Let’s continue scrutinizing the document.
Please take a look at the image-1 attached below.
This is a quote from page 18. It explains the working condition of Comfort Women in Burma Myanmar.
<< Every ‘comfort girl’ was employed on the following contract conditions. She received fifty percent of her own gross takings and was provided with free passage, free food and free medical treatment. The passage and medical treatment were provided by the Army authorities, the food was purchased by the brothel owner with the assistance of the Army supply depots.>>
Sounds really good working condition! Comfort Women made a contract with the brothel owners. Comfort Women didn’t need to spend money for food, transportation, and medicines.
<<When a girl is able to repay the sum of money paid to her family, plus interest, she should be provided with a free return passage to KOREA, and then considered free.>>
As you can see, this is not slavery. All Japanese, Korean, Chinese comfort women had to get a license, permission, and contract to do the ‘business’ That means there was a decision made by themselves to do the business. Nobody forced or abducted them to do prostitution. Therefore, you can’t call it ‘Slavery’ when their wills were there to have a contract applying for the job.
And when they finished paying off their debts, they were free. This is the same working condition as current jobs such as a miner and fishing vessel job. They only get paid after completing the mission but for a long period of time, like several months, they get restricted by their jobs. But it is their decision to do the jobs. Comfort Women were lucky enough to get their salaries prepaid as a loan if they wished to.
Here is how much Comfort Women were earning.
<<In prisoner of war’s house the maximum gross takings of a girl were around 1,500 yen per month, the minimum around 300 yen per month, or by rule of the house the girl had to pay to the brothel owner a minimum of 150 yen per month.>>
Please take a look at the image-2 attached below.
I calculated recent value of maximum-paid Comfort Women’s salary based on the value index issued by Bank of Japan in 2005.
The maximum gross takings per month were around 1,500 yen. So her pay was a half of 1,500 yen which was 750 yen. Value of 750 yen in 2005 is $30,920.5
If she worked in one year, ($30,920.5 x 12 months =) she could earn $371,046.
If she worked for three years, she could earn more than one million dollars.
Let’s compare her salary to Japanese soldier’s pay quoting from the book ‘Japanese Empire Army and Navy Encyclopedia’ published in Japan in 1984.
Her annual pay was (750 x 12 months=) 9,000 yen.
Regular Soldiers annually earned from 72 to 156 yen.
Unit leader annually earned 900 yen.
General Commander annually earned 6,600 yen.
Can you see how much top-paid Comfort Women were earning?
Even the unpopular Comfort Woman was earning 150 yen (Gross taking was 300 yen) per month. That means her annual pay was 1,800 yen. See? Even the lowest-paid Comfort Women were earning twice of Unit leader’s pay.
Please take a look at the image-3 attached below.
This is quote from page 20.
<<Extract from handwritten diary “For the first time since leaving southern CHINA, we saw Japanese girls clad in kimono and holding a parasol. Can there be more pleasure and amusement for us than that? These girls, as Army prostitutes, had landed here one step ahead of us.”>>
Looks like US Army or United Nation was confiscating personal diaries to get small details about the operation.
In the diary, Japanese soldier is saying that a private company of brothel was sending Japanese comfort women to the destination ahead of Japanese Army.
There was no need to look for local girls in the destination.
When Korean cheaters lie “Japanese Army abducted Korean women and made them become sex slaves!”, they are not talking about Japanese Army but Korean soldiers themselves.
Korean Army abducted hundreds of thousands of local girls and made them become sex slaves during Vietnam War. And there are tens of thousands of mix-blooded orphans in Vietnam now who were born from the mothers being gang-raped by South Korean soldiers during Vietnam War. A lot of Vietnamese girls were massacred after being gang-raped by South Korean soldiers to delete the evidences.
South Korean people need to apologize to Vietnamese and Japanese people and learn the meaning of honesty and morals and ethics.
Well, like I said before an issue of Comfort Women is just a small segment of a huge Korean lie.
Most of Korean history and cultures are lies and fabrications.
You’re not going to be able to find people like South Korean anywhere in the world.
One thing I want to tell you is the reason why Korean people constantly fabricate their history.
It is banned in South Korea to accept true Korean history. The ground for that is that Korean people think it is a shame and traitor letting go their identity and country. But that’s what exactly all Korean people have been doing in their history.
Koreans say “We became independent from Japan after winning a war against Japan!”
Of course this is a totally fabricated history. There was no war between Japan and Korea in history to begin with. They just don’t want to admit that they asked Japan for annexation while letting go their identity and country. Koreans want to deny the fact that Korean people voluntarily asked Japan and became a part of Japan and prostitutes but their wishes and wills were there with undeniable evidences.
Before Japan accepted the request of annexation(merger) from Korea, Korea had been an enslaved country of China for thousands of years. And China literally treated Korean people as slaves because a country of Korea was rated as the lowest country by China. As the result, Korea had been one of the poorest countries in Asia. Korea wanted to get out of their miserable lives. And that’s when Japan and China had a war and it resulted in Japanese victory. Now you can easily imagine what sort of feeling occupied the minds of Korean people as slaves when their dominant bully China lost fight against Japan.
After the war, Japan merged with Taiwan. And as soon as Taiwan became a part of Japan, Taiwan started drastically changing to modernized country. Korea on the other hand, could become independent from China by the favor of Japan, but was still the same poor country. Koreans envied Taiwan and knew that they couldn’t make their country thrived by themselves. That’s why Korea asked and begged Japan for annexation for seven times but every time Korea requested, Japan refused and urged them to remain independent. Then, Japan Russia War began. Russia was coming toward South to invade Korean peninsula. Koreans were in panic. Their fate was to be captured by Russian Army and sent to Siberia for deathly work. Korea was again begging Japan for annexation so that they thought they could be protected by Japan but still Japan was refusing their request. Then Japan and Russia collided head-on. Japan was to be the next target of Russian invasion. Fortunately Japan won the war and could stop Russian invasion.
Korea was running out of their patient and finally committed an assassination of a former Japanese President Ito who had the strongest influence on Japanese cabinet then and was the one who kept refusing the annexation. Then Korea’s dream had come true. Korea became a part of Japan as they dreamed and wished it for 15 years.
This is the actual history with facts and evidences. But this actual history is unbearable for Koreans because their history is all dependent always looking for a master to become a servant. They developed inferiority complex over thousands of years. That’s why they constantly need to fabricate their history to deny their actual history.
When you look at Koreans today, they haven’t changed at all. One time Korea was wagging its tail to China for thousands of years, but when China lost a war against Japan, Korea quickly dumped China and started wagging its tail to Japan while letting go their identity and country. But when Japan lost a war against US, Korea quickly dumped Japan and started wagging its tail to US while letting go their identity and culture (Buddhism) to adapt Christianity. But when US started to look weak while China looked to be strong, Korea again dumped US and started wagging its tail to China. This is Korean national character always betraying and cheating on one after another. And this character is the same even at the individual level. And this is also the reason why Korea doesn't have much traditional cultures or architectures or literatures at all because Koreans have been constantly deleting and changing their culture so that not much traditional and original cultures and architectures were developed in history. If you look at North Korea, that’s the actual and genuine Korean culture. Only South Korea is pretending and faking their culture while mimicking Japan and lying “Origin of Japanese culture is Korea!” South Korea has no culture to be proud of. That's why they need to constantly make a lie and fabricate their cultures in search of their identity.
As you can see, for thousands of years, Korean people have been like this, always making lies and cheating to manipulate people.
In my blog, I wanted to point out the different characters by nationality because all issues, current issue or past issue or history, come from the differences of national character.
All the answers and truths can be obtained thru recognizing national characters when you look at East Asia. East Asia is totally different from Europe. In European countries, there are a lot of similarities to each other. But in East Asia, there is not similarity in culture, religion, morals and ethics at all, especially Japan is totally different from China and Korea. It’s more like polar opposite in everything between Japan and two countries China and Korea.
In my next blog, I am going to explain about Japan in comparison with other countries such as Korea and China to give you a better perspective. Chinese and Koreans can’t understand Japanese people and Japan at all and I am sure if you are a westerner or people from other part of the world, you’ll be the same as Chinese and Koreans.
Next one will be very interesting for you because you will understand why only Japan is fundamentally different from China and Korea.
For the last, if you’d like to read the actual KU document, you can download PDF file from Kansas University website. Below is the link.