Saturday, November 18, 2017

<< Dawn of Long Time Ignorance >>

Last time I talked about President Trump’s Asian Tour. And I told you about the incidents that took place in South Korea.
There is follow up news which hasn’t been reported in English media.
So I will show you the unavailable news for those audiences who rely only on the information in English.

 According to Sankei (Japanese) News dated on November 17 which reported more details about the two disrespectful insults that took place during the state dinner for President Trump, one was letting the self-proclaimed Comfort Woman “Lee Yonsu”(88) meet President Trump and the other one serving Dokuto (Takejima) Shrimp dish, US official confirmed that President Trump didn’t know about Lee Yonsu and gave her a hug. Also on November 7th, which was the date the state dinner was being held in South Korea, when Japanese government found out about the state dinner menu that included the name of Dokuto (Takejima) shrimp, Japanese government made protest against South Korea but Korean government ignored Japan’s protest at first. However, when US officials noticed the protest from Japan over the name of the shrimp, and US officials pointed it out to South Korean government, Korean government reluctantly removed the name of the shrimp from the menu.

Here comes the shocking news for ignorant people who rely only on information in English.
The notorious self-proclaimed Comfort Woman “Lee Yonsu”(88), you might have ever seen or you might see her in future in the US because she’s been traveling all over the US and the world explaining her horrible experiences with Japanese Army. If you were one of those ignorant westerners who believed “There are good and bad people in any country”, you would be easily cheated by a typical Korean like her who knew all westerners and Japanese were idots not knowing anything about Korean people and pedigree.
When you see tears from an old woman, you would feel sorry and sympathize her because you don’t think that there are old women with full of malicious intention and hatred willing to cheat on everybody. You don’t want to believe elder women can be that evil.

I was one of those ignorant people who held belief that there are good and bad people in any country. As the matter of fact all Japanese people are raised to believe that way. But after so much research and experiences with Koreans, I came to realize I was all wrong and ignorant.

I am now telling ignorant people that it is all wrong to judge people from other countries by your own common sense. There is a country like Korea where there has never been a sense of honesty in their entire history and culture.
The self-proclaimed Comfort Woman “Lee Yonsu (88) is just one of typical Korean elderlies who are nasty cheaters.

When Lee Yonsu 88) appeared at the state guest dinner for President Trump, Japanese web community and media reacted to her. Why? Because she had been well-known for being an Anti-US activist by Japanese people.

Look at the attached pictures. About a half year prior to President Trump’s visit to South Korea, Lee Yonsu was participating Anti-US demonstration and was cursing at US with dirty slurs in her strong thick voice. And she didn’t sound like 88 year old woman.
She’s been doing Anti-US demonstrations since 2004.

Watch the actual video she made the speech in May 2017.
==( YouTube )==================

What she is saying in Korean language is like “How dare sonnova fucking America bringing THAAD missiles in our country! The owners of this country are saying “NO!” Korea is our country! Get the fucking THAAD missiles out of Korea!!”

If you have ever seen her in the US, you would go “What!?” because she claimed herself as a victim of sexual slavery by Japanese Army and told you her horrible experiences while attempting to induce tears from you. And you must have cried listening to her story. Well, she is just a liar. Hahaha.
There is no slightest hint of her weakness in her speech which she showed you when she visited US as a victim of Sexual slavery. Hahaha.
If you cried listening to her story in US, now you’ve found out that you made fool of yourself. Hahaha

==( Sources )==================

Here are some of the testimonies Lee Yonsu as a self-proclaimed comfort woman ever made.

1.”I was abducted by Japanese Army. They took me in their Jeep and drove away.”
(There was no Jeep in Japanese Army)

2. “I was abducted by Japanese Army. They took me in their helicopter and flew away.”
(There was no helicopter in Japanese Army)

3. “Japanese soldier was so ruthless that they just zipped down their pants and raped me without a word”
(There was no Zipper (fastener) manufactured in Japan back then. Japanese soldier’s pants had buttons instead of fasteners.)

And moreover, Korean men were Japanese soldiers and Korean women were Japanese citizens back then. If Japan wanted to do such horrible things to Koreans, then there was no reason for Japan to make Korean people become Japanese citizens in the first place. She doesn’t make sense at all.
Truth was, Korean people asked and begged Japan to make Korea become a part of Japan. The annexation was their wish and will.

What all her testimonies point out is that she could be a Comfort Woman for US Army after Korean War in South Korea. Those brothels existed right next to US base camps from 60s to 80s and were called “Monkey houses” by US soldiers back then. That’s where Lee Yonsu (88) must have been working at.
Yes, there were Jeeps and helicopters owned by US Army and US soldier’s pants had zippers too.
See the actual photos of Korean Comfort Women in South Korea during that time.

By the way, South Korean President Moon’s approval rating had reached 80% on November 12!!
See? Anti-US President Moon is unprecedentedly high in approval rating. That means majority of Koreans (at least 80% of them) are Anti-US people.

==( Sources )==================

It is not because of President Trump who made Korea Anti-US but Koreans have been Anti-US and Anti-Japan since the end of Korean War.
Only President Trump’s skill made Korean people reveal their true intention.
So it is good, instead of counting on cheaters and misunderstanding them, we should be able to look at Koreans accurately since Koreans are the masters of cheating.

Obama was an easy President to cheat on and manipulate for South Korea. But Trump is very smart and intelligent unlike any US President before.

It is becoming more and more clear for us to judge the condition in East Asia accurately. 

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