Thursday, May 14, 2020

<Emergency declaration is over from May 15 in Japan >

39 out of 47 prefectures end Emergency declaration on May 14 today.
Only Tokyo Osaka Kyoto Hyogo Chiba Saitama Kanagawa and Hokkaido continue to remain the same.

< Japanese schools also resuming this month>

 86% of schools in Japan ceased its operation after Emergency declaration. However 96% of schools are scheduling to resume by the end of this month confirmed by Japanese government.


Regarding China and South Korea, they are uncertain because their data is untrustworthy.
China is obviously cheating the number of deaths and infection of Coronavirus but WHO is appraising China now while insisting that other countries should appreciate China.

South Korea also seems to be cheating on the number of deaths and infections of Coronavirus.
Those who know well about what’s going on in South Korea point out “Suddenly South Korea’s number of deaths of Coronavirus stopped. But since this March their national death toll has been up 10 % in the same period of last year. Why there has been drastic rise in death toll from March this year? They must be cheating on the report of Coronavirus death toll”

Unlike South Korea, each prefecture in Japan reports the number of infections and deaths of Coronavirus voluntarily everyday so it is very open to public. On the other hand in South Korea, there is no such open report from local district. Only South Korean government is supposed to know it. And Korean government and people always cheat especially when it comes to national pride issue such as Olympic. Korean players always commit foul play and cheating for the pride of their country.
If it is for the pride of their country, they all get together by pedigree and commit cheating and fraud. That’s Korean biological tendency. “Comfort Women” national scam is just one of the examples.
So it is impossible to trust anything from South Korea regarding Covid-19 now.

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