Monday, May 6, 2019

<< A Country of Liars is in Agony>>

 It’s been nice weather in Japan lately. And Japan has been in long sequential national holiday called “Golden Week” since April 27 till May 6.
 People are in a good mood and have been laughing a lot. On the other hand, there are crazy people in our neighborhood called “Koreans” always have been angry and in agony due to their own fault.
(I attached the total 8 pictures for this writing. Please don’t miss all of them)

< News-1 >>>>>

Here’s latest news from East Asia.

=< The International Battleship Parade in China >======

 I reported about this news on Apr 7th. 
Here it is, the photos from the actual Battleship Parade in China held on Apr 24, 2019.

It’s been 8 years since last time Japanese Navy was invited by China for the ceremony.
 Chinese newspaper, which is of course monitored by Chinese government, reported the event positively

 According to Sankei News from Japan, the most popular battleships during the event for local Chinese people were Japanese and Russian battleships. About total 5,000 Chinese people visited Japanese Navy for the day made a line to see inside Japanese battleship.
(See the attached pictures)

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 As you can see South Koreans are the only people on the Earth fabricating fake history in 2019 and screaming “Rising Sun flag is the same flag as Nazis! War crime flag!”.

Japan and China fought against each other in history. Japan and US fought against each other in history. Japan and Russia fought against each other in history. But Japan and Korea NEVER had a war but South Koreans are the only people in the world today whining “We were the victims of Japan!” despite there is no evidence, and no witness not even from native South Korean people themselves, yet they say “We were sex-slaved by Japanese Army in Korea”. But native Japanese soldiers weren’t even in South Korea during the war because the enemy of US wasn’t targeting Korea at all but South East Asian countries and main land of Japan. If there were men in Korea, it would be only Korean men during 2nd World War. And Korean men were Japanese soldiers.
Even before 2nd World War during the annexation, the number of Japanese people lived in Korea was very small.
There are just too many discrepancies when people all together lie.

Now because Koreans have been lying about their history, they are facing a dilemma today.

=< Let’s get rid of the evidence of history! >==========

 In South Korea, Anti-Japanese cult has been national cult ever since the end of 2nd World War. Many people misunderstand South Koreans are Christians but they are Anti-Japanese cult members even before that.
Anything approving Japan is banned by law in South Korea because Korean people need to demonize Japanese people for hatred.

 Korea had been an enslaved province of China for thousands of years until Japan made Korea independent from China in 1896.
As soon as Korean people witnessed China lost war against Japan, Korean people turned to Japan and asked “Please become our master country! We’ll dump China! Japan! You are our master from today!”
But Japan refused to annex Korea under any circumstances because Japanese people couldn’t biologically accept Korean people due to morals and ethics were polar opposite from Japanese.
I am not saying which one is better over the other but I am saying each people had their own way of thinking which was suitable to themselves but Japanese and Koreans happened to be polar opposite from each other in morals and ethics. (More details and evidences will be exposed in the series of "Only in Korea")

Anyway, after Korea forcedly made Japan accept Korea as a part of Japan assassinating 1st Japanese President “Hirobumi Ito” who was against the annexation, Japan gave it try and gave so much with their own tax money building schools, hospitals, railroads, dams, Universities, and business industries in Korea.
As the result, Korea was made and developed by generous Japan.

However, Korean people today want to delete and revise their history. They want to create something never happened in their past to demonize Japan while deleting what actually Japan did for Korea in real history.

< News-2 >>>>>

Here’s the news from Chosun Nilbo (Korean Daily News) posted on May 5, 2019.
I will roughly pick up the points and translate them into English below.

 Suddenly, the whole country of South Korea has become noisy due to the pro-Japanese elimination trend, and the schools are in chaos.
 At many schools in South Korea, their school songs, which had been sung for decades, have suddenly been labeled as Pro-Japanese songs, and stopped using it anymore. And some students are refusing to sing the school songs anymore because they thought it was made by Pro-Japan man.
In the process of selecting new school songs, parents and school authorities are in feud unable to reach agreement.

 At some schools in South Korea, which have Japanese origin Hinoki trees, are removing the trees from their schools to swap them with no Japanese original trees today.
In Gyeonggi-do city in South Korea, there was a school which tried to put a label that says “War Criminal Company” on the products of Japan but temporarily stopped for a while due to objections from some local people.
 It isn’t suitable in the global era to hold grudge against Japan quoting the stories of 75 years ago.
 It is wrong to have wrong recognition about Japan and Japanese people with wrong education. Regardless of any people, we have to respect each other and live for future.
(Written by Jo Joo Yuan a Former High School Principal in South Korea)
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 It’s usual nonsense Korean opinion. None of Korean people is talking about story of 75 years ago but they are talking about the fake history made up yesterday in attempt to demonize Japan.
If he were to say “We have to respect other people” then they'd have to accept actual history and they'd have to stop lying about their history to demonize Japan. Deleting evidence of Japanese dedications from South Korea will not be the solution. But I don’t think Koreans can stop doing that because it is their DNA (biological tendency).
People can’t change that easily due to geographical and historical factors.
Koreans have been deleting history all the time since ancient time that’s why there is nothing historical in South Korea today.
They have tendency to delete everything inconvenient from their history.
Nowadays, all Koreans are desperately deleting anything that shows the trace of Japan in Korea. They need to make up whole fake history and fake culture today.

< News-3 >>>>>

Yonhap News from South Korea.
 5 days after Battleship Parade held in China, Multinational Maritime Joint Training was held in South Korea from April 29.
The participants were South East Asian countries, US, China, India, and Japan.
The first training session was conducted by South Korean Navy followed by US, China, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Brunei.
 Japan was asked to participate in the session but didn’t of course. There is no way Japanese Navy can come close to Anti-Japanese cult country. It has been proven last year when South Korea asked Japan to participate in the Battleship Parade in South Korea. It was a mess.
=< Source >========================

South Korea is nothing but the representative of North Korea. Japanese Navy can’t show anything to South Korea. In a meanwhile, Japan, US, England, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand will have to monitor North and South Korea for their UN violation activities.

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