Saturday, March 25, 2017

<< Sobering up from delusions cast by media >>

One of YouTubers made a video comparing Japan and South Korea caught attention in Japanese web community. And I thought this was a very good stuff to teach ignorant people.
This is a video of YouTuber who is Canadian. She spent two years in South Korea before and now she is living in Japan for one year. So she decided to give her opinion over Japanese and Koreans.

==( YouTube Video of Canadian girl )==========


She is explaining the distinctive differences between Japanese and Korean. I am sure most of westerners can’t even tell the differences between the two.
I can give you details of the differences but if I did that, Koreans would say “You Japanese are jealous of Koreans!” trying to make my points blurry. So I don’t do that often. But here is a good chance to do that since the Canadian girl, who has an open mind as an ignorant westerner having lived in both Japan and South Korea, gives an opinion from her neutral point of view.  If you are westerners or anyone who can’t tell the differences between Japanese and Koreans, you will have the same point of view as she does. So please put yourself in her shoes and see what you haven’t been able to see in your life before.
You never can get this kind of raw information from major news media.

And those of you who tend to say “Racist!” should keep your mouth shut and listen to her. You will notice the differences, that come from nationality, are very huge. There is absolutely no similarity between Japanese and Korean people at all.

< Compliments >

 She first starts giving a lot of compliments about South Korea.
She says she loves Korean foods over Japanese foods although she mentions she likes Japanese foods too.
Then she says she likes Korean cosmetics and make-up styles. Also she says that she loves K-POP because K-POP is being promoted and appealed to people in overseas countries whereas J-POP is introversive not even trying to appeal to overseas.

Basically what she praises about South Korea is shallow appearances.

< Bombing raid >

From 12 minutes 15 seconds, she starts dropping her bombs so to speak. Hahaha
That’s when she begins honestly talking about Korean people and the real fun part of the video begins.

She says what she felt immediately visiting Japan from South Korea was “Respect”.
And she repeatedly says that Koreans are rude and impolite.
“A lot less racism toward foreigners in Japan compared to South Korea”
“Unfortunately there is a huge racism in South Korea toward White and Black people” And she presumes the reason is South Korea has less tourism whereas Japan has longer history of tourism so that Japanese people are used to White people, Black people, and different races.

Her explanation is exactly what all South Korean people say as an excuse for insulting and disrespecting different races but that’s not it.

It’s not Japanese people are used to different races. As the matter of fact, I was born and grew up in country side and I hadn’t seen White and Black people until I had grown up and visited major cities such as Tokyo Osaka and Kyoto. Yet I was raised to pay respect to others since I was born as a typical native Japanese so it didn’t matter whether he or she is Black or White or the same Japanese. However, there is no concept of paying respect to others in Korean culture since old time. Korean culture is all about insulting and disrespecting others even within their own race. So it is natural to feel rudeness disrespect and impoliteness in South Korea if your country has politeness and respect in its culture.

And this Canadian girl says “If you were same Asian, you might not feel much of racism in Korea. But I was White girl. That’s why I felt it. And my Black friend had a horrible experience of racism too”

This is wrong. It’s not just White and Black people who experience the racism in South Korea but all people.
I would say White people will experience less rudeness compared to those colored races in South Korea.

Korean’s hatred toward different race is very intense. You can clearly see that when you look at the comfort women issue that stemmed from their intense hatred and racism based on fabrication, or when you look at the Korean’s hatred toward Chinese people.

< Survey >

Here’s a good example from Sankei News quoting Korean Daily News reported about three years ago.
According to Korean Daily Newspaper, when KDN conducted a survey questioning Chinese tourists visiting Seoul city in South Korea, 25% of them replied “The impression of Korea became worse after visiting South Korea” and 37% replied “I felt being looked down by Koreans”

A specialist in Korean culture explains Not all Koreans, but most of Koreans have a tendency to think they are the greatest people in the world so they strongly tend to look down on other races.”

When all people think that they are the greatest people, then they can no longer pay any respect to other races. On the other hand, Japanese people always pay respect to anyone including Asians since old time, that’s why all (good-hearted) Asians love Japanese. Only crooked-mind of Koreans and some Chinese can’t do that.

According to a survey, only 20 % of Chinese tourists revisit South Korea whereas 80% of Chinese tourists revisit Japan.

======( Source )============================

And of course generally almost no Japanese travels to South Korea because Koreans are rude impolite mean with intense hatred in addition to the fact there is almost no historical sightseeing spot in South Korea.

< Racism toward Asians >

Speaking of disrespect and hatred, you shouldn’t forget the following facts.
Vietnam Cambodia Kyrgyzstan ban marriage with Korean men by law. Philippine gives a warning about the marriage with Korean men.
 The Canadian girl thought the same Asian would be treated better in South Korea, but it is not. Overwhelming number of Asian women married to Korean men got killed by domestic violence so those Asian countries made a law to ban marriage with Korean men.

< Disrespect and racism >

 Speaking of Korean racism, on March 10 2017, a Korean owner of a cosmetic shop of the brand "Missha" in Charlotte North Carolina, kicked and punched and pulled down the Black girl on the ground just because he thought she stole a product.
The Korean owner "Imu" insisted to open her bag and wallet to show the inside. And she insisted she didn't steal anything and showed the inside of her bag and wallet, yet
"Imu" kept punching and kicking her and with his wife, he pulled the Black girl down
on the ground and chocked her throat. It was all caught by security cam.
It was an act of disrespect hatred and molestation toward different races. That’s typical Korean character that comes from arrogance and inferiority complex.

===( Source )======================

< Elderlies of Korean >

Don’t miss what the Canadian girl says about elder Koreans. You probably thought elderlies were better than young people in personality but Koreans are opposite. Korean elderlies are very malicious (mean, rude, disrespectful, and dishonest cheaters). That’s why those Korean elderlies are all together committing the sexual slavery fraud.
Make sense?  Listen to her in the video. Most of Korean elderlies are like that.

< Korean culture has no connection to Japanese >

She was shocked to find there wasn’t much of Sushi in Korea. She thought Japan and Korea could be similar since both countries were surrounded by ocean but it turned out to be no sushi culture in Korea.

< Rudeness and impoliteness >

What she experienced in Korea and Japan was difference between “The View of Evil” and “The View of Good”
Japanese people have The View of Good which is a thought that all people are fundamentally good. So Japanese tend to trust people for no reason.
On the other hand, Korean people have The View of Evil which is a thought that all people are fundamentally evil so everybody is cheating and nobody trusts anyone.
You can figure out that Japanese and Koreans are polar opposite in quality.

The Canadian girl just couldn’t put up with Korean’s rudeness and disrespect so she left South Korea for Japan. Sure, all Japanese people can’t put up with Koreans too. Hahaha
I am glad she can understand how Japanese people feel like about Koreans.
Having lived in two countries and she seems to have sobered up from the delusion cast by Media.
The reality turned out to be opposite from the images supplied by media.

Below is her YouTube video. Please click the link below and watch what she says.
She will wake you up from delusions.

==( YouTube Video of Canadian girl )==========


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