Sunday, January 20, 2019

<< The Battle against Globalism >> Part-2

 Finally, I will explain my opinion.
I am going to prove my points while quoting actual cases. And the best example to quote will be the issues between Japanese and Korean people since I am specialized in East Asian issues.


Please separate Black and White racial issue in US from this theme because the racial issue ( the skin color difference ) is not the issue I am going to talk about here but I will talk about the cause of problems which comes from the cultural differences (the way of thinking, common sense, moral & ethics) by nationality so even if the skin color is the same, due to its cultural differences, there can be countries that can never get along with each other (just like Japan and South Korea).

Please be careful not to mix up racial issue (skin color difference) and cultural different issue because those two issues are totally irrelevant issues to each other. So if you are American, you might realize that you don’t usually discuss about the cultural different issue by nationality because you might have been taught “We are all the same humans!” as Globalist teachers might brainwash you into believing it.
This is the reason why I said “My opinion will be unheard of in English community” And even in Japan, most of them don’t know what I am explaining here.

=< Your thought >===

While I was researching opinions about the Anti-Globalism which is drastically spreading in EU now, I have witnessed opinions of many people who seemed to be Globalist or Liberal.
Here is their typical comment.

“Those nationalists are racists, xenophobia and bigots who are trying to break the integrity and unification of the world for better and peaceful future!  Let’s impeach Trump!”

I ashamedly admit that I used to think like a Globalist when I was ignorant and grew up in Japan. I was thinking just like the above and thought “Why there is a conflict and war? We are the same humans! Can we have something common for peace?” And majority of Japanese people are also thinking like that just like you do because they are all ignorant or are brainwashed by ignorant Globalists.

<< People from 3rd countries >>

 Many European countries are now regretting to have accepted refugees from third countries.
I understand how British people feel like because London has become more dangerous city than New York now as London murder rate overtook New York
Please watch the YouTube link below for further information if you are interested.

==(Moped gangs, Knife attacks, and Acid baths)====

Other European countries are suffering the same migrant problem as the result from accepting refugees from third countries.
And a lot of people blame it on Muslims. I am sure most of people who read my blog think that Japan isn’t accepting Muslims. However, while you have an image of Muslims as violent terrorists, many South East Asian countries (such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore) are also Muslims.
Because a lot of tourists from South East Asia are booming in Japan lately, Japan is adjusting their services for Muslims such as supplying “Halal foods” with a label which are foods endorsed by Muslims. (Muslims don’t eat Pork and certain kinds of foods)

I think Muslims aren’t the cause of the problem but the real problem is ignorance. The ignorance based on the nonsense “We are all the same humans!” while thinking that all humans feel the same way (Good and Bad) on the same issue. That is a critical mistake ignoring the reality. People NEVER feel the same way (right or wrong) depending on where they are from. (I’ll give you the details quoting actual cases in Part-3)

=< Globalism “Let it go! Let it go!”>=====

The logic behind “Globalism is good” is this.
<If all people become as same as cloned humans, there would be no conflict and complaint because everybody is the same so we have to eliminate anyone who notices differences by nationality. Therefore, we have to label anyone who has religion, culture, and tradition as “Racist” and Evil. We have to be perfectly the same people like North Korean people. Let go your religion! Let go your culture! Let go everything so that you country will look like North Korea where there is no culture but just tasteless concrete buildings are sitting and people are forced to behave the same way as though cloned humans wearing the same clothes. Don’t say “Merry Christmas!” Don’t say “Arigato!” Don’t say “Gracious!” We have to be the same as cloned humans! Sameness is good! No more conflict and war!  Difference is all cause of wrongness and Evil! >

=<What Becoming Oneness Means? >===========

When I first began to live in Los Angeles California, I was surprised to find out peculiarity of American people. That was, “People were fighting against each other trying to impose their beliefs (standards) onto others” Some Americans supported “Abortion”, and some American rejected “Abortion”. There was a war going on.
I came from Japan where there was no such a concept of imposing belief onto others like that. If you would like to support abortion, then do it as your choice. If you would like to reject abortion, then don’t do it as your choice. There is no conflict in my society Japan because nobody imposes their belief onto others. There is freedom of choice in Japan.

Likewise, the radical Vegans in Europe are attacking meat shops trying to impose their belief.
In Japan, Monks are Vegan traditionally. But no Monk has ever imposed their belief onto their followers. My family has Buddhism as a typical traditional Japanese family but our Monk never says anything against what we eat. So there is always freedom of food choice for us.

Sea Shepard is the same. They impose their standard (belief) onto Japan (although SS never says anything against South Korea despite South Korea has been capturing as much as 3 times of whales Japan does every year without becoming the member of IWC, Japan hasn’t captured endangered species of whales).
SS says “Let’s attack and kill Japs! We don’t care human rights and lives! We care only about Whales rights!”

I used to look at the world from Japan and thought “Why Koreans, Chinese and Westerners try to impose their beliefs onto others?” but now I know why.

Koreans love to eliminate Japanese culture because there is no original Korean culture to be proud of for Koreans. Koreans say “Everybody should be the same so Japanese people should abolish Japanese Emperor and Shinto” As the matter of fact, there is “Anti-Japanese Emperor Organization” called “Han-Ten-Ren” in Japan supported by Korean immigrants.

China also eliminates Christianity by banning Christmas in China so that China thinks they can impose their Buddhism culture onto Chinese people despite some of young Chinese people are willing to enjoy Christmas event.

North Korea also suppresses Christianity. When people brought in Bible from China, those people got locked up in jail and tortured in a freezing room.

Chinese government, North & South Korean people love to eliminate choice but instead they’d like to impose their standards onto everyone to become oneness. That means that both Chinese government and Koreans are violating human rights of other people.

< Globalists can’t accept differences >===

The problem is why globalists need to pursue sameness while eliminating different thoughts? Why they need to make the world NO CHOICE but only one? If you pursue the sameness, then all people have to let go tradition, custom, ways of thinking, morals and ethics which your country developed over the years.
In any event, in order to become one, either of them will have to let go their standards to adapt themselves for others which will leave the people who let go their standards suffering.
It isn’t just a cultural thing, you have to let go of your morals and ethics (concepts of right or wrong) when you have to unify with other people unless you choose to violate human rights of others while imposing your standard onto the others.
I think the globalism, the concept of becoming one, means the violations of human rights.

If you care about human rights, then you have to fight against Globalism (becoming oneness=Unification).

I think you shouldn’t deny or reject differences by nationality otherwise it will only make people suffer who have to let go their standards.

<< Why suffering at what I feel good?>==

 This is the question ignorant Globalists have. “If I feel good and right, then other people should feel the same way because we are the same humans” is the fundamental belief Globalists have. But do we all humans feel the same way on everything?

For example, if you are a New Yorker who grew up in the environment where a lot of Koreans Chinese and Mexicans live, you wouldn’t feel much difference when you traveled to or lived in South Korea and China. You would feel, “All humans are the same as we are!” because you got used to Koreans and Chinese DNA and cultures. However, when you traveled to Japan, you would feel absolute difference in its DNA which you have never experienced in your entire life.
People in Japan are quiet unlike Koreans Chinese and Mexicans. There is tranquility everywhere anywhere in Japan despite nearly 13 million people living in Tokyo alone, you will still feel the same phenomenon of tranquility in the rush hour of subway trains in which people are all jammed into a small room but all of them are as quiet as though monks are practicing meditation. That’s when you feel it abnormal. All Korean and Chinese people feel the same way when they visit Tokyo.

< Can you dig it? >===

Koreans and Chinese people try to figure out this abnormality from their own points of views (from their common senses and standards), and feel it is all wrong because this tranquility doesn’t fit into their feelings which come from their cultures and DNA.
“Probably Japanese people are suffering in attempt to become polite. They look so artificial and weird” is what Koreans and Chinese people come to conclude because that’s the only way they can understand it from their common sense and feelings.
However, this tranquility is what all Japanese people feel “Right” and “Comfortable”. The feeling which comes from their DNA is what determines their behaviors. For Koreans and Chinese, this tranquility is very uncomfortable. That’s why when Chinese and especially Korean people are told “tranquility is what makes Japanese people comfortable”, Koreans angrily blast “You Japanese are liars! How can tranquility possibly make people feel comfortable!? Stop lying!” because Koreans are thinking “We are all the same humans! If we Koreans feel uncomfortable, Japanese will feel the same way! Chinese are the same as we do! Stop lying Japanese!” If I said “It is genetic and cultural difference” Koreans would say “You are racist! Fascist! Far-right wing! Shame on you!”  They just can’t accept differences by nationality. Even a lot of Japanese people are the same being as ignorant as Koreans. If I pointed out the difference by nationality, Japanese people would say “You are racist! We are all the same humans!” although the number of Japanese people who started to think the same way I do has been drastically increasing for the last couple of years.

If it is only for a moment of traveling Japan, Koreans and Chinese will accept it as an interesting experience to bring back home and share the experience with their friends for fun talk. But if they had to live like that back in their home country, they would definitely feel it unbearable and suffering.

I am not saying Japanese are right or better but I am saying “Feeling right” varies depending on nationality. Oftentimes the factor is coming from DNA which was deeply engraved by the regional history and culture.

Unlike China and Korea which have the long history of robbing killing stealing and cheating on each other by many ethnic groups, Japan has been an isolated island merely ever invaded by any country. That's why Japanese people's feeling and the way of thinking (needless to say the values and morals) are totally different or oftentimes opposite from Koreans and Chinese.

(A little detour)

 There was news in English communities before reported some restaurants and bars in Japan had a signboard that said “No Foreigners Please!”  It is understandable once you get to know “We are not the same humans”. Japanese people have tendency to prefer quietness (especially elderlies) so it is best to provide CHOICES for both types of people.
Those tourists especially Chinese and Koreans are noisy talking like a thunder should enjoy their time at a place where people can talk loud (Place like “Izakaya”). But those native Japanese prefer quietness should also enjoy their time at a place where only Japanese people are allowed to enter. This is the solution to protect human rights of both types of people. You just can’t impose one sided standard onto others especially you can’t impose foreign standard onto native Japanese people in Japan. Otherwise, people will suffer from having their rights violated. Separation is the solution to provide choices for both kinds of people. If you smoke, you should select a place where you can smoke. Just like that.

This is one of the examples of “We are all the same humans! If I feel right, other people will feel the same way so that I can share (impose) my feeling with all people in the world!” is all wrong.
See? How ignorant and thus becoming selfish Globalists are?

In Part-3, I will explain quoting actual cases how Japan failed Globalism.
(Continues to Part-3)

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