Monday, March 9, 2020

<< Corona Virus Pandemic Update >>

I am sorry that there was a mistake in my previous posting.
The numbers of death toll in South America and Africa were actually the numbers infected patients. So I removed those two countries from the list this time.

The presumed number of infected patients is not actual current number because the number includes the "cured patients" so the actual current number should be smaller than those especially country like Japan which has been successfully curing more than 300 patients ever.
Only South Korea’s number is accurate.
Also, South Korea's medical level can't be the same in Japan and other countries. So the ratio between the number of infected patients and death toll in South Korea can't be applied to other countries.
Some countries are poor medical condition and some are higher than it is in South Korea.

The Dangerous Country Ranking means the impact of Corona Virus in each country.
This ranking will be more useful than the other.
So this is just play and guess. Nothing serious.

The most updated Corona Virus info from WHO reported by AFP

Japan’s Data on Mar 9th

South Korea’s Data on Mar 9th

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