<< Version 4 history >> Chapter-1
Anti-Japanese propaganda (brainwash) by
China and South Korea is becoming more and more vigorous as though they are
desperate to brainwash all people in the world.
They built another statue of Comfort Women
in Philippine recently.
It was built by Chinese immigrants and
Chinese Filipinos.
Also another statue of Comfort Women was approved to build in New Jersey this
Korean contamination is spreading all over
the world.
I have very critical information that is
powerful enough to blow all Chinese and Korean lies away but I have always been
hesitant to share that in my blog because it can hurt those innocent young
generations who don’t know about their past and the wars.
But when I saw Chinese and Koreans finally
began to brainwash innocent young Asians with 100% fake history, I thought I
should talk about it for better world, and protect innocent people from
malicious cheaters even though it might hurt innocent young generations of
It’s an era of internet. That means
overwhelming amount of information is available with only one click away.
However, that doesn’t mean you can get correct information because the whole
world got connected by the internet, thus you can get information not just from
your own country but from all over the world. But as the result, fake information
flooded all over the world
There are countries of liars in the world
which are vigorously trying to cheat on all people in the world without any
evidences. And they are spreading fake information one after another endlessly
and the whole world got contaminated by the pollutants called “Fake histories”..
So I thought it was a time to clean up the
world from the pollutants and swap them with evidences.
When talking about history, I have no intention to perpetuate which
country was wrong but instead I will point out who are lying and who are the
pollutants for the world today.
And you will in the end come to understand that people are not the same and
realize that you shouldn’t think “There are good and bad people in any country”.
When I challenge Korean and Chinese,
including professionals, about history especially about 2nd World War, all
Chinese and Koreans become quiet in the end being unable to rebut and then they
run away despite they are the ones who are the loudest in the world when it
comes to the history. They scream “Apologize! Just like Germany did!” but when
I begin to talk about the actual history, they refuse to discuss because it is
too inconvenient for them. They’d just like to perpetuate Japan as Evil without
evidences. Without verifying history with evidences is a better condition for
them to continue justifying their hatred so they adamantly refuse to discuss.
Now, at this point, if you are westerners
or people from other parts of the world, you’d be thinking “What the hell are
you talking about? Japan! You need to learn real history! Your country is
teaching fake history at school!”
Really? I’ll challenge you! I wonder if you
can continue reading my writing without running away like Koreans and Chinese.
First straight punch in your nose is this.
“All Asian countries have the same history recognition about 2nd World War as
Japan does except China and Korea”
“No way! It can’t be!” is what all Koreans
and Chinese say in reaction. And I’m sure if you are westerner, you will be the
< Only Koreans and Chinese have 100%
different history recognition >
Please take a look at the attached image.
There are 4 versions of history
recognitions about Asia.
All Japanese people have been learning
Version 3 history at school.
The similarity among Version 1, 2, and 3 is
this recognition.
“Japan killed Asian people and invaded Asian
This is the most familiar version for you
if you are westerner, right? For Japanese people, this is the version being
taught at school as well in the old days.
And Korean and Chinese versions are spiced
up with even more additives (embellishments) to “Japan killed Asian people and
invaded Asian countries while sex-slaving all local women! Japanese were sex
crazy monkeys! Hentai! Bukkake!” Hahaha. That’s what you hear from Chinese and
Koreans today, right? Hahaha
Because invasion and sex-slaving are actual
Korean and Chinese histories so they want to think Japanese were the same as
Chinese and Koreans who just wanted to invade and sex-slave all people in the
world. Even today, China is trying to do that in Asia while Koreans are banned
marriage with women in many countries by law for murdering too much women. Not
to mention that a lot of Korean women are voluntarily doing illegal
prostitution all over the world just like their grandmothers voluntarily chasing
after Japanese soldiers during 2nd World War.
You can’t say “Japanese people don’t know
actual history” because Japanese people have learned Version 3 history at
school which you call “Actual history”. And we know the recently fabricated
Version 1 & 2 histories too since those new versions were created in the
era of internet.
< The different takes between America
and Korea about the dropped nuke bombs >
American people learn at school that dropping nuke bombs in Japan
was designed to make Japan surrender fast so that the least casualties could
result in. Whereas in South Korea, people are taught that dropping nuke bombs
in Japan was a punishment for Asian invasion.
Can you see the difference? In American logic, there is no strong insistence
of “which country was justice or evil?” included in the explanation of the War
but it says “We just wanted to put an end to it as fast as possible for both
country’s benefit so that we chose to use the nuke bombs”
On the other hand, in Korean logic, “America
was justice! Japan was as evil as Satan!” is based. (Hatred comes first. An
excuse comes next. So no evidence is necessary for Koreans)
In order to achieve this principle (based on hatred), anything what US did
against Japan has to be justifiable for Koreans. And because it is important to
perpetuate Japan as absolute evil, Koreans needed to fabricate their history
one after another such as Comfort Women at first, then advanced to Sexual
Slavery” so that they could justify their intense HATRED triggered by intense
The purpose of explaining why US used nuke
bombs for Americans is “for both of us” which means “It was for both countries
benefits. Let bygones be bygones. And let’s build future together!” Whereas
Korean’s purpose of explaining Sexual Slavery is to insult and spread hatred against
Japan so that it will ease their permanent and incurable jealousy and
inferiority complex over Japan triggered by Korean genetic mental disorder.
I know Koreans have an excuse “This is for
human and women’s rights!” but if they really mean it, they should come forward
and make a statue of Sexual Slavery which they did during Vietnam War. But all
Koreans ignore human rights despite there are 60,000 orphans in Vietnam today
who were born from Vietnamese mothers sex-slaved by South Korean soldiers. No
apology from South Korean government to Vietnam even today.
Because Koreans are spreading this logic
(based on hatred) all over the world, Chinese people also began to support
Korean’s logic (hatred) today because China has been also teaching their children
at school “Japanese were as evil as Satan!” So both Chinese and Koreans have “Anti-Japanese
cult” therefore, they can mutually come to reach agreement as far as the
conclusion becomes “Japan was evil”
So "US was justice! Japan was
Evil" is a concept based on hatred.
< What Americans think >
“We Americans appreciate Chinese and
Koreans for supporting our excuse of using nuke bombs against civilians but we
don’t want you to push the envelope too far, otherwise the alliance between US
and Japan will become bad” will probably be what all American people feel about
Koreans and Chinese persistent Anti-Japanese hatred.
As much as Anti-Japanese hatred of Chinese
and Koreans are pleasant in the eyes of Americans but at the same time
Americans are praying “Please don’t overdo it!” But against American people’s
hope, Chinese and Koreans make more and more noise trying to spread
Anti-Japanese hatred throughout the world. And they are becoming totally out of
control driven by psychotic Korean genetic mental disorder. Hahaha.
But here I have to remind you that only
Koreans and Chinese in the entire Asia are insisting the logic of “America was
justice! Japan was as evil as Satan!” No
other Asian people think that way.
< Why? >
only Chinese and Koreans have intense hatred toward Japan while the rest of
Asian countries are opposite? Even Americans who actually fought against Japan
don’t have such hatred toward Japanese today. And Japanese people don’t have
hatred toward American at all too despite getting nuke bombs from US in their
Why only Chinese and Koreans? Well, the
reason is because there is a critical difference between Chinese, Koreans, and
all rest of Asians.
course it partly comes from the difference of morals and ethics Chinese and
Koreans mutually have as the same kind of races loving hatred but also there is
a fundamental difference between Asians who participated wars against
Westerners (White people) and Asians who didn’t.
You’ll go “What? What the hell are you
talking about? Asians participated wars against White people? I though Japan
was the only country fought against Westerners during 2nd World War!”
That’s right! Japan was the only country
fought against White people (Westerners) during 2nd World War.
However, I am not talking about 2nd World War. From here I will explain an actual history
you have never heard of before.
Let’s see if there is anything about the history
you haven’t ever known or haven’t been informed before. It’s an era of
internet. The time has come to know the actual history now.
I will explain Version 4 history with
evidences next.
(Continues to Chapter 2)