Sunday, May 17, 2020

<< Fake news by Globalist media is okay but Real news is banned>>

Fact is a fact. It has to be reported. If ISIS attacked US, then it has to be reported by media. If North Korea attacked US, then it has to be reported by news.
If that kind of incidents happened, Koreans and Muslims living in US or working at US media shouldn’t insist “Racism!” as an excuse to suppress freedom of speech and “The People's Right To Know” because all people need to know exactly what’s going on.

Why I say this? Because Korean and Chinese Americans say “Racism!” to suppress freedom of speech and the right to know.
Their countries China and South Korea don’t have any freedom of speech and the right to know so they tend to impose the same standard on US and Japan where they immigrated to.

If you are Chinese American working at US media, you should and must report it for US citizens (White Black Red and Yellow Americans) because you are American and has an obligation to be loyal to America.
If Chinese Americans don’t want to be hated by all Americans (White, Black, Red, and Yellow <Asian Americans>), all it takes for you is to insist that you Chinese Americans are on the side of America not on China. I know there are this kind of righteous Chinese Americans in US. I hope this kind of righteous Chinese Americans are working at Facebook and SNS.  Although if Chinese citizens and Korean citizens were working at Facebook and SNS, that would be a severe problem as a global company since Chinese and Korean morals and ethics (way of thinking) are opposite from American, Japanese, and European standard of ethics and morals. That’s the case I concern the most.

 < Hatred against Asian? What a joke!>==========

 I read web news and find articles reporting Hatred against “Asian” Americans.
 Regarding hatred against Chinese and Korean Americans, (although US and globalist media is intentionally using “Asians” as though all Asians are with Chinese and Korean which is all wrong. A lot of Asians including Japanese are against Chinese and Koreans due to differences of morals and ethics) Chinese and Korean Americans have no right to say “Hatred!” and “Racism!” since both people are always raising hatred and racism against Japanese people and Japanese Americans while building the statues of Sexual Slavery all over US to raise hatred despite the story is based on 100% fake “rumor” without a single evidence.
You Chinese and Korean Americans can feel now how all Japanese people and Japanese Americans have been feeling and suffering from Chinese and Korean hatred.

At least Japanese people and Japanese Americans never attempted to destroy freedom of speech while screaming “Hatred!” and “Racism!” unlike Korean and Chinese Americans who suppress the freedom of speech and the right to know when anything inconvenient FACTS and Evidence for Korean and Chinese appears.

=<Advice to not Asian but only Chinese and Korean Americans>====

If Chinese and Korean Americans are feeling offended by getting caught red-handed, what Chinese and Korean Americans should do is instead of suppressing the freedom of speech and the right to know by screaming "Hatred!", they should come forward as Chinese American Organization or Korean American Organization (Don’t use “Asian” because there is no similarity to other Asian including Japanese) and proclaim as follow.

“We as Chinese American are all 100% with America! We don’t tolerate China! Look at the Greatest immigrants of Japanese Americans! They fought for White people of America during WW2 as 442nd Infantry Regiment and defeated European countries and Japan!
We Chinese Americans and Korean Americans are ready to fight against China, South Korea, and North Korea for White and Black Americans! God bless America and President Trump! And thank you very much to all Japanese Americans for showing us what the righteous immigrants should be!”

It is a good opportunity for Chinese and Koreans since both people never fought for other race and country in history.

 =<Are Koreans foe or friend?>===============

 Regarding South Korea, many Americans are cheated into believing US asked South Koreans to fight for US during Vietnam War but it is 100% fake story.
Koreans haven’t fought for other race or country.

It was South Korean President “Park Chung-hee” who asked and begged US to let South Korea participate in Vietnam War. It was South Korea’s request. As the matter of fact, South Korea’s initial request was turned down by US government. But South Korean President persistently insisted “Let us participate in Vietnam War!” because President Park thought that it was a great opportunity to grow South Korea economically also South Korea could use US military power to curb North Korean threat.

He figured that he could strike two birds with one stone.
But what actually South Korean soldiers did during Vietnam War was a huge War Crime of Sex Slavery of 300,000 women for 10 years and made 60,000 orphans in Vietnam today. It was a huge betrayal to US by South Koreans.
So Americans should never feel owing to Koreans but instead Americans should ask Koreans to apologize to US for the betrayal and Vietnamese for the war crime which was solely committed by only South Korean soldiers.

=<Mr. Kurota from Sankei News is divulging the truth>===


Even during Korean War, South Korean soldiers were known to be running away from the battle front leaving American soldiers behind.
Also during 2nd WW2, Korean men became voluntarily Japanese soldiers because Japan was their mother country during that time. Nevertheless, a lot of Korean Japanese soldiers were known to be running away from the battle front leaving Japanese soldiers behind.

=<Globalist Media>=============

Korean Americans and Chinese Americans are spreading FAKE news all the time using Globalist media (CNN, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Bloomberg, Huffington Post, USA today, etc, against US and Japan. Why don’t you take REAL facts and news quietly?

So here I explain the latest REAL news (fact) which is reported on YouTube yesterday by Indian media.

Reporting facts isn’t racism. Reporting FAKE news is “racism and hatred” which major US and Japanese media do all the time.
Crime is a crime. Don’t hide and delete it because this is the fact unlike 100% fake news by Globalist media from US and Japan.

 <<FBI Arrests Two Chinese researchers working in US in a week>>

(1) Ohio University Professor Quing Wang (60) was arrested this week for fraud charges affiliated with CHINA.
He received $3million from China but didn't disclose it to US government despite he is an American citizen.
Wang was affiliated with Cleveland Clinic since 1993.

(2) University of Arkansas Engineer Siomn Saw-Teong Ang (60) was arrested by FBI this week.
Simon is now deported by NASA and the Universities.
He was charged with one count of wire fraud.
Secured funding for NASA research project that's he didn't disclose as affiliation with Chinese University. Neither did he tell the authorities about the links with Chinese companies.

More details are on YouTube.
Please click the link below.

I was going to post “Racism” this time but I changed my schedule.
Please look forward to “Racism” in which I make a lot of points. And let’s see how much you can agree with me.
If you read it, you would no longer be able to call me and President Trump “Racist, Bigot, Xenophobia, Nationalist” anymore. I bet it will become a huge body blow to all liberals and globalists.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Thursday, May 14, 2020

<Emergency declaration is over from May 15 in Japan >

39 out of 47 prefectures end Emergency declaration on May 14 today.
Only Tokyo Osaka Kyoto Hyogo Chiba Saitama Kanagawa and Hokkaido continue to remain the same.

< Japanese schools also resuming this month>

 86% of schools in Japan ceased its operation after Emergency declaration. However 96% of schools are scheduling to resume by the end of this month confirmed by Japanese government.


Regarding China and South Korea, they are uncertain because their data is untrustworthy.
China is obviously cheating the number of deaths and infection of Coronavirus but WHO is appraising China now while insisting that other countries should appreciate China.

South Korea also seems to be cheating on the number of deaths and infections of Coronavirus.
Those who know well about what’s going on in South Korea point out “Suddenly South Korea’s number of deaths of Coronavirus stopped. But since this March their national death toll has been up 10 % in the same period of last year. Why there has been drastic rise in death toll from March this year? They must be cheating on the report of Coronavirus death toll”

Unlike South Korea, each prefecture in Japan reports the number of infections and deaths of Coronavirus voluntarily everyday so it is very open to public. On the other hand in South Korea, there is no such open report from local district. Only South Korean government is supposed to know it. And Korean government and people always cheat especially when it comes to national pride issue such as Olympic. Korean players always commit foul play and cheating for the pride of their country.
If it is for the pride of their country, they all get together by pedigree and commit cheating and fraud. That’s Korean biological tendency. “Comfort Women” national scam is just one of the examples.
So it is impossible to trust anything from South Korea regarding Covid-19 now.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I am working on next postings now even though I am currently busy at my work.
Here are the progresses of my writings as of now.

1. “Racism” (80% progress)
2. “The difference of Japanese Chinese and Korean” (80% progress)

In a meanwhile, let’s watch the best of the best on YouTube now.
My favorite News anchor is “Ingraham” from Fox News.
Almost all News anchors from Fox News are my favorite but “Ingraham” presents especially always acute and sharp analysis. This is what American (& Japanese) media should be without hiding and cheating unlike Globalist media contaminated by Chinese and Koreans.

(Ingraham from Fox News)