Sunday, June 24, 2018

<<People are different by nationality=FIFA Soccer version>>

Are you guys watching FIFA World Soccer held in Russia?
In Japanese web community it is becoming a hot topic because Japanese team is doing well so far.
On the other hand, there are people psychotically being jealous of Japanese success as usual. You know who I am talking about. It’s Korean. (Hahaha)

Anyway, as usual, Korean soccer players committed so much foul play and they are honorably ranked the highest among of all countries by the foul play ranking. See the attached images. (Hahaha)

Koreans aren’t playing sports but they are always concentrating on physically injuring their opponents.
When Korea and Mexico played the game on June 22, Korean players committed foul play 24 times while Mexico did only 7 times.
It was AS USUAL very nasty Koreans. And so much critical comments about Korea flooded on Twitter. See the attached pictures? (Hahaha)

What bothers us is a lot of people in the world think that Koreans are similar to Japanese getting cheated by false information.

<Why Japanese are so different from Koreans?>

On June 9th, Record China (Web News) reported about a hot topic in web community in South Korea.
The title was “Why Japanese people don’t steal? We Koreans are envying the quality of Japanese people”
This was the topic propped up in Korean web community and Korean people were reacting to it.

Nowadays, the most tourists visiting Japan are Koreans and Chinese.
And this Korean, who has visited Japan, explained the impression about Japan.
She said “Japanese people seem to love flowers. They have flower pots in front of their houses. It was so beautiful! But at the same time, I got jealous of Japan because of the fact that nobody stole flowers”.
She continued “I have placed a flower pot outside to give it direct sunshine before but if it was a small pot, people stole it, when it was a large pot, people stole only flowers.”

Then, Korean people replied comments like “In South Korea, if you put a flower pot outside, it would be stolen 100% for sure!” “I have tried to grow flowers in my garden, but all flowers ended up getting stolen by elderlies of my neighbor.”

=(Source; Record China)====================

In the era of internet, oftentimes people are misled by false information. But seeing is believing. That’s why I try to show you pictures (evidences) instead of testimonies which can be false especially if it was made by Koreans.

Korean people are raised to believe “Japanese are the same as Koreans!” by their parents but when they visited Japan, they all got stunned by the absolute differences in front of their eyes.
Everything in Japan is opposite from Korean society. Koreans are even far more different from Japanese than Chinese.
I think it is important for all of us to know the differences by nationality instead of holding onto a delusion (groundless prejudice and bias) “We are all the same humans!” while ignoring facts and reality.

East Asians are very different from each other, especially Japanese are, unlike Europeans or Westerners who have so much similarity in common sense.

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