Congratulation to American people! Donald Trump was elected for the president of US.
Well, I can hear many people say “Don’t congratulate!’ though. Hahaha.
The new era has come when people can recognize the differences of people.
I have mentioned in my blog again and again about “The View of Good” and “The View of Bad” before.
Both Japanese and American people have “The View of Good”. The View of Good is a belief that people are fundamentally good. And all people are as good mindsets as ours.
This is a very childish, ridiculous, and ignorant belief that they can’t look at reality or they are childishly refusing to accept reality in fear of knowing the differences.
Those childish people would like to think that all people are the same. And as long as there is no difference, there will be no conflict. That’s their logic behind for rejecting to accept the reality (or differences). It’s a very ridiculous and ignorant idea.
Those people, who can look at reality and can recognize the differences of people, are able to prepare for what the particular type of people will think and do so that they can avoid a trouble and conflict. See? Both the former and latter have the same goal to avoid a trouble but their approaches are opposite.
The former is like driving a vehicle with their eyes blind-folded and thinking that everything is going to be all right. The latter is like driving a vehicle watching out carefully on the road while trying to never avert their eyes away from the reality.
Mr. Donald Trump is the latter type. And I think he is very smart.
In the beginning stage, President Trump may look to be extreme in his policy but it is all because US presidents have been leaning toward The View of Good too much before. The more you lean toward The View of Good (idealism), the more you become gullible and stupid ignoring the reality. And that condition is really convenient for those who are from a country of cheaters in hopes of taking advantage of your stupidity and ignorance. But I think President Trump will adjust his policy after a while. It will go extreme first, then it will swing backward but it will never be the same condition as before because people learn from making mistakes. They’ll be no longer as stupid and ignorant as they were before. That’s exactly what happened in Japan.
Japanese people are fundamentally gullible and stupid due to their belief of ‘The View of Good’.
I am not a racist. Oftentimes people misunderstand that people who can recognize the differences of people by nationality are racists. You don’t necessarily need to have hatred after knowing the differences. But you’ll become smart enough to deal with the problems you face because you know the differences of people so you can come up with a solution.
Many experts and scholars including native South Korean university professor ‘Oh Sonfa’ are pointing out the differences of people by nationality. And you know what Ms. Oh Sonfa advises to Japanese people? She says “Don’t help but stay away from Koreans”. Hahaha.
Professor of Tsukuba University, which is one of the high level universities in Japan, Hiroshi Furuta proposed a way to deal with Koreans a few years ago and got tremendous attention in Japan. He experienced living in South Korea for six years since 1980 as a Japanese language teacher. And he knows quite a lot about Koreans and wrote many books.
What he proposed was ‘The Three principles’. ‘Don’t help’, ‘Don’t teach (give)’, and ‘Don’t have any businesses’. This proposal made a lot of Japanese people laugh to death including myself but he made a lot of points. His proposal was a solution for the problems between Japanese and Koreans after analyzing the differences of common sense and standard in each country. What Japanese people do for Koreans, while thinking that Koreans will be pleased, often time can be taken for an opposite meaning by Koreans because Koreans don’t have any common sense and standard Japanese people do. Professor Furuta was simply pointing out that there was absolutely no similarity between Japanese and Korean people at all. So Japanese people shouldn’t approach Korean people with a wrong idea “We are the same humans and share the same value and feelings”
The stance is letting go your own common sense and standard. If you can’t let go of your standard, then that’s because you are arrogantly thinking your standard is the best and unconditional throughout the whole world but it’s not working in reality.
People in the US think that democracy is the best system and all people will agree with them. But when you look at Philippine, they adapted democracy but the current president of Philippine hates America. There will be many reasons for that. I will never know but only Filipinos do. Philippine had been a colony of the US for about 150 years until the end of 2nd World War. Japan made Philippine become independent from the US. That’s why a lot of Filipinos prefer Japanese people over Americans.
And not to mention the issue of Islam, America’s idealism is not working out. Then why, out of many cases, Japan is a rare successful case for America, despite the fact Japan was a former enemy and received two nuke bombs, which were first time ever used against humans, from the US? Well, that’s the difference of people I’ve been explaining here in my blog. The answer for that all comes from the difference of people in each country.
Japanese people think that American people are fundamentally good people as Japanese people are which thought comes from The View of Good. That’s why there has never been any hostility and grudges held against Americans by Japanese people even immediately after the end of 2n World War.
But the thought of The View of Good has never existed in North and South Korea and China. You need to know this difference even before talking anything about East Asia.
You will have more and more Chinese and South Korean immigrants in your country just like here in Japan, but you need to know that they are 100% different from Japanese people.
Westerners tend to pay attention to Japanese people trying to figure out East Asians but the more you look at Japanese people the more you end up only misunderstanding East Asians because Japanese people are 100% different from Chinese and Koreans. This isn’t only my opinion, but a lot of experts and scholars who found out the differences of people by nationality are saying the same thing.
Speaking of difference of people, the number one Korean newspaper called “Chosun Nilbo” reported on November 8 in their web news that ACT, which is an exam to get an enrollment for Universities in the US, became tight on South Korean people.
This is the history between ACT organization and South Korea. You can see so much cheating committed by South Koreans. Hahaha. Koreans are cheaters and liars so you shouldn’t be surprised by this. But ACT organization took first action ONLY against South Korea out of whole world to hold the exam only in one place under strict surveillance by the supervisor sent from the US headquarter. Hahaha. Before this regulation was made, ACT tests had been held in 26 places all over in South Korea.
According to the news, ACT organization trusted South Korean people at first, and let South Korean people to run the operation in South Korea. But the local ACT organization in South Korea always leaked the examination questions for money and no fair test could be done. So ACT decided to eliminate South Korean people from the operation and bring the examination paper by American supervisor from the headquarter to South Korea so that no Korean people can touch it until the day of the examination. If one Korean is involved in the operation, everything becomes corrupt. So this was a tailor made solution designed only for South Korean people.
Now, you might want to say “Don’t generalize Koreans!” Oh come on…. Knock it off! Hahaha. Even a gullible American organization is beginning to notice the difference of people by nationality. They must have had an idealism thinking that all East Asians were the same but they had had more than enough share of bad experiences with South Koreans and came to realize the difference and ended up to be in need of taking an action only against South Koreans. "Welcome to the real world!" Hahaha.
Not all people are the same but people differ by nationality because each country has a different common sense and standard, therefore your common sense and standard don’t work out to the people who came from outside of your country.
See? Mr. Donald Trump is an actualist like the members of ACT organization. He will take an action depending on each country and nationality.
However, I want to mention one thing to Mr. Trump as I am Japanese.
Mr. Trump said that the US allies were not paying enough for what they got. But Japan is different. Japan is the world number one country paying money for the US.
Japan's regular annual budget for US Army is about 2 billion dollars but there are more called "Omoiyari budget". Omoiyari means 'Thoughtful' in English. The thoughtful budget is nearly 5 billion dollars a year. The reason why the budget is being split into two is because the opposition parties in Japan are against paying a lot of money to US army. So the ruling party provides with a nominally regular budget and additional budget as an excuse to the opposition parties.
South Korea? Well, Mr. Trump might be correct. South Korea might not be paying enough money to US. It may be a time for US to demand more to South Korea since South Korea is the number one country in East Asia in dire need of US support against North Korean threats.
It’s becoming a long writing. So I’m going to stop here.
As I see those anti-Donald Trump people become violent in the US now, it is a Déjà vu for Japanese people as we find those anti-Japanese pedigree of Korean immigrants become violent when their unreasonable demands get rejected in Japan.
Mr. Trump hasn’t done anything yet. And I hope Anti-Trump people calm down soon.
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