About a month ago, I was going to finish my
writing “Racism” but I got caught myself again very busy with my job.
While most of people got unemployed or layoff, my job became super busy on the
contrary. It is busy as of now working today even though it is on Sunday. But I
can’t complain when I see people who lost their jobs or going bankrupt.
=<< Black Lives Matter! >>===============
It is a really ridiculous and nasty
hatred movement driven by globalist media contaminated by Koreans and Chinese.
This isn’t new to me because the same thing
has been happening in Japan for decades by Korean immigrants who have been
constantly demonizing Japanese people with one fake accusation after another
endlessly via media for the purpose of hatred.
Now the US and global media have also been
deeply contaminated by Koreans and also Chinese from Chinese government. So it
was duly expected sooner or later the media would start demonizing US,
President Trump and White people of Americans. It is purely and utterly for the
purpose of hatred to complete their mission of invasion.
Whichever the country Korean people immigrate to, they demonize people living
in the country and create hatred by spreading endless disgracing rumors (such
as “Abe must have done this and that! Abe should quit!” “Trump is a White Supremacy
racist!”) in the society and make people hate each other and that leads to destroying
their own country while Koreans are stealing everything and invade the country.
That’s exactly what’s been happening in Japan for decades.

While Japanese media and Globalist media (AP, AFP, CNN, etc) are reporting that
there are demonstrations of “Black lives matter” marching on the streets of
Tokyo and Osaka, most of Japanese people giving their comments on
the news are polar opposite from what the media is reporting to the whole world.
The majority of opinions among Japanese people about the “Black lives matter”
are negative comments because obviously it isn’t a racial hatred issue in the
eyes of Japanese people.
Japanese people are ignoring Japanese media run by Koreans which constantly
insists “White Americans are Evil!” because it is all fake for manipulation. So
Japanese people who can read English are collecting information from US and
Europe and are sharing it with Japanese people for accurate analysis.
Most of comments are like below.
“The Black guy had many criminal records including the incident of pointing a
gun on the belly of pregnant woman for robbery. Overusing enforcement isn’t
good but this isn’t racial issue. This is an issue of multi criminal suspect
and Police officer.”
“WTF is Black Lives Matter? He is a Cocaine
addict and suspect with multiple criminal records!”
=<Sample source>========
=<Who is dividing America? Who is responsible?>=====
It’s not President Trump dividing
America but the media contaminated by Korean and Chinese which is actually
dividing America by persistent demonization of President Trump and White people
for the purpose of hatred so that they can invade America.
=< What’s going on in UK? >=================
After getting brainwashed by Globalist
media, people in UK began to destroy statues of historic people (Churchill).
To this nonsense, most of Japanese people are saying “Don’t do that!”
Here are translations of some of the comments by Japanese people:
“Obviously the demonstrators are more harmful and malicious than Police”
“Why? Churchill is a hero! He was not only
Prime Minister but also Navy Minister achieving great things in history even though there might
be downside of him. Don’t British people have the spirit of the British Empire?”
“Racial hatred is wrong but what’s happening in US and UK today isn’t
demonstration but crime!”
“The current Liberals in US and UK are heading for a wrong direction I think”
“There must be someone behind who is encouraging their demolitions. What was
the initial motivation of the demo? It no longer has any justification for the diverted
purpose of vandalism”
Don’t judge past history based on current
standards and ethics. It is all wrong!
If you deny your past, you are denying you existence
You don’t exist today if you delete your
past history.
Different era, different morals and ethics.
Cropping up a small segment of past history
and demonizing the entire country and people (=White people are Evil) is what
all Korean people have been doing including some Chinese people also as it is a
good way of thinking in their biological way of thinking.
When you have Koreans and Chinese in your media, they brainwash people with
their hatred based standard.
That’s what’s happening in UK and US today.
Don’t get cheated by media demonizing your people’s past with current ethics and
standards. It is a trap deployed by the globalist media.
Globalist media wants you to destroy your
own country so that they can take over everything in your country.
Let’s stop saying “Black Lives Matter” anymore because it is only encouraging Anti-US
terrorists and felony criminals to commit more crimes freely.
It is time to recognize the globalist media contaminated by Korean and Chinese
is a harmful enemy for all humans.