<< Corona Virus Pandemic >>
The top page image is a caricature passing around on the internet
lately depicting how incompetent and nonsense existence of WHO today.
WHO no longer has its own independent analysis but became a public speaker on
behalf of Chinese government. The image is ridiculing that the chairman doesn’t
even know anything about the virus by wearing the mask over his eyes instead of
his mouth and nose.
The current global media is no longer media
but propaganda cult leader for the purpose of hatred.
All hatred comes from media today.
None of media has any intention to convey
accurate information or benefit for people but has an intention to mislead
people to have hatred. I know why, but I will tell you what the media has been
doing lately at first.
1.< Corona Virus Orchestra = Hatred Orchestra
global pandemic became the best opportunity for hatred lovers of global media
to boost hatred throughout the world. Media is always looking for an excuse to
boost hatred. None of media is beneficial for anyone but for particular
pedigree who loves and needs hatred.
I will show you what the media should be as a good example and what the media
is actually doing in reality for comparison.
<< What media should do for the
benefit of people >>
Corona Virus incident is a good example to
verify the value of global media.
Media can get official data of death toll and the number of infected
patients from each country. With these numbers, what can media and medical
experts do?
If it is for the benefit of people, media and
health experts have to find out;
1. What’s the cause of the virus?
2. What can prevent from the virus
3. What type of method can prevent from the
virus spread?
Unfortunately none of media and WHO seems to be
interested in any of these but instead “Do virus test like Great KOREA!”
Japanese medical service intentionally doesn’t do like South Korea
because it can lead to medical bankruptcy. It costs more than $500 US dollar
for each test so medical experts are carefully selecting to find a real
infected patient before giving Corona virus test. Don’t waste tax money but
spend money wisely for prevention of virus spread.
However, Japanese media run by Koreans screams “Japanese government don’t do
virus test to hide infected patients for Olympic!”
If there were righteous people among health experts and media, they will do as
Closely monitor the death toll
to extract presumed number of infected patients.
The number of infected patients reported from
each country is unreliable due to different conditions of virus test in each
country but the number of death toll from the virus is the most accurate
information to rely on because the death rate from the infected patients is
(almost) similar due to no vaccine availability at this point.
So the health experts and media have to
focus mostly on death toll to figure out the magnitude of the outbreak in each
I calculated the presumed
number of infected patients in each country based on death toll. This is the
most accurate number of infected patients in each country as of now on Mar 7th.
(please see the attached image)
=The number of infected patients ranking as of now on Mar 7th=
South Korea ---------------6,284
5. Japan, USA, Canada-----1,795
6. France------------------------1,346
From the presumed number of
infected patients, I could find out the magnitude of the current outbreak in
each country by comparing with the ratio of population.
(please see the attached image “The most dangerous Corona Virus country ranking”)
=The Most Dangerous Corona Virus Country Ranking=
(x 1000)
China----------------------464 (x
(x 1000)
South Korea----------1,209 (x
5. Canada-----------------3,024 (x 1000)
6. France------------------7,191 (x 1000)
7. Japan-----------------10,645 (x 1000)
8. USA------------------26,848 (x 1000)
(The larger number means less infected
ratio among population)
It is based on population / death toll .
You can see whole different aspect of reality when the magnitude of
outbreak in each country is exposed. Which country has to be alerted now is
Without a doubt, China is the most
dangerous country because it is the country produced the virus. And even if
China is ranked 2nd, the pandemic is centered in certain regions in China. And
we don't know exactly what's going on in China now since China is secretive
when it comes to downside of their country.
And most important of all, nobody knows for
sure the cause of the virus as of now. (Practice of eating bat meat is rumored
Without knowing the cause of the virus, how can anyone including WHO say
"It is slowing down"? It might continue for another 10 years or 100
years until someone nails down the cause of the virus and puts it out. Only the
culprit of China isn't cooperative as usual despite it has all the responsibilities
for destroying global economy and human lives.
Yet, Global media contaminated by Koreans
and supporting China never criticizes China but criticizes only Japan as though
Japan is the cause of the problem. What a corrupt and misleading cheater global
media is including WHO.
As of now at 6PM on Mar 7th, another report from Korean
Daily News came in which says that South Korea has exceeded 7,000 infected
patients and 4 more deaths today. That means more than 700 infected patients
increased over night.
In 2015, MERS (Middle East respiratory
syndrome) pandemic broke out only in South Korea.
At that time, total 186 Korean people got infected and 38 of them died.
= 2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome
outbreak in South Korea=
If you are a medical expert or anyone working at media, you have to
find out “Why only South Korean people are different from all rest of people in
the world?” You have to clearly point out the difference by nationality. That
way people in the world, including Koreans, can learn what is the cause of the
problem. However, because media is a globalist refusing to admit difference by
nationality or biological difference by nationality, all media or even medical
expert is refusing to point out the cause of the problem to give a solution for
the world.
In order to push FAKE belief of "We are the same humans!"
media and medical expert hides everything about Korea and China from the world
but ironically those globalists and media don’t hesitate to insist the
difference of Japanese people with fake information “Japan is all wrong! Abe is
wrong! Japan must be hiding truth for Olympic!” with so much hatred as it is
run by Koreans.
Here is the notorious globalist media CNN published yesterday in
Japanese language.
“The number of infected patients in Japan
is a tip of iceberg. Japan has to enhance virus test”
CNN is one of global media contaminated by Koreans (= Asahi Newspaper).
You see, even amateur can understand “Virus
test can never prevent pandemic at all”
What’s needed to understand is why only
South Korea has always been triggering pandemic when there was none in Japan?
<< Japan cured more than 300 infected
patients as of now but no media wants to report it on the news>>
( Source; From journalist Mr. Shinichiro Suda)
Japanese media (Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi
Shinbun, NHK, etc) and global media (CNN, AP, AFP, NBC, Reuter, New York Times,
Washington Post, Bloomberg, Huffington Post, Newsweek, etc) never wants to
report anything beneficial that can help save lives of thousands of people in
the world if it is from Japan.
The media contaminated by Koreans don’t want to project positive image of Japan
as a savior despite there are a method and technology that can save lives of
thousands of people in the world.
What Japanese (except Sankei News) and global media (contaminated by Koreans) want
to say is “Japan is Evil hiding everything! China and South Korea are
wonderful!” But in reality the media is
hiding everything while distorting the data for wrong interpretation for the
purpose of hatred. Now do you understand the harmful effect of Global company
and media (including SNS) in which people with completely different biology
(=morals and ethics) come together. As the result, strong insistent Korean
thinking (hatred based thinking) prevails in the media (SNS) and company. And
that’s what’s been happening in global media and SNS today.
I will talk more about the details of harmful damage any country, company, and
organization can have from accepting East Asians (Koreans, and Chinese from
Chinese government) immigrants in the series of “The Battle against Globalism”.
I am not going to say “Chinese and Koreans
are Evil” but I will say how different they are and what they are going to do
because you don’t know their biology which is forming their morals and the way
of thinking.
(See the attached image “The difference isn’t Language but the way of thinking”)
< Good news from Japan >
There are cured cases confirmed and reported by the hospital which has been
treating Corona infected patients from the ferry.
73 year old infected female patient was
dosed with Anti-HIV medicine at first but didn’t get cured at all. Then inhaled
steroid drug "Ciclesonide" for use in asthma patient (trade name
Alvesco) was applied to the patient, and immediately after 2 days she got cured.
78 and 67 year old female patients also
got cured after 5 days of using Ciclesonide. At this point, it isn’t
appropriate to draw conclusion because it was only 3 cases confirmed so far.
This type of positive and beneficial news can never be reported in
Global news. If anything, Korean medical service copies Japanese method, and
after confirming the result, the global media megaphones to the whole world “Korea
did it! Korea is number one!!” Almost everything in Korea is stolen property of
Japan and Koreans insist “We Korea did it!” Then Global media happily reports
the news to the world.
Since WHO and global media seems to have no interest in subduing the pandemic
but wishing to gain more death toll, US and European medical services should
contact Japanese government to exchange the information to help save the lives
of people. Ignore media and WHO. That will be beneficial for all people. (Hahaha)
< Why only Japan is always low in
infection? >
you ever visited Japan, you will know why. Japan is a very clean and sanitary conscious
nation which led to enabling people to enjoy eating raw eggs unlike any country in
the world including China and South Korea. In the eyes of all Korean and
Chinese people needless to say Westerner, Japan is the cleanest country in the
world since ancient time.
Even before Corona virus
breakout, Japanese people had been wearing masks all the time and many foreign
tourists visiting Japan found that it was strange and reported the peculiarity
on their YouTube channels.
Japanese people wear masks not to spread virus and to prevent infection from
others. This kind of Japanese way of thinking based on thoughtfulness you can’t
find anywhere in the world including China and South & North Korea.
Packed food for sell. Japanese
supermarkets are changing their style to sell their foods now. They banned
self-serving style to pick up food and also try-out food because these styles
can be spreading virus.
(Source: News on YouTube)
< Advice for Koreans >
At Korean restaurant, they
serve many dishes such as Kimchee, Namuru, Bibimbap, but those are well-known dishes
passing around from previous customer's leftover.
Unlike Japan, there is no such a law to ban serving leftover food from previous
customers in Korea or Korean culture. But that is the most dangerous custom of
Korean culture. As the matter of fact, just last week, American tourist was
confirmed getting Corona virus infection in South Korea. I think she ate at
local Korean restaurant.
Korean restaurant not just in Korea but all over the world should ban the
traditional style of severing many dishes until the pandemic is over.
In Korea, people leave their toilet paper in a trash box after
wiping their asses. It’s like deploying land mines all over toilet (bathroom).
Japanese hotel guests are scared to death
to open bathroom door because they might find the used toilet paper by Korean
tourist in a trash bin in the bathroom which is emitting the virus in the air.
Intentionally spreading virus. This
is very much Korean nature. In Korean Daily News, it is mentioned once in a
while as it is an old proverb “Koreans are crabs in a pot”
Crabs in a pot try to get out of there but all crabs pull legs each other and
end up never getting out the pot. Likewise, when Koreans become unhappy, Koreans
pull the legs of other by spreading the virus intentionally to equally make all
people unhappy and end up all Korean people getting virus-infected.
It is Korean biology and nature so it will be difficult to change. As the
matter of fact, last week South Korean ballet dancer, who was confirmed to be as
a Corona virus infected patient and ordered to stay at his home, intentionally
broke the rule and traveled to Japan with his girlfriend to spread virus in Japan.
He uploaded his travel pictures in his SNS and got caught red-handed.
But thank Prime Minister Abe! He announced
banning Korean and Chinese tourists entering Japan effective from Mar 9th! China also banned Korean
tourists entering China.
< Italy and Iran >
I heard someone said that the reason why virus spread in Italy large
might be their kissing culture.
I am not sure about European and Middle East cultures since I haven’t lived
there. But from my advices to Koreans, any country might be able to get some
idea in similarity to Korean culture.
< Conclusion >
I am not saying Japan is superior than other countries but I am
explaining why Japan has a different result from other countries including
China and Korea from scientific point of view. There is a reason for everything.
Even if Japan becomes no infected patient, as far as adjacent
countries have full of infected patients, we Japanese can’t sleep at ease.
If you are medical expert or working at global media, you should
learn from Japan about how Japanese people are preventing contagious virus from
spreading and teach Korean and Chinese people how to do it.
Korean people are always illegally copying
and stealing Japanese products and culture, then why Koreans can’t become like
Japanese in the way of thinking and behavior? Why Japanese and Koreans have to
be polar opposite again when it comes to sanitary consciousness?
It is too obvious that there is a
difference of biology. People evolved different way over thousands of years. We
are witnessing the undeniable biological difference today.
“If Japanese people can do it, your nation can do it too!”
Follow the rules and regulation at least
until it’s over! This might be very difficult for Koreans since Koreans don’t
follow rules and keep promise as Korean Daily News always points out.
Even if there is a biological and cultural difference
by nationality, it is still worth to try it and change the custom until it’s
over. So why not try it!
If you are American, listen to President
Trump! He is the best of the best President in American history! Never listen
to media except Fox News. (Hahaha)
As I am a native Japanese man, I can’t trust
any Democrat runner-up for US President.
Please stay trustworthy America. Please
support President Trump so we can continue to trust America.