Sunday, May 7, 2017

<< Encounter With the Unknown -1 >>

This time, it took me so much time to post my writing because there were so many things swirled in my head whether I should say this or that.
Many people who know my opinion give me caution not to say everything frankly otherwise people will end up not being able to catch up with my thought.
But it was worth to put out my research in English so that a lot of people would benefit from it I thought.

What I am about to explain here will be beneficial to anyone that includes White people Black people Yellow Red Westerners Asians, everybody.
As the era of information dawned, overwhelming amount of information became available. But that doesn’t mean people will become more intelligent. No matter how much information you collected, if you didn’t analyze it to find out what all information was pointing out, the information would be just the same as trash.
And that’s what I have been doing in my blog for you. You will have an unknown insight and get to see something you haven’t been able to see.

< Premise >

If you are from US, especially a place like Los Angeles, where there are many different kinds of immigrants from all over the world living together, there are so many different varieties of ethics and standards within the society so you don’t easily get surprised to see people behave differently from your standard. Your mindset is already prepared to encounter with the differences. However, here in Japan or South Korea don’t have variety of standards because both countries are a single race country. Although both Japanese and Koreans are different or totally opposite in every aspect, both people’s mindsets are not prepared to see different standards in their societies because both countries have only one standard. This condition is something all westerners can’t understand because they are used to multiracial (or cultural) environment. It will be almost impossible for westerners to even imagine the condition we have over here in Japan or South Korea.

You can almost generalize Japanese and Koreans because both people are completely opposite in every aspect that you can’t make a mistake to judge whether he or she is Japanese or Korean. That much the difference is huge between the two races.
And each race has only one standard that are contradicting to each other.

When I talk about the unusual condition generalizing East Asian by nationality, westerners always have the same reaction and say “Hey, don’t generalize Japanese and Koreans. There are good and bad people in any country” because they are expecting to see Japanese and Koreans as the same people they have in their multiracial country.

In multiracial and multicultural country, you just can’t have one standard. For example, when it is an issue of abortion, you can’t have one standard in the US, right? The standard can vary depending on their views from their religious backgrounds.
So those people from multiracial and multicultural country are used to think that drawing one conclusion or having one standard is wrong. So that they tend to make an issue blurry (instead of generalizing or concluding to one answer) thinking it is a good way of thinking.
However, (here’s my point) you can generalize Japanese and Koreans because there is only one standard in their societies so you don’t need to make an issue blurry. You can state clearly “Japanese are this!” and “Koreans are that!” although there are always small number of exceptional people in both countries including myself.

If you don’t keep this in your mind and keep reading my writings, you will end up thinking “This guy is a racist! He is generalizing!” In other word, your definition of racist doesn’t get applied to East Asian especially to Japanese and Koreans.
That’s the premise you must have in your mind in order to learn about Japanese or East Asians.

Moreover, Japan has thousands of years of tradition and culture developed by the single race (unified by Shinto religion) whereas Korea has no tradition at all just like Los Angeles developing the cities without traditions. So South Korea is very much like Los Angeles. And Koreans are close to people in Los Angeles in many aspects. Only Japanese are different from Koreans Chinese and westerners. I am not saying Japanese are good or superior but saying “Different”. If Koreans and Chinese behave this way, then Japanese behave opposite way because moral values of Japanese is opposite from Chinese and especially from Koreans. This is the reason why all Koreans can never understand Japanese people but they misunderstand Japanese in a wrong way from their opposite point of view.
So you know, it is very ridiculous for westerners to ask Koreans and Chinese for their opinions about Japan and Japanese people since their point of view can never perceive accurately Japanese people.
If you want to know about Japanese, you should look for opinions from other Asians such as Taiwanese and South East Asians because they can perceive Japanese way more accurately than Koreans and Chinese.

< News 1 >

 Here’s an editorial of Chinese newspaper from Searchina reported on March 18 2017.
According to Searchina, an editor from Chinese newspaper explained the difference between Japanese and Chinese in their news. This time the theme was “Why there is no begger in Japan?”

The Chinese editor was surprised to find out that there was no begger despite there were homeless people in Japan.
He continues “In China, those homeless people intentionally clad in tattered clothes or pretending to be a handicapped person to collect sympathy and beg people for money in everywhere but there is no begger in Japan”.
The Chinese editor explains for Chinese readers why Japanese homeless people don’t beg for money.
He says “For Japanese people, the act of begging other people for money really hurts their dignity”
He was shocked to find out about the fact even homeless people in Japan had dignity.

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That was news from Chinese and Korean point of view looking at Japanese that made them surprised.

Now, it’s turn for Japanese.
I want to show you a few episodes that made Japanese people shocked. Please compare your people with Koreans and Japanese, and see if there is any difference between your people and those Japanese and Koreans.

< Episode 1>

This is a good example to prove Koreans are even more different from Chinese.
In 2014, there was an incident of sinking ferry vessel in South Korea, all Japanese people got stunned to see how all Korean people behaved.
Please take a look at the first picture attached below.

You can see the Korean victim’s families in a gymnasium just like Japanese Tsunami victims who lost everything sheltered in a gymnasium.

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 While watching the news and all Japanese people got confused and said “What are Koreans doing? Are they pretending to be like the Japanese victims who lost their houses hit by Tsunami?” “What is this all about?” “Why they don’t go home? They have all families, cars, houses and everything intact unlike Tsunami victims suffering in Japan.”

It was just one of those accidents your family member got involved. You just couldn’t do anything about it. But Koreans were like bad-tempered brats all together whining and cursing being totally out of control. And they didn’t leave the gymnasium no matter how many months passed so the officials provided temporary housings for the victims just like Japanese government provided the temporary housings for the victims who lost their houses by Tsunami

Please hold here! Does it make sense from your standard? Is this reasonable behavior in your country? If you are one of those who believe in “All people are the same. We are the same human”, please tell me if Korean’s behavior is the same behavior as your standard? Do people in your country behave like Koreans who all together become like irrational mad dogs trying to collect sympathy so they all together select one place for media exposure? The more people persistently appeal their victim card with violence, the more people can get privileges getting temporary houses and all despite they all have their houses and assets intact? Is your country like South Korea? Is it acceptable behavior in your country? Well, in the US, I saw a little bit similar behavior using a victim card but not as much as South Korea. If this was in US, only small group of people would do that because there are many kinds of people in the US. But in Korea, there is no different kind of people but they are all evenly the same like that because they are single race people with a single standard so they evenly behave the same way.

Vice versa, in Japan, there are no people who behave like Koreans. Because everything what Koreans do and behave is unethical in Japanese standard. See? Japanese moral value is opposite from Korean.

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Japanese people have very peculiar behaviors too that can’t be seen in any country because Japan is also the single race country. For example, Koreans ask “Why Japanese people don’t cry and scream when they got their houses and family members lost by the Tsunami?”  “Why Japanese people don’t scream loud even when it is during concert?” See? Koreans have the same questions as westerners do about Japanese people, right? So it is nonsense to ask Koreans to explain about Japanese people and culture since Koreans are as equally ignorant as westerners about Japan and Japanese. (See? I told you that westerners and Koreans were the same)
The mysterious characters of Japanese people, that no Korean Chinese and westerners can understand, I will explain in details later.

No Japanese people behave like Koreans because it is a huge shame for Japanese people to behave like a begger trying to collect sympathy. It hurts the dignity of Japanese people that they become ashamed to death. And it is unethical for people to behave like Koreans in Japan. Because Japanese society is based on the belief of honesty, people may not “pretend” to be a victim but Chinese and Koreans do pretend to be a victim clad in tattered clothes or as a handicapped person because there is no belief of honesty and dignity in their cultures.

There are people like Koreans in Los Angeles, so people living in there don’t get surprised to see it but if you do that in Japan, because there are no people like Koreans, whose characters are considered to be low with no dignity, you will make yourself look outstanding. Even though you don’t notice you are making yourself outstanding, all Japanese people around you instantly notice that you don’t have Japanese standard.

I’ll show you another good example what’s going to happen if you behave like Korean in Japan.

< Episode 2>

 Japan-Korea Friendship began from 2005, and the Japanese government was taken over from 2009 by Democratic Party and their politicians were mostly Anti-Japanese and naturalized Koreans.
As soon as Democrat became the ruling party, they passed the Bill of Child Welfare to give about $150 per one child per month to foreigners who had children.
Because Democrats were Pro-Koreans, they had a belief if Japan kept giving a lot of compassion to inferiority-complexed Koreans, Koreans would be pleased and eventually let go their hostility toward Japanese. Despite the fact Bill was nonsense giving away money to even children living in overseas countries, not many Japanese people complained against the Bill. It was presumed that majority of Japanese people had the same feeling as Democrats had because they were in the middle of Japan-Korea Friendship campaign.  

The Bill was based on “compassion” for foreigners and was expected to get appreciation back from foreigners in exchange especially from those Anti-Japanese race of Koreans.
However, what Japan got back from Korean immigrants was opposite. Yes, Korean people behave opposite way from Japanese standard (expectation).

One of Korean immigrants, who was a Korean Catholic priest, requested 554 Child welfare payments while insisting that he had 554 adopted children in Vietnam.

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$150 x 554 children = $83,100 per month. So he was going to get whole $83,100, without tax deduction, every month just sitting around. And it was impossible to investigate the credibility of his testimony since his seemingly children were living in overseas country. The local city officials got a heart attack, so to speak, because no Japanese people including Democrats were expecting to see people like that.

You see, even among Korean Japanese, who grew up in Japan with Korean pedigree, had a thought that Japanese and Koreans were very close or similar to each other because they grew up in Japan so naturally they embraced the idealism or delusion raising a slogan “There is no enemy in the world! There are good and bad people in any country! It’s time for all people to become one! Stop fight! Stop war! Love and Peace!” Those Japanese politicians in Democratic Party were strongly supporting the idealism. And of course most of Japanese people supported the idealism too that was why Democratic Party became the ruling Party by unprecedented approval rating.
However, the idealism of “All Asians (Japanese Chinese Koreans) can become one!” launched by Democratic Party faced the reality right off the bat.

Korean immigrants living in Japan found the entire Japanese people as retarded or idiots, so that they started to go “Let’s cheat on all Japanese and take everything away from them including their whole country!”

The Korean immigrant who requested $83,100 per month at the city hall for Child Welfare was one of the millions of glitches that resulted from the idealism. The idealism of “All people are the same” means “All people are the same as Japanese people” meaning “All people should become like Japanese”. That’s how all idealists think unconsciously.

Did you notice? Any idealist has a huge problem. When idealists think people can become one, they have the idealism based on the thought “their” standard will prevail or dominate the whole world.  So when Japanese people supported the idealism of “All East Asians become one”, Japanese people were unconsciously thinking “All East Asians will behave like Japanese” However, as soon as Democratic Party opened the door for Anti-Japanese race of Koreans, Koreans started “Cheating, stealing, lying, fabricating, cheating, lying” endlessly. No Korean could behave like Japanese.
Upon facing the reality, Japanese people went berserk like “What the fuck is going on in Japan!?” “Oh my god!!” “How could they do that!?” “How could they possibly think of that!?” facing the reality, the reality of differences by nationality (pedigree).  Hahaha

Now, if the same thing happened in the Los Angeles, you would think “Damn! One of those assholes!” and get it over.  But this was in Japan, the country where people have “dignity”. People don’t necessarily take more than what they need for. So the news was like blowing the heads of Japanese people with a huge hammer. Japanese people felt like encountering with the unknown aliens. Hahaha  And the fact the guy happens to be Korean again was additional shock breaking all Japanese hopes (Koreans and Japanese can be similar) into pieces in the middle of Japan-Korea Friendship campaign. Hahaha
There are more Chinese immigrants than Koreans living in Japan but only Korean immigrants are very infamous since old time.

Continues to Part-2

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