Thursday, June 28, 2018

 About 90% of people living in Japan are Japanese. If the theory of "All people are the same humans!" was correct, then the ratio of Japanese felony prisoner in Japan would have to be the same ratio as the 90% because that much Japanese are living in Japan dominantly. However, in reality Japanese felony prisoners in Japan are only 3%. More than 50% of murderers in Japan are Korean pedigree (meaning one out of two murderers in Japan), and 33% of murderers are Chinese (meaning one out of three murderers in Japan).

 If you were British and supposedly belonged to the group of 3% in jails in your country, and most of felony criminals in jails happened to be Italians and Germans, could you possibly say "We are the same Westerner! There are good and bad people in any country!" while looking at your number 3%? Moreover, if Germans and Italians were Anti-British and constantly fabricating FAKE history trying to demonize British while they try to cover up their ongoing malicious invasions and ignoring human rights, you would probably say “No, we are not the same! Don’t call us Westerner and generalize European into one group!” But in reality, Europeans are relatively similar to each other unlike North East Asians.

 I don't think it is appropriate to use the word "Asian" while generalizing Japanese, Korean and Chinese because the difference is too huge to generalize them into one group. Koreans and Chinese are very much similar and resembling to each other because Korea was a part of China until recently. So it is okay to generalize Koreans and Chinese as one group.

 My point is, it is very important to ask "What kind of Asian are you?" when you see East Asians because this is exactly what all Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans are doing to each other when they first meet each other.
Nationality difference in North East Asia is huge. So you always have to specify the name of nationality instead of calling them "Asian" to make it blur as though there is no differences.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

<<People are different by nationality=FIFA Soccer version>>

Are you guys watching FIFA World Soccer held in Russia?
In Japanese web community it is becoming a hot topic because Japanese team is doing well so far.
On the other hand, there are people psychotically being jealous of Japanese success as usual. You know who I am talking about. It’s Korean. (Hahaha)

Anyway, as usual, Korean soccer players committed so much foul play and they are honorably ranked the highest among of all countries by the foul play ranking. See the attached images. (Hahaha)

Koreans aren’t playing sports but they are always concentrating on physically injuring their opponents.
When Korea and Mexico played the game on June 22, Korean players committed foul play 24 times while Mexico did only 7 times.
It was AS USUAL very nasty Koreans. And so much critical comments about Korea flooded on Twitter. See the attached pictures? (Hahaha)

What bothers us is a lot of people in the world think that Koreans are similar to Japanese getting cheated by false information.

<Why Japanese are so different from Koreans?>

On June 9th, Record China (Web News) reported about a hot topic in web community in South Korea.
The title was “Why Japanese people don’t steal? We Koreans are envying the quality of Japanese people”
This was the topic propped up in Korean web community and Korean people were reacting to it.

Nowadays, the most tourists visiting Japan are Koreans and Chinese.
And this Korean, who has visited Japan, explained the impression about Japan.
She said “Japanese people seem to love flowers. They have flower pots in front of their houses. It was so beautiful! But at the same time, I got jealous of Japan because of the fact that nobody stole flowers”.
She continued “I have placed a flower pot outside to give it direct sunshine before but if it was a small pot, people stole it, when it was a large pot, people stole only flowers.”

Then, Korean people replied comments like “In South Korea, if you put a flower pot outside, it would be stolen 100% for sure!” “I have tried to grow flowers in my garden, but all flowers ended up getting stolen by elderlies of my neighbor.”

=(Source; Record China)====================

In the era of internet, oftentimes people are misled by false information. But seeing is believing. That’s why I try to show you pictures (evidences) instead of testimonies which can be false especially if it was made by Koreans.

Korean people are raised to believe “Japanese are the same as Koreans!” by their parents but when they visited Japan, they all got stunned by the absolute differences in front of their eyes.
Everything in Japan is opposite from Korean society. Koreans are even far more different from Japanese than Chinese.
I think it is important for all of us to know the differences by nationality instead of holding onto a delusion (groundless prejudice and bias) “We are all the same humans!” while ignoring facts and reality.

East Asians are very different from each other, especially Japanese are, unlike Europeans or Westerners who have so much similarity in common sense.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

<<Influence of Media>>

There seems to be a lot of people are in shock finding out Anthony Bourdain’s death.
I am one of those who are mourning over Anthony's death.
I’ve quoted his videos and articles many times in my blog before when explaining Japanese culture.
It is really sad when you find out your favorite icon has unpredictably and suddenly gone.
Mr. Bourdain is famous also in Japan. He wrote and published many books in Japanese.
A lot of Japanese people including Sushi chefs are tweeting their sadness over Bourdain’s death on the internet.

Below are well-known Bourdain’s comments that are getting attention now.
If I knew I was going to die tomorrow morning I’d probably be eating some really high-end sushi tonight,” he said.
Ideally, my last meal would be at Sukiyabashi Jiro, a tiny sushi bar below street level in Tokyo. It serves some of the finest quality sushi anywhere on the planet,” he wrote.
I think I’d prefer to die like an old lion — to crawl away into the bushes where no one can see me draw my last breath. But in this case, I’d crawl away to a seat in front of this beautiful hinoki wood sushi bar, where three-Michelin starred Jiro Ono would make me a 22- or 23-course omakase tasting menu,” he added.

Rest in peace, Anthony Bourdain.

Damn! I can’t believe my favorite TV host is gone now!

 Speaking of Mr.Bourdain, he was a guide letting ignorant people in the world know the whole different world and experiences of taste on his programs.
He raised the curiosity of those who have unquenchable appetite for wisdom and taste.
However, as far as I know, that kind of trend began back in 1993 when Japan started TV program called “Iron Chef”. This program made people look at chefs in awe with deep respect.

People in US know this program because “Iron Chef America” began from 2005 and its program is still on the air.

You might get surprised if you get to know that there are many US TV programs that are originated from Japan.
I attached the sample images.


<The era Japanese TV programs were created by Japanese>

Back in 80s and 90s, Japanese TV programs were really innovative and fun to watch.
Nowadays, people in Japan don’t watch TV anymore because it is boring.
Around year 90s, Japanese TV stations hired a lot of Koreans. And those Koreans, as they got promoted higher positions, started to hire only Koreans mostly their relatives and friends. Soon those major TV stations got taken over by Anti-Japanese pedigree of Koreans.
Because Koreans hired Korean based on their Anti-Japanese pedigree, talented Japanese people weren’t employed. As the result, Japanese TV stations ended up being unable to produce anything new due to the horde of incompetent employees.
This is the consequences of emphasizing pedigree (racism) instead of ability.

The same thing happened to Japanese Cinema industry. Korean man became a chairman of Japan Film Association. And Japanese films became horrible. We find so many Korean movie directors nowadays. And needless to say, those movies are unworthy to watch.
The only sacred entertainment in Japan, which hasn’t been contaminated by Korean, is Anime industry.
Animation, unlike movies, is produced by the creator so no one can tamper the original story and casts whereas in movies, Korean director can select only Korean actors and distort the original scenario for the sake of Koreans.

I hear complaints about Mexican immigrants in US, but at least Mexicans don’t take over US companies while eliminating Americans, right? Mexicans are not pedigree-oriented people, right? Moreover, Mexicans are not Anti-US people.

What can we do about intensely pedigree-oriented Anti-Japanese Korean immigrants (called “Zainichi”) in Japan? We have a whole different level of problem about immigrants. Although, I have to emphasize this problem is only limited to Korean pedigree. No other immigrants are doing such a horrible thing in Japan.

You might wonder “What about Chinese immigrants in Japan?” Well, Japanese media (TV industries and newspapers) are occupied by Korean pedigree. And Koreans hate Chinese people because some of them don’t have Anti-Japanese hatred like Koreans. Koreans would get in trouble if Chinese employee insisted “You shouldn’t do that!” when Korean employees tried to broadcast fake news to raise Anti-Japanese hatred. Therefore, those Japanese media don’t hire Chinese immigrants in their industries for the purpose of limiting only to their Korean pedigree. So they can safely commit cheating and raising Anti-Japanese hatred by the same Korean pedigree.

The only Japanese media, as far as I know, employing Chinese is a TV station called “NHK”.
NHK is the representative Japanese media but most of employees are Korean pedigree and some Chinese. I know this because I have my own information checked it myself.

That’s about it for today.

The series of “The Only in Korea” will continue with more amazing photos and evidences in part-4 and 5.  I am working on it.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

<<Only in Korea Part-3>>

Continuing from Part-2

Below are the contents of Part-3

1.    <Japan invaded Korea. True or false>

2.    <Slavery Society Korea>

3.    <What is Ryangban?>

In part 3 & 4, I’m going to talk about very crucial evidences to prove all current Koreans history is 100% FAKE.

In the part-1, I proved Korea had been a part of China until Japan made it independent from China a little over 100 years ago.
This is the most important fact when talking anything about Korean history because all Korean FAKE history today is based on the fantasy (a lie) that Korea had been independent country until Japan invaded Korea. However, it is opposite in reality. Japan was the country which made Korea independent from Chinese invasion (nightmare) that lasted for thousands of years. Yes, Japan was a savior for all Koreans.
Although all Koreans today psychotically reject the idea that Korea was a part of China as though Demon or Dracula refuses a garlic and Holy water, but fact is fact with hard evidences. No one should distort the actual history.

If you have an encounter with Koreans talking about their history, you should tell them “What about the Independence Gate, the huge chunk of stone monument that sits in South Korea today? From which country Korea became independent? And who made Korea independent?” If Korean in front of you tries to avoid to answer these questions, you should realize that you are wasting your time with a typical (means more than 90% of ) Korean who is a very dishonest cheater.
Don’t waste your time but just walk away from the typical Koreans.

=<<Japan invaded Korea. True or false>>============

I listed up some of Korean lies you will hear when you encounter with Koreans.
I will prove that everything you’ll hear from Koreans mouth is a lie.

<Korean Lie 1>

“Japan killed Korean Queen and that’s how Japan accomplished invading Korea”
You will hear this lie from Koreans.
This fake story was created based on the fantasy that Korea had been independent throughout history until Japan invaded Korea.

This is a ridiculous lie. Korean Queen Myung-Sung was killed in October 1895 by her Korean subordinate. It was Korean King and his son who witnessed the murderer. And after the incident, Korean King sent an assassin for retaliation. And the subordinate got killed by the assassin eventually.
Japanese officials were right there at the scene when Korean Queen was killed and they documented what took place in details.
Korean King and his son were protected by Japan afterward.

See? It is all opposite from Korean’s testimony, right? Koreans try to avoid giving any comment on Korean King because their history is based on a lie so they can’t explain anything about the lives of Korean King and his son because Koreans don’t know or have any interest in Korean King and his son.
All Korean people care about is that the history has to always complete Japan as absolute Evil. That is what matters for all Koreans. None of Koreans cares about fact and evidences because none of Koreans wants to know their actual history.
All Koreans are allergic to the evidences and facts so they psychotically reject to admit their actual history. (You’ll literally feel like talking to a psycho when discussing history with Koreans. All Koreans reject evidences and documents but psychotically repeat to tell the fake history without any evidence as though attempting to cast a spell on you.)

Besides, if Japan had an intention to invade Korea by killing Korean Queen, then Japan had to invade Korea right after Japan-China War but as you can see in the time table, Japan kept refusing to annex Korea for 13 long years after the war despite Japan could invade Korea if it wanted to. (See the time table attached)

Then, “Why Korean people needed to kill Korean Queen?” is the question you need to have at this point now. I will let you know why later. There was a really good reason for them.

<Korean Lie 2>

 You will hear this, “Korean people fought against Japanese Invasion!”
This is partly true but at the same time, it is a lie because they are distorting the fact from reality. Japan NEVER invaded Korea. I will prove it now.

I have been telling in my blog that Korean people asked and begged Japan to make Korea a part of Japan. But at the same time, I admit that there was a fight between Japan and Koreans.
You will go, “You have a discrepancy! Why Koreans fought against Japan if Koreans wanted to be a part of Japan? You don’t make sense at all!”
Right. You’ll get confused if you don’t know the details.

What you don’t know is that Koreans weren’t just one group of civilians but were divided into many classes as a slavery society.

=<Slavery Society Korea>============================

Please take a look at the attached image. I drew a map of ancient Korean society.

As you can see, Korea was a slavery society before Japan gave civilization to Koreans a little over 100 years ago.
In Korean society, the top class was Joseon (Korean King and Queen) dominating the entire country. It was autocracy just like North Korea today.

North Korea and South Korea had been the same one country until the end of 2nd World War (1945). So if you’d like to imagine what Korea was like in the ancient time, you should look at the current North Korea. North Korea is very close to the condition of ancient Korea. So don’t get cheated by Korean FAKE history dramas.

2nd class was Korean nobles called “Ryangbang”.
3rd class was civilians.
4th class was slaves born from incest.

=<What is Ryangban?>======

Ryangban was like a class of nobles exploiting civilians.
In today’s Korean FAKE history dramas, Ryangban is depicted as though the great Korean culture (all Koreans were beautiful and happy) but in reality, they were nothing but were just cruel monsters and thieves. (There was no good Korean historically)
All Koreans were preying on everyone weaker than themselves. Even those civilians had slaves to prey on.
Ryangband was like equal to the current North Korean officials.

It is irony Ryangban was the most hated class of Korean society by all Koreans in history, but because there is nothing to be proud of as genuine Korean culture due to the horrible slavery culture, all Korean people today make a lie and brag how wonderful Ryangban was referring to Korean FAKE history dramas, despite in reality Ryangban was all causes of misery for Korean people in their history.

There are many ancient documents, pictures and books available today that were written by Westerners who wrote about Ryangban when visited Korea.
Unlike Japan, none of historical documents ever described Korea (Ryangban) as a good country, but all documents and books mutually described that Korea was the most horrible country. If you look at North Korea today, you can at least imagine what ancient Korea was like. Only ancient Korea was hundreds of times more horrible than current North Korea.

==(Ancient document-1)============================

“The class of Korean nobles will be the most oppressive and arrogant in the world.
Ryangban nobles are everywhere and anywhere behaving like a dictator or tyrant.
They send errands to capture business men or farmers to extort money.
If business men or farmers obeyed to give money, they would let them go but if resisted, those errands would take them back to the house of Ryanban and whip heir asses until they agreed to give money.

Ryangban nobles oftentimes disguise their robbery while they pretend to borrow lands from farmers. However, Ryangban nobles have never returned anything to the owners before. And worst of all, there was no man or officer to stop Ryangban nobles from committing robbery.

 If Ryangban noble can get a Government post, he owes obligation to support the lives of all his relatives as unconditional Korean traditional custom.
If he doesn’t follow this rule, his relatives would visit his office when he was absent, and demand money to his subordinate. If he refused, the relatives would tie his arms and legs to give torturing until they can get money.

Even if an officer found out about it, the officer would simply ignore it because he might be the same before assuming the officer. And if he lost his position, he knew he would do the same thing.”
(Written by Mari Nicole Anton Wabui Bishop published in Paris in 1874)
You can read the part of the book in Japanese language from the link below

I will finish Part-3 at this point before you run out your concentration.
In Part-4, I will show you more evidences about Korean slavery society and also about the fact Korean people desperately begged Japan to make Korea a part of Japan.
You will see many photos of actual Korean men who wanted to civilize Korea from slavery society of China.

You will hear Koreans say “Japan is going to invade Korea again!” but it wasn’t Japan’s will to annex the horrible country Korea (No Japanese wanted to have any part of Korea) but it was the strong will of most of Koreans who wanted to destroy slavery society of China and to whitewash all genuine Korean culture by themselves.
(Japan annexed "Taiwan" immediately after the Japan-China War. You have to have a question at this point "Why Taiwan was Okay while Korea was No No for Japan? Why Japan refused to annex Korea?")

Even today, all Koreans are voluntarily whitewashing their original Korean culture, which is similar to Chinese culture, while fabricating FAKE new Korean culture to cheat on all people into believing that there were some cultural connections between Japan and Korea despite there was none in the past.

People shouldn’t get cheated by Koreans anymore.

(Continues to Part-4)