Thursday, December 20, 2018

I will post my opinion about the war against Globalism but before that, please click the link below and watch the video from Dr. Steve Turley.

I found him on YouTube about a few weeks ago. And he is narrating what is going on in Europe and US.
Those of you who have been brainwashed by media should watch his video.
He doesn’t brainwash you but only narrating the matter of truth as though a real journalist.
There are things major media intentionally blocks or shuns away from important issues so that the small number of people working behind media thinks they can continue manipulating the world.

Dr. Turley isn’t judging good or bad but just stating the condition of phenomenon against Globalism.

<UN Global Compact>

There is one more remarkable statement from Italian parliament regarding “UN Global Compact”

From 2 minutes 50 seconds, She says “The Migration Compact is exactly what is needed by those who have used illegal immigrants in recent decades to complete the grand plan of financial speculation to deprive nations and people of their identity. Because without roots you’re a slave, and when you’re a slave you serve the interests of Soros.”

Please don’t miss out on her speech also.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

There is a war going on in Europe beginning from France and then throughout their neighbors. It is all about the war against Globalism. Tricky Media is trying not to focus on the actual issue because Media is the one which has been manipulating and brainwashing the world into believing as though "Globalism is good. Let's label anyone who can detect differences by nationality as Evil"

The era of media as a cult leader is over now.
I want to let you hear my opinion as I am native Japanese who used to live in Los Angeles.
My opinion is something you have never heard of in English community so it will be interesting to hear for you.
I will post it in the next one.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

<< News from Asia >>

=< News from China >================

There was an assault against Consulate-General of China in Pakistan by an armed group on November 23rd according to Asahi News.
The suspects shot guns at the entrance of the Consulate and used a grenade which resulted in 4 deaths of Police and civilians.
The very next day from the incident, the leader of the armed group sent a video to Asahi News (Japanese newspaper). In the video, the armed group announced a statement “China, which is scheming to exploit our country and use our land for their military purpose, should withdraw immediately!”
It is said the statement was declaring to attack Chinese related facilities by the three suspects.  

=( Source )========================

AIIB (Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank)
Another news from Mainichi Shinbun (Japanese newspaper) dated November 27.
It seems there is a huge concern over Chinese loan (AIIB) beginning to form among Asian countries for their debts are bloating up.
According to the report announced in March by Center for Global Development, which is a nonprofit think tank based in Washington D.C, 23 out of 68 countries are at the risk of being unable to pay off the debts loaned by China (AIIB).
8 out of 68 countries, which include Pakistan, Djibouti, Maldives, are at the very high risk of being unable to pay off the debts.

=( Source )========================

On December 7th, British Newspaper Guardian reported about how China spreads their propaganda thru global network. You can see it in the attached image.
This news was reported thru Japanese web community and Japanese people were laughing a lot including myself because “Mainichi Shimbun” was named as the pivot of Chinese propaganda in Japan. (Hahaha)
Japanese people’s reactions were “Why not Asahi Shimbun?” “Asahi Shimbun represents North and South Korea” “Asahi Shimbun is run by Koreans”
Mainichi is also known among Japanese people as it represents Korea and China and Anti-Japanese propaganda newspaper.
=( Source )========================

When you have Korean and Chinese in your country, it is inevitable your country becomes brainwashed by Chinese and Koreans. They make fake news and fake evidences all the time to manipulate gullible people (especially Liberals and Good Samaritans).
Cheating is the core of their cultures. You need to know that before saying “We are all the same humans! There are good and bad people in any country!”
Chinese and Koreans don’t trust their people because they know Chinese and Koreans are cheaters and thieves. So if you have to deal with Chinese and Koreans, you have to know their common sense and treat them as they do to themselves each other.

There are many reports about Chinese companies opening their business accounts in Japan recently because Chinese people love and trust “Made in Japan” or Japanese companies so those Chinese companies producing their products in China open their business accounts in Japan and sell their products as “Japanese Companies” in China.
In other words, Chinese people are buying Chinese products from Chinese people while thinking “This is from Japan. We can trust!”  It’s a Chinese scam! (Hahaha)

=( Source )========================

A lot of Koreans are also opening their business accounts in Japan to acquire “Japanese brands”

This kind of cheating culture from China and Korea you have to know before accepting them as immigrants in your country.

< News from South Korea >================

 According to Chosun Nilbo (Korean Daily News) reported on December 15, there are continual demonstrations around the building where COP 24 is held in Poland.
COP 24 is an international conference of global treaty for climate change supported by United Nations.
Those demonstrators (NRDC from US, NGO from Philippines etc.,) are protesting against South Korea for it is the culprit of global warming due to generating a lot of CO2 by using coal fired power plants

=( Source )========================

You might have heard China has severe air pollution but South Korea is similar or even worse than China in air pollution.
A lot of people in South Korea become pneumonia at the rate of undeveloped countries.
It is partly because South Korea heavily relies on coal for power plants and all.
But the reason why South Korea relies on coal is obvious. Coal is a very cheap source of energy South Korea can buy from their secret ally of North Korea.
It was confirmed by Police in South Korea in August this year that North Korea was exporting coal via Russian route to South Korea in order to avoid UN sanctions.
South Korea is the only country insisting to lift sanctions against North Korea.

=< Ally or Enemy? >===========

 Did you know US resumed to give sanctions against Iran in early November because Iran was suspected to be developing mass destruction weapons? Just like North Korea, Iran became the target of sanctions for the same reason by US.

Now, here is interesting news from AFP reported on December 2nd. According to AFP, South Korean government made an agreement with Iran on December 1st, that South Korea would help support Iran by buying petroleum. However, in order to avoid criticism from US, South Korea is paying not with money but by exchanging things (products) as a barter trade deal.

=( Source )=============================

It seems that South Korea is more aggressive against US than China or any country despite South Korea is an ally to US. Whenever an enemy for US appears, South Korea will always be on the other side of US to help support US’s enemy.

< More funny news from South Korea >=========

 According to Chosun Nilbo (Korean Daily News) reported on December 13, South Korean Presidential airplane was confirmed to be included in the targets of US sanctions against North Korea.
It was when South Korean President was scheduling to visit Argentina for G20 conference (beginning from December 1st) via Los Angeles airport, South Korean government found out that Presidential airplane was in the list of US sanctions against North Korea and couldn’t land in Los Angeles. (Hahaha)

A reporter from Korean Daily News questioned a spokesperson Kim from South Korean government whether Presidential airplane was in the list of US sanctions or not. And Mr. Kim replied “Please ask US government for the accurate answer” So the reporter asked US government the same question and it answered “Please ask South Korean Embassy in US”
The reporter says “It’s like playing ping-pong (table tennis) between US and South Korea” (Hahaha)
Both sides are avoiding to give any comment about it. And I think that says it all.

=( Source )=======================

I am still writing the series of “Only in Korea” when I have a time. And it is really good evidence Korea has always been betraying and cheating on everybody historically.
That’s their nature and culture. As imposters they cheat and manipulate all countries in the world. When Koreans get together with people from Chinese government, that’s when they become really nasty and tricky. Again, it is their cultures so I think we have to learn it instead of complaining because people can never become the same due to the differences from historical backgrounds and geographical conditions.
That’s all for today!

Saturday, December 8, 2018

I want to post  quick news here today.
< News 1 >
 I stumbled upon information written by Mr. Kent Gilbert.
It seems that Japan Times (aka “Anti Japan Times” among Japanese people) made an announcement in their editorial on November 30th that they admitted using wrong terms which could mislead their readers.
=( Source )=================

Below is what JT stated in their editorial.
Editor's note: in the past, The Japan Times has used terms that could have been potentially misleading. The term "forced labor" has been used to refer to laborers who were recruited before and during World War II to work for Japanese companies.
However, because the conditions they worked under or how these workers were recruited varied, we will henceforth refer to them as "wartime laborers."

Similarly, "comfort women" have been referred to as "women who were forced to provide sex for Japanese troops before and during World War II."
Because the experiences of comfort women in different areas throughout the course of the war varied widely, from today, we will refer to "comfort women" as "women who worked in wartime brothels, including those who did so against their will, to provide sex to Japanese soldiers."

So this is what I call “The Age of Discovery”.
People will start sobering up from FAKE history fabricated by the country of imposters.

< News 2 >
 It is time to face real history.
According to Sankei news, a former British Foreign Minister announced that South Korea should apologize to the sex slave victims by South Korean soldiers. And British civil activist Peter Carol established a charity organization to help save tens of thousands of orphans who were born from Vietnamese mothers sex-slaved by South Korean soldiers during Vietnam War.

I checked their official website. Below is what they state in their website.
< Who are the Lai Dai Han? >
The “Lai Dai Han” are the tens of thousands of children of Vietnamese women raped by South Korean soldiers during the Vietnam War. Between 1964 and 1973, some 320,000 South Korean soldiers were deployed to Vietnam to fight alongside the United States.

Some of the women that were raped or experienced sexual violence were as young as 12 or 13 at the time, and more than 800 victims are still alive. Today, as a result of the rape and sexual violence that took place, tens of thousands of young adults of mixed Vietnamese-Korean heritage live in the shadows of Vietnamese society.

Many of the Lai Dai Han and their families live in severe poverty, cannot read or write and do not have access to social services, such as health care and education. The Government of South Korea has never recognized the sexual violence that took place and has never apologized for the crimes of its soldiers.

No matter how much piling up fake history, Koreans can’t get away from their actual history and crimes they committed in their past.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

<< A Country of Imposters >>

I got information from my reader about Mr. Michael Yon who recently released his new book “The facts of Comfort Women”
The book cover says “finding out the lies of China and South Korea”
It is written in Japanese language.
Japanese people already know Comfort Women (aka Sexual Slavery) is 100% fake story but those who can’t read Japanese language don’t know the truth. I hope he will publish English versions soon.

=) Japanese version is available at Amazon)============

I know there are still stubborn believers who would like to think that there was sexual slavery by Japanese Army which was consisted by Korean men, Taiwanese men, and Japanese men.
Koreans and those seemingly members of Chinese government began to insist that there was sexual slavery even before 2nd World War during the annexation.
Those, who would like to believe Japan did sexual slavery, have a similar excuse to support their opinion since there is no single evidence to prove their story. That is, “No evidence doesn’t mean there wasn’t sexual slavery. There might have been, even if there is no evidence today”.
“Might be” can only be said if the people who testify are not imposters.

< Logic behind “There might have been”>=======

All new stories about Japanese Army created recently which include Sexual Slavery are based on the logic as follow. “There was no witness. That’s why no one knew about it until now. “There was no one other than Japanese people in Korea back then. That’s why Japanese people are trying to hide it. Japanese soldiers sex-slaved Korean women and killed them in order to delete the evidence!”
This is a whole new story recently fabricated by Koreans.

=< Undeniable hard evidence >===========

Let’s see the reality with evidences once and for all.
Please take a look at the attached image.
I drew the time table of Korean history.

First of all, did you know Japan and British were allies to each other before 2nd World War?
If you didn’t, please go ahead and check the link below.

=)Anglo Japan Alliance)=============================

As you can see, British had been an ally to Japan before and during the annexation of Korea. So British and the whole world knew exactly what was going on in Korea.
British US and international communities were there to approve when Korea requested Japan for the annexation (merger).
It wasn’t an invasion but a request from Korea and the international communities approved it. There was no hassle and tussle between Koreans and Japanese when Korea was merged into Japan.

Anyway, all current Koreans insist “Japan did this and that!” is based on the theory “Nobody knew it!” but as you can see, everything was open to international community before and during the annexation of Korea. So you know every single insistence Korean people have today is crumbling before the fact that British was an ally to Japan and the whole world was monitoring Korea and Japan during the annexation.

You might want to say “What about the time after British-Japan alliance was over? From 1923 till 45, for 22 years Korea had been still a part of Japan. Who knew what was going on during the time?”

Okay. Please check out the documentary films recorded during the time after British-Japan alliance was over.

< Evidence 1 >======

Even 8 years after Japan and British canceled the alliance, American Journalist James Fitzpatrick was appraising in his documentary film how Japan was taking good care of Korea. In his film, he is narrating “A typical Korean man who declines to admit the superiority of Japan’s intellectual and moral culture over his own” meaning Fitzpatrick was asking the Korean man about Japanese moral culture while insisting Japan was superior.
 Fitzpatrick is narrating in the film that Japan introduced curfew to Korean society for the safety of WOMEN (meaning to protect women from Korean men).

=)Documentary Filmed in 1931)======================

< Evidence 2 >======

Just one year before 2nd World War beginning, the following film was documented by Swedish Diplomat Thor Wiestlandt in Korea. It is proving how well Japan took good care of Korea.

=)Documentary Filmed in 1938)======================

Even after the alliance was over, Westerners were living and monitoring Korea because Japan had no reason to hide anything from the world.

<During 2nd World War>=======

What happened during 6 years of 2nd World War was already proven by US Army and United Nation that there were no illegal activities such as sexual slavery by Japanese Army.
Korean people never can say “There was no witness!” because everybody was watching what Japanese Army did in Asia. And those Korean prostitutes chasing after Japanese Army were captured by US Army during the war and their testimonies were documented in the interview.
They said “We are very happy making a lot of money. We miss Japanese soldiers” while putting on gold rings and necklaces.
All documented by United Nation before Far East Trial (Tokyo Trial). And none of brothel owner was punished during the trial because it was all legal prostitution. And majority of comfort women (about 80%) were Japanese women.

If you want the details and evidences, you can read my back number from the link below


 And, the most important of all, “Even today, there is no testimony from Korean men who could possibly witness Sexual Slavery by Japanese Army which Korean men belonged to”.
Isn’t this weird? Only several self-proclaimed Korean comfort women are insisting the story but no Korean man ever testified witnessing the sexual slavery at all despite Koreans today claim that there were more than 200 thousand Korean women forced to be sex slaves. Where were Korean men during the annexation?? Why there is no witness from all Korean people except the several self-proclaimed Comfort women?
There were many foreign embassies in Japan. And those Westerners could freely visit and live in Korea anytime at their will since Korea was a part of Japan.
Then, how could British and all Westerners living in Korea possibly not notice 200 thousands of abductions and sexual slavery going on in Korean peninsula? 

It sounds like chaos but the documentary films are revealing how peaceful in Korea and the smiles of Korean people during the annexation.
No Korean (young and old) can answer the discrepancies because it is a national scam.

Japan made dams, railroads, schools, Universities, hospitals, all infrastructures from its own tax money for Korea.
All Western countries were appraising Japan for its great contribution for Korea, one of the most poorest countries in Asia.

<Why Sexual Slavery suddenly popped up recently?>======

Then why Koreans began to insist sexual slavery recently? It is because Koreans have been doing sexual slavery in its entire history. It is their culture so they would like to think Japanese were the same as Koreans. Because the same as you do, Korean people also think “We are the same humans! Japanese are imposters and rapists as we Koreans are!”

As you might know South Korean soldiers committed sexual slavery during Vietnam War and made more than 60,000 orphans today who were born from Vietnamese mother gang-raped by South Korean soldiers. And South Korean Army committed holocaust to delete the evidence.

=(Source; Massacre by South Korean Army)======

Even today, South Korea has never apologized to Vietnam about their war crime.
You might think “Oh, that is just one war crime!” No. it is not just one incident by Koreans. Koreans are doing it as traditional culture. Sex slavery and rape are Korean culture.

On November 5, Daily North Korea reported about Sexual Slavery still continuing in North Korea as a traditional Korean culture.
Korea used to have a class of noble called “Ryangban”. It still exists under different names such as “officials” and “soldiers”.
Those Korean women escaped from North Korea confess “It’s a part of our lives” during the interview.
Rape and Sexual Slavery of Korean tradition continues.
=( Source >=========================

Don’t be surprised to hear this. South Korea is also the same as North Korea.
South Korea abducts more Japanese women than North Korea does for sexual slavery.
There is a Korean cult named “Unification Church” or “Unification movement”. I am sure there are many in your country too. Their members are also in Japan. You might have been approached and talked by the members when traveling in Japan.
They are roaming around on the streets of Japan looking for next victim. They approach gullible Westerners too.

They think they need Japanese DNA for Korean blood so they cheat Japanese women, take them to South Korea and make them have sex with numerous Korean men to have a baby. There are at least 7000 Japanese women living in South Korea who can never come back to Japan according to Japanese Communist Party. It is just the same condition as North Korea.

=( Source from Japanese Communist Party)======

<What kind of people Koreans are?>===========

 Frankly all Koreans are imposters. Although no Korean thinks they are imposters. But that’s their culture. As the matter of fact, South Korea is the world number one fraud country according to WHO survey.
Perjury (false testimony in court) rate in South Korea is as much as 700 times of Japan’s rate. 

For thousands of years, Koreans had been slaves of China. (At some point, they were invaded by Mongol too) As slaves, they developed a peculiar skill to cheat on people for survival.
Koreans needed to cheat of China. And Korean civilians needed to cheat on Ryangban.
So all Koreans became cheaters and imposters. It became a national character deeply engraved into their bones and DNA.
It is just the way they are for their entire history.

That’s why I always said “The definition of Good people varies depending on each country”. In both North and South Korea, cheaters and imposters are “Good people”.
That’s how they have been raised since they were born.

You might want to say “Don’t demonize Koreans!” but it is not the issue of Good and Bad. In your country, Koreans might be considered as Bad or Evil, but it is only your judgement. Your judgement based on your view of Good and Bad is unnecessary because even if you judge Koreans are Evil, nothing will change.
And I know there are similar types of countries like South Korea in the world. I found that out when I was living in Los Angeles California.

What matters is to understand what it really is so that you can prepare for dealing with Koreans not to get cheated.
Discover the cultural difference and learn to prepare for them.

=<Koreans and Japanese are opposite kinds>=======

 I showed you this documentary video in January 2016.
It is a conversation between Korean elder mother and her son who live in Japan.
Her son grew up in Japan so he developed Japanese standard of not to lie. But his mother is native Korean so she is an imposter trying to cheat on her son with emotional expression but is unsuccessful. Her son seems to know Korean cheating skills of expressing cry and anger. He doesn't accept any emotional expressions of native Korean mother but defiantly points out the facts.
The conversation is typically the same as between Japanese (emphasizing not to lie) and Koreans (forcefully pushing a lie). It is really funny. And you will realize that you never can come to reach agreement with Koreans who always lie and cheat on people.

=(Document film on YouTube with English subtitle)=======

=<Cheat! Cheat! Cheat!>===============

 When I was ignorant, a friend of mine, who had lived in Korea and had been doing business with Koreans, used to tell me this.

“When Koreans cry in tears trying to cheat on you, then you cry the same way and point out the fact.
When Koreans become angry trying to cheat on you, then you shout back in anger and point out the fact.
That’s the skill when you deal with Koreans. Koreans will find out that you are a very smart person and give up on their performances to cheat on you without evidences.
It is all wrong to show your sympathy and compassion in front of Koreans because there are no such people in Koreans culture. If you carelessly showed your sympathy and compassion (like ignorant Japanese people do), Koreans would find that you were very gullible and stupid, and start making more and more lies endlessly. And you would end up getting cheated and manipulated by Koreans forever.”

If you think that you are Good Samaritan (merciful person), then you have to be very careful in front of Koreans. They will start crying in front of you trying to see if you are stupid enough to get cheated by acting.
They figure that Good Samaritan (merciful person) as an extremely stupid person who doesn't even know anything about the actual world.
For Koreans, it isn’t a scam but just a game. Cheating (scam) is just a way of their lives.

=< Cheating culture, but how far it goes? >=========

If you knew anything about Japanese and Korean cultures, you would notice both people are completely opposite in everything.
 In South Korea, it is common sense to negotiate the price when buying at a store. You will have to become as much imposter as you can when doing it.

For example, there was a Korean man named “Kim” who wanted to sell melons at his store.
So he bought melons at a local farm at the price of $10 each after negotiation with the farmer.
He priced the melon $100 each at his store to sell with a label that said “Japanese Melon imported from Japan”
A mother “Park” and her 8 year old son happened to find the melon at the store. She said to her son “Watch this. This is how you have to do it”
She called the owner of the store Kim and expressed her surprise in loud voice to let all people around hear her “I can’t believe it! This is rip-off! There are stores selling Japanese melons at half the price!” with an expression of disbelief. Of course this is her lie in attempt to cheat on Kim.
Then Kim said in loud voice to let all people around hear “Well, but this melon is not just regular Japanese melon but Yubari Melon which is one of the highest quality melon brands in Japan!” trying to cheat on the customers.
Park immediately talked back in loud voice “I know Yubari Melon more than enough to tell what it is! Still this price is ridiculous!” despite she has never seen or eaten Yubari Melon in her entire life.
The owner Kim smiled and said “Okay! You win! You seem to know Yubari Melon more than anybody. I don’t usually do this but for you, I will give you special price 80!” while scratching his head to pretend his was a loser.
Park said “60!” The owner Kim said “70! That’s all I can do! I can’t make any profit!”
Park replied “Naw, this is 60” while looking down at the melons as though to say “It isn’t worth more than 60” and she slowly turned her body to walk away.
The owner Kim shouted “Wait! Okay 60! Only this time!” while shaking his head in disbelief.

This is Korean culture. You know there are many similar types of countries like Korea in the world including China.
Cheating is a part of their lives doing it every day and every moment since the moment they were born.
On the other hand, there is no such custom of negotiating price at store in Japan. Nobody negotiates price but buys at the price it shows.

The thing is, where you draw the line when using cheating skills. Despite there are similar types of countries like South Korea in the world, there is no other country in the world which commits a fraud all together by the whole nation against other country.

<Self-proclaimed Korean Comfort Women>
 Next time when you have a chance to see them, ask them "Where was the exact place in Korea 200 thousand Korean women were accommodated?" It had to be a gargantuanly huge facility so them should not make an excuse "We can't remember where it was" while suddenly pretending to be amnesia. 

For Koreans, it is something to be very proud of to cheat on all people in the world. They have intense inferiority complex and nationalism “Korea is number one!” so they all get together and commit a fraud for the honor of Korean pedigree. They developed these complex and nationalism over thousands of years as Chinese slaves. National scams by Koreans never end.

Japanese people always end up becoming the victims of Korean cheaters while Koreans exclaim “We won against Japan!” in ecstasy.
No wonder why Japanese and Koreans have never got along with each other because of historical and cultural differences.
You will realize the same way once you get to know what kind of people Koreans are.
They always use emotional performances to cheat on you. So you always have to stick with facts and evidences while completely ignoring their acting.

<Self-proclaimed Korean Comfort Women>
Next time when you have a chance to see them, ask them "Where was the exact place in Korea where 200 thousand Korean women were accommodated?" It had to be a gargantuanly huge facility so they should not make an excuse "We can't remember where it was" while suddenly pretending to be amnesia. 

For the last, I wanted to show you another famous Korean historical scam with pictures to prove it but it becomes just too long writing for one posting. So unfortunately I had to give up on writing it this time but to show them in the series of “Only in Korea”.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

 Before continuing the series of "Only in Korea", I will show you a very good one in my next posting.
I got information from my audience and decided to write about it.
I was going to write about it in the series of "Only in Korea" but I decided to bring it up now because I thought I shouldn't waste time anymore.

Next one will be really shocking to you who are ignorant enough to not know the difference between Japanese and Koreans.
It might change the way you look at Japanese and Koreans forever.
Hopefully this will help you understand why Japanese and Koreans have never been able to get along with each other since ancient time. The answer is in my next posting.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

<< Where is this? >>

Please take a look at the attached pics.
They look very familiar for those of you who have ever traveled to Japan.
There are Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto and Sensoji Temple in Asakusa Tokyo but they are actually not in Japan but in Chang Mai Thailand.

Nowadays a lot of tourists are coming to Japan from South East Asia so we know they love Japanese culture but it is surprising to see their love for Japanese culture is this much.
This place is called “Hinoki land” Hinoki is a kind of wood used to build Japanese architectures.
The man who created this land is Thai. There is no support from Japan but he created it all by himself.

Despite Hinoki Land is still in the process of building, it is already becoming a hot sightseeing spot for local people.

Local people say that this place will be good for those, who don’t have enough money to travel to Japan, yet want to enjoy close to real experience of Japan conveniently.
There seems to be Kimono rental service for photo shooting also.

You can check it on YouTube with keyword “Hinoki Land”



Sunday, October 21, 2018

<< No Appreciation >>

 < News 1 >

Follow up news from Sankei News again.
US Army stationed in Japan introduced a new instruction to give a preliminary screening check up to all Koreans who try to visit US base camps in Japan.

South Korea has now been categorized into the group of “Designated 3rd countries”
The number of 3rd countries, designated by US Army in Japan, is about 50 that include North Korea China Russia Iran and Afghanistan. South Korea has now proudly been recognized by US Army in Japan as an equal country as North Korea and China.
So we have to treat South Korean, North Korean, and Chinese as the same kind of people. (Hahaha)

=( Source )======================

This news was, of course, reported in South Korea also.
According to Chosun Nilbo (Korean Daily News) reported on Oct 16, at the entrance of Yokota US base camp, which is the largest US base camp in Japan, a new warning sign board has been propped up accordingly to the new regulation that says “Anyone who belongs to The Third Countries may not enter the facility” with a list of country names that includes South Korea.
If people who belonged to the 3rd countries wanted to visit US base camps in Japan, they’d have to apply a request to security personnel 30 days prior to the visit. And they would have to explain their schedule and the purpose of the visit.

=(Source; Chosun Nilbo)================

< News 2 >

==< Let’s kill America! >====================

 According to Chosun Nilbo reported on Oct 20, University students in South Korea have been demonstrating Anti-America performance in front of US Embassy in Seoul. And their performance, as usual, has been getting intense and cruel for the last 10 days.

Some of the students performed to hang Secretary of Defense James Matisse and John Bolton Presidential Advisor.
Other students buried both Secretary of Defense James Matisse and John Bolton Presidential Advisor alive.

=(Source; Chosun Nilbo)================
This kind of cruelty is what makes Korean people feel good and pleased. Korean’s cruelty hasn’t changed at all since ancient time. It is their national character.

< News 3 >

 According to JiJi (Japanese) News reported on Oct 20, Secretary of Defense Matisse and South Korea’s minister of Defense made an agreement not to launch the annual US-Korea joint exercise (called “Vigilant Ace”) scheduled to be held in December.

=(Source; JiJi news)================

Well, I think it is a smart decision for US when they find out South Korea is not their ally but upfront enemy on behalf of North Korea.

=< Differences by Nationality >================

 I said in my blog before “The internet is the era of discovery”
Majority of people in the world thought that people were all the same being ignorant before the era when Internet wasn’t available.
It is time to discover and get to know the reality.
I have been writing the series of “Only in Korea” for the purpose of letting you know how people are different by nationality in East Asia.

China and Korea (which was a part of China for thousands of years) have the national way of thinking. That is “thieves and imposters”.
All Chinese and Koreans have a concept of “thieves and imposters” as their national character and common sense.
And Koreans and Chinese don’t thank you no matter what you do for them. It is their culture because there was no concept of “Good Samaritan = Merciful giver” in their culture. Everybody is a taker (thief).

In this “thieves and imposters” culture, if you carelessly appreciated for what a man did for you, you would be demanded a huge reward by the man who gave you help because nobody gives you help for free in Chinese and Korean cultures. Everybody is ready to rob everything from you.
That’s why Chinese and Koreans don’t appreciate for your help because they don’t want extortion from you. They think you will do that because they do that as common sense. Chinese and Koreans think “All people are the same as we are!” so they think you are the same “thief and imposter” as they are.

I talked a little bit about it in my blog before.
How China became advanced in military. It was all because of help from America.
Ignorant US officials were thinking “We are the same humans!” and gave so much technologies for free to China. As the result, what US got in exchange was China pointing a gun on the head of America. “Thanks for your help. Now I want you to die immediately”
You can read it from the link below.

-< My post from Jan 31, 2016 >===========

The same thing happened between Korea and Japan.
Japan gave so much to South Korea. However, instead of appreciating Japan, South Koreans began to fabricate fake history to extort more money and technologies from Japan. And their appetite has now become unquenchable like narcotic addicts.
It was all wrong for Japanese people to think “We are the same humans!” toward Koreans and Chinese and tried to become “Merciful giver (Savior)” for them.
The more you give to Koreans, the more Koreans will give you ingratitude in return and demand more and more endlessly while pretending to be your victims.
So you never should think that you can become a savior for Koreans and Chinese.
It is not an issue of good or bad but it is the way it has been for thousands of years in China and (North & South) Korea. That’s their cultures.

If you give anything to North Korea, North Korea will be like China and South Korea after gaining their capital power. And you will be threatened to give more by nuke missiles once North Korea gained their power. There is no concept of appreciation at all in their culture.

And you will end up getting tortured by China, South Korea, and even North Korea.
You have to discover and learn the differences by nationality especially about those Chinese and Korean people because they are explosively gaining in the number in your country now.

=< Debt Trap >=====================

Recently I read some article written by Nagasaki University professor about AIIB (Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank) which is led by China.
It said China loaned huge money to Sri Lanka while knowing that the project of airport in a secluded area wouldn’t make any profit out of it because there were no people to travel to the area.
Naturally the government of Sri Lanka ended up having a huge debt because the airport was making more and more debt for just maintenance.
China would confiscate the area if Sri Lanka couldn’t pay off the debt. And that is what’s called “Debt Trap” and international communities investing AIIB are helping for Chinese invasion ironically.
Sri Lanka is seeking for help from India now.

=< Source >========================

It is said that China (AIIB) will lend money to poor countries for unnecessary infrastructure investment. The purpose of lending money to poor countries is not for help (give) but to confiscate (take) the land by inflicting a huge loan unable to pay off.

It is very dangerous when countries which don’t have concept of “Merciful giver” in their cultures, gained capital power.