Sunday, March 11, 2018

<< Can you generalize people by nationality? >>

While I have been busy for my work, there have been many things happening in East Asia. It is nothing to be surprised about when you know what kind of people living in North East Asia.
This time, I am going to talk about news of North and South Korea, the most problematic countries and people in Asia.

As soon as Winter Olympic game (which was nothing but only an event to give death threats and insults to all people in the world by Koreans) was over on February 25, South Korean people got back to their ordinal condition, which means they got back to psychotic Korean obsession desperately wanting to insult and hurt Japanese people with full of uncontrollable hatred and jealous that come from their mental disease. (Hahaha)

Only two days after the closing event of Winter Olympic game was held in South Korea, Korean newspapers unanimously announced to the whole world including United Nation that they finally found undeniable evidence to prove that Japanese Army committed holocaust against Korean Comfort Women.
All Korean newspapers megaphoned this news to the whole world, which was actually not the first time but second time, as though they had been almost to the point of becoming nuts waiting for the moment while patiently trying to suppress their uncontrollable urge to want to spread this news all over the world.
The evidence is, a documentary film recorded by United States Army.
According to Korean newspapers, City of Seoul (capital city of South Korea) and Human rights Center of Seoul University showed a documentary film at the international conference of Comfort Women of Japanese Army on February 27. Participants were specialists from Japan, China, and South Korea.

Below is my translation of Korean Newspaper in Japanese language into English.
I cropped up the critical parts of the report.
The 19 seconds film was recorded by United States Army in late September of 1944 at Yunnan Province of China. The document film has a description “Japanese Army gun-killed Korean comfort women on the night of September 13 in 1944” The film shows the pile of dead bodies of comfort women.

 In July 2017 last year, Korean research team found first documentary film of Comfort women.


I cropped the two critical parts of the news. One is second discovery report of holocaust allegedly committed by Japanese Army against Korean comfort women. Another one is about the first discovery of documentary film recording Comfort Women.
Some of you might have seen the first discovery film because it became headline news in English reported by major media such as Washington Post, New York Times, Japan Times, and all.
That’s how Korean people piled up FAKE evidences to cheat on all people in the world.
You’ll go, “Again? You Japanese (Right wing) deny the actual history even if the evidences are submitted in front of you?” My answer to you is, “You are too ignorant to believe Koreans are the same humans as you are”
Anything what Koreans submit as evidences are lies and fake. You’ll go “Oh, come on! Don’t generalize Koreans! You are racist! There are good and bad people in any country!” I say “You never can say that about Koreans. Koreans are different from any people in the world.” Before I prove that, let me explain about the fake Korean news.

< Fake Korean news-1>

 This time Korean University proudly announced second discovery of US Army documentary film. But our detective “Texas Daddy” immediately investigated the original film at National Archives outside Washington D.C and proved that Koreans were lying again. All descriptions about the film announced by Seoul University and Seoul City turned out to be 100% FAKE descriptions. They were, as usual, unabashedly announcing FAKE description about the film to the whole world to cheat on all humans.
If this kind of cheating was caught in Japan, the cheaters would be looked down on by all Japanese. However, no matter how many times Korean professors commit cheating, no Korean thinks anything against cheaters because all Koreans are cheaters.

You can watch Texas Daddy’s discovery on YouTube below.
==( Texas Daddy proves Koreans are lying)===

< Fake Korean news-2 >

 Regarding the first discovery of US Army film announced in July 2017, it was also complete FAKE news.
Our detective “Texas Daddy” again did a good job investigated the original film at National Archives outside Washington D.C.
The original description of the film says “Chinese Army captured Chinese girls (prostitutes)”. However, Korean media insisted that it was a first evidence to prove Japanese Army was forcing Korean women to become Sex Slaves. However, their insistence didn’t match the girls in the film and the description. As the matter of fact, it was polar opposite.
Those Chinese girls were voluntarily doing prostitution for Japanese Army. That’s why they looked down on the ground with scared look in front of Chinese soldiers in the film.
None of the Chinese girls looked happy at all despite Korean news insist Korean girls as sex slaves were rescued from Japanese Army.

You can watch Texas Daddy’s explanation on YouTube below.
==( Texas Daddy proves Koreans are lying)===

Again, when Koreans insist anything about their (FAKE) history, they always forget the facts that all Korean women were Japanese citizens (Japanese nationality) and Korean men were Japanese soldiers with guns and weapons. Their description about the history is all wrong right off the bat.
Taiwan was a part of Japan for 50 years. And Taiwanese are honest and good people unlike Koreans. Korea was a part of Japan only for 35 years but became super wealthy instantly while their population got doubled in such a short period of time under Japan’s investment. Yet, Koreans want to make a lie and pretend to be victims of Japan as though Japan and Korea were different countries and enemies to each other back then. Why Koreans are like that? Why Koreans are different from all people? There is a scientific answer for that.

< Why Koreans are different from all people? >

Recently I stumbled upon information that Michael Yon’s Facebook was suspended to post new comments by Facebook. Mr. Yon is famous American in Japanese web community because he is reporting what major media doesn’t report about East Asia.
Although his Facebook seems to be back to normal now but the reason why his Facebook was suspended was because he commented “Koreans get easily cheated by false information”
===( Michael Yon’s blog and Facebook)===

I think the reason behind suspending his Facebook account was “generalizing Korean people” but as I always insist in my blog, you can generalize Japanese, Korean, and Chinese because there is only one standard in those countries. I am not talking about individual personality but standard and common sense.
Korean people think and behave based on one standard. Japanese and Chinese have a little more diversity in standard but Koreans are very much unified into one standard.
That being said, there is a scientific answer to the question “Why Koreans are easily cheated by false information?”

 According to Korean newspaper reported on February 17 2017, National Health Institute in South Korea announced after investigating more than 10,000 Korean people that more than 90% of Korean people have cognitive impairment.
=( Source )==================

Cognitive impairment is a brain problem that once people think “This is it!”, people can’t let go of the thought despite there is no evidence to support it.
So once Korean people got cheated into believing “Japan destroyed our culture!” or “Japanese are absolute evil!” Korean people can’t let go the thought despite there are tons of evidences denying them.
So it is a condition of having strong prejudice and bias without any ground or evidence. And no one or nothing can convince Koreans once they believe it

In addition to having cognitive impairment as the cause of their genetic factor, Koreans are all raised to become cheaters by their parents and grandparents. Therefore, Korean University professors tend to fabricate one fake history after another to cheat on all Koreans. And Koreans get cheated by them and can’t let go the thought due to cognitive impairment. Koreans are now angry again about Japan while believing FAKE evidences fabricated by Seoul University and Seoul City.

Koreans cheat on Koreans. And once Koreans get cheated, they can’t let it go because of their genetic reason. (Proven by National Health Institute of South Korea)

Regarding cheating Korean culture (standard), I reported it in my blog before.
Since 2016, Koreans haven’t been allowed to have US exams by themselves.
SAT ACT, all US University exams have to be handled by all American officials. Koreans including Korean officials of the exams, may not even touch the examination papers.

==( Country of cheaters Korea)==========

Don’t you think it is amazing? You might have thought “Generalizing people by nationality is racist” but ALL Koreans are banned marriage with people in many countries by law because all Koreans can kill women easily. And all Koreans may not even touch the examination papers because ALL Koreans are cheaters. (Hahaha)
In other word, you can’t say “There are good and bad people in any country” but you have to generalize Koreans and say “All Koreans are bad people”. At least that is the conclusion those US and Asian countries have. (Hahaha)

I know not all Koreans are like that. But main stream of Koreans, which is about 90% of Koreans, behave under one standard unanimously. That’s why you find very abnormal behavior only among Koreans such as constantly imposing their FAKE history without any evidences onto you. And Koreans can never stop it because it comes from their genetic factor.

You see, humans can communicate with dogs and cats and understand each other without languages but humans can never communicate or understand each other with Koreans despite using languages because Korean people have cognitive impairment. (Hahaha)

Next, I will talk about recent politics of North and South Korea. Please keep in your mind what I explained today. Everything about North and South Korea has to be filtered through this Korean genetic factor to analyze North and South Korean issues that include Nuke missiles and fake history of Sexual Slavery.

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