Sunday, October 30, 2016

I'm writing "Unlocking the mystery of East Asia Part- 3" now.
I couldn't find a time to write recently because my company had to go through annual inventory and all. But now it's over. Very nice and cool fall season is engulfing the country of Japan now. It's the best season to travel to Japan now.

Speaking of traveling to Japan, the number of tourists visiting Japan is explosively increasing for the last couple of years.
The tourists from all countries are increasing but the most visitors are Chinese, South Korean, and Taiwanese in order of large number.
The latest tourist news in Japan is that South Korean tourists visited Osaka to eat at the popular Sushi restaurant that was when the incident took place.
The Korean tourists said in their Twitter that there was too much wasabi in Sushi. “This must be harassment by Japanese Sushi chefs!” Then Korean newspaper reported the incident saying “Wasabi Terrorism” against South Korean tourists.
Then the anti-Japanese Japanese newspapers run by Korean immigrants in Japan started to fan the incident saying “Japanese Sushi chefs must be doing this kind of harassment to all foreign tourists!”
Japanese people are all sick and tired of Korean people and Korean immigrants in Japan.
You don’t find this kind of people anywhere but only South Koreans.
The Japanese Sushi chefs were putting more wasabi than usual. It was because majority of Chinese and Korean tourists always demanded to put more wasabi in sushi.
It was thoughtfulness by Sushi chefs for each nationality but it wasn’t taken for thoughtfulness but malicious intention by Koreans because Korean culture doesn’t have the concept of thoughtfulness in its culture. Korean people have a pure malicious and evil mind as common sense so Japanese thoughtfulness can never be recognized as a good intention by Koreans. This is the cultural difference. It’s not a language problem but cultural difference.

Thoughtfulness and conscience which Japanese people have as standard are the best targets to be preyed on to pretend as the victims by Korean people. Just like Comfort Women issue. So it is important to know the cultural differences and treat Korean people differently because they are different. Koreans are even far different from Chinese people in a bad way.

So what Sushi chefs did after the incident was that they served Sushi for Korean tourists with wasabi put aside on the dish so that the tourists could adjust the amount of wasabi by themselves.
But Korean media took this as an insult and the media came to the Sushi restaurant to demand an apology for discrimination. Duhh! Hahaha
Can you handle people like Koreans? If you can, go ahead! We Japanese people had enough with Koreans. Enough is enough. They are all sick! Please don’t put Japanese and Koreans parallel anymore! Hahaha.

For the last, a President of Philippine Rodrigo Duterte visited Japan a couple days ago. Please take a look at the attached picture. Mr. Duterte is known for taking a pose with fist so Japanese President Abe is doing the same pose with him for media. Mr.Duterte is a pro-Japan even though he talks bad about America.

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