’t make a mistake anymore.
What added newly in the ranking is Spain.

CNN and nonsense global media was asking US government “Why we can't test like South Korea?” but South Korea is constantly increasing the number of infected patients and death toll.
Virus test has nothing to do with virus spread prevention. I wonder why global media and Koreans are wasting time and money for nothing while completely forgetting virus spread prevention.
If anything, global media contaminated by Koreans should say that South Korea is as the worst exampled country which has been steadily increasing the number of infected patients and death toll while completely forgetting the prevention at all.

Don’t waste your time and money for testing but do prevention first so that you don’t need to test yourself because you’ll decrease your chances of getting the infection.

The presumed number of infected patients is not actual current number because the number includes the "cured patients" so the actual current number should be smaller than those. Only South Korea’s number is accurate.

The Dangerous Country Ranking means the impact of Corona Virus in each country.

The most updated Corona Virus info from WHO.

Japan’s Data on Mar 11th

South Korea’s Data on Mar 11th Korean News in Japanese

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