Monday, February 27, 2017

What’s the Cost of Democracy?

 A couple of nights ago, I was watching the live streaming video of President Trump’s speech.
Did you watch that?
If you missed it, you can watch it on YouTube from the link below.
========( President Trump’s speech )==================

From 2 hour 42 minutes, he began to talk about security issue by immigrants and said the followings.
“Take a look at what’s happening in Sweden”
“Take a look at what’s happening in Germany”
“Take a look at what’s happening in France”
“Take a look at Nice and Paris”

Those audiences listening to his speech seemed to be convinced when President Trump referred to the undeniable reality Europe is suffering from immigrants now.
And President Trump said “I won’t let it happen here”
Then he introduced a case of his friend who used to love Paris. His friend would travel to Paris with his family in summer. President Trump hadn’t seen him for a while so he asked “How’s Paris going?” Then his friend replied, “Paris? I don’t go there anymore. Paris is no longer Paris!”

See? This is an important part.
What you have in your surroundings as common sense, you tend to take it for granted but your common sense and standard can drastically change because of immigrants who are from countries that have very different standard from yours.
Sweden, Germany, and France proved that. And you have witnessed that, right?

Those Swede German and French would be thinking “All people are the same as we are. Let’s welcome any kind of immigrants! We are doing a good thing! We don’t want to become racists!” I’m sure they were as pleasant as ignorant Japanese people who had been vigorously welcoming Korean immigrants in Japanese media and politics since the year 2,000. However, what they didn’t know was the immigrants didn’t accept their standard.

Below is the news German President Merkel admitted her mistakes.
========( Source )==================

She said if she could turn a clock backward, she wouldn’t do this and that admitting she was ignorant. But it’s just too late! Hahaha

Can you still call the people who can recognize the reality of nationality difference “Racists”? You should call them “Realists” instead from now on.

I have been explaining news in my blog to let you know nationality difference of East Asians because major news media (CNN, AP, AFP, Asahi News, N.Y Times, etc) never tells you the difference but tries to cheat you into believing East Asians are similar.
I have attached the images of rape news in Europe committed by refugees but over here in Japan has the same problem by Korean immigrants.

What do you imagine when you hear “South Korea”? For every single Japanese people, when they hear South Korean what comes to their minds is “Rape” since old time.  “Plastic surgery” is a recent addition.

About one and a half year ago, there was news from Chosun Nilbo (Korean daily News)
about the report submitted by the department of Police in Seoul Korea.
The report said that in the last four years, the rape rate against foreigners increased to three times in South Korea. And the most of victims were White females and Japanese females.
According to a Japanese journalist specialized in Korean culture, the reason why White females and Japanese females become the targets of Korean men is because Korean men adore White and Japanese women.
=====( Source )==============================

I think that is inferiority complex Korean men have. They envy White and Japanese people so that they commit rape to molest their women so that it will help ease their inferiority complex and can make them feel good.
There are several White females who got imprisoned for weeks and molested to death when being raped by Korean immigrants in Japan. A famous British girl “Lucie Blackman” was one of them. Molestation is the evidence of complex Korean men have.
Japanese women are also molested when they get raped by Korean men.

The usual method Korean people use is doctoring your drink with sleeping drugs. And oftentimes the employee or the bartender at a bar is a friend of the rapist and helps doctoring the drinks for the rapist. This method is used by Korean immigrants in Japan also.
In South Korea, it is a common sense that women NEVER go out at night unless she wants to be raped. But those Japanese tourists and English teachers from overseas are ignorant and go out at night. That’s why they get raped. And police in South Korea never makes a report even if the victim asks because Police thinks it’s all her fault going out at night. Besides, South Korea is the highest perjury rate country so a lot of women make a false testimony pretending to be a victim so police doesn’t trust what the victim says easily especially if the woman was victimized going out at night. Simply Korean police will look down on her. There are no humanity and compassion in Korean culture because everybody is cheating and lying, and all people are fundamentally evil in Korea.
You just can’t have humanity and compassion before cheaters or you’ll find yourself making fool of yourself in Korea.
In South Korea, a woman going out at night means only one thing, which is she wants to be raped really bad.

You know there are particular regions where they have a policeman stationed at school in US. And you Americans might think “Our country sucks!” but there is as equal or more horrible country than US. It’s South Korea. They have a policeman stationed at schools too. Hahaha. You know why? Because there were so many violent crimes happening at school in South Korea that they needed to have a policeman stationed at school.
Rape in South Korea is a very common occurrence even among junior high school student gang-raping a female student or female teacher. 
There was news from South Korea in last October that a young female teacher, who was assigned to an island of South Korea, got raped by two parents and their friend  
===( Source from AFP )===================
See? It’s not just children but their parents are the same. Hahaha.

There was a serial rape victim of 16 year old girl in Korea. This is a very famous Korean sexual crime known in Japan.
This girl met a guy in age 20’s on the internet, then got raped. So she talked to several men about it but she ended up being raped by the all men. She thought she needed after pill and went to a drugstore to buy it. She explained what had happened to a pharmacist. And she got her body played by the pharmacist when inserting the pill in her private part. Then several days later, she met another Korean man on the internet and talked about what had ever happened, then she ended up being raped by the man, and her wallet and cellular phone were also stolen by the man. So she immediately decided to go to police and caught a cab. On her way to police station, she explained what had happened to the driver, and she ended up being raped in the cab by the driver. Hahaha. This is not a joke! It actually happened in South Korea in 2006.
See? You can’t say “There are good and bad people in any country”, anymore right? Hahaha. “Good Koreans are dead Koreans” suits better to describe South Koreans. Hahaha. There are so many psychotic sexual crimes in South Korea that make US psychotic sexual crimes look to be normal. I’ll talk about them on other occasion.

===( Examples )===================

The funniest news from South Korea was when South Korea was scheduling to host winter Olympic held in PyeongChang in 2018, they were short in budget therefore they couldn’t provide enough hotels for the visitors so the officials came up with an idea to let the foreign visitors stay at the local houses. Then Japanese media immediately expressed concern over the possibilities of “Rape Extravaganza” Hahaha. The concern was not just over young females but also female children and elderlies. Hahaha.
Of course Japanese people NEVER stay at the local houses in South Korea under any circumstances but those foreigners, especially White females, have to know what kind of country South Korea is beforehand.
South Korea’s rape rate is the highest in Asia. And this concern from Japanese media was reported by Chinese media also.

===( Source from Focus Asia )===================

Even at hotels in South Korea, a lot of Japanese females have been raped by their employees because the employees (room service) have a spare key to access the rooms when women are sleeping.

===(A lot of Japanese females are raped staying hotel in S. Korea )===

Can you see the difference?
You don’t necessarily need to remain ignorant. When I first time traveled to Los Angeles, I got a map issued by Japanese consulate. The map was indicating red zones where I should avoid visiting because the areas were dangerous for ignorant tourists.
If one can separate the dangerous areas from the others because of the people live in there, then the one can separate people by nationality from others too because of people live in the countries, right?
I’m not saying “Let’s generalize people by nationality” but I am saying “Let’s learn the difference by nationality”

There was a time when I was talking to an idealist who called me “a racist”.
I asked her “Do you know crocodiles can attack humans?” She said “Yes, I do”. Then I said “Why? Are you a racist? Do you recognize the racial difference? Why don’t you say ‘All animals are the same. And I’ll be happy to walk up to crocodiles just like walking up to puppies’?” She said “What’s your point?”
I asked her “Why you try to become ignorant when it comes to humans?” The idealist said “Animals are different. Crocodiles have instinct to attack humans”
But humans are the same. Humans commit theft rape and murder by their instinct (emotion) especially if that’s their culture and common sense. There is no reasoning behind.
Instinct (emotions = anger, jealous) takes over himself and makes him commit rape and murder. In case of Koreans, they have inferiority complex. That’s why only White and Japanese females are targeted. So it’s important to know that South Korea is the world most dangerous country if you are White or Japanese female.

Speaking of racial differences, there are things that can never be understood each other.
For example, Korean and Chinese people can never understand why Japanese don’t steal other’s belongings. And Japanese people can never understand why Korean and Chinese people steal other’s belongings.
Both Japanese and Koreans can’t explain why because there is no reasoning behind their behavior. People are unconsciously following their common sense which was formed over thousands of years in each country.

======( Just for information )===========
I can explain why though. What Japanese people have and those Chinese and Korean people don’t is “Dignity”. That’s why no Chinese and Korean are ashamed of stealing lying and cheating. The concept of dignity itself doesn’t exist in Chinese and Korean culture.

Therefore, when people have immigrants from countries that don’t have the same way of thinking, the country gets to have a conflict and divide within its society and eventually the country falls apart. The best example is China. China has many different ethnic groups so there are many different ways of thinking within the country. Therefore, China chose to employ autocracy to suppress all different ethnic groups by force.
If your country is democracy, then your country has to carefully select immigrants by race religion and nationality or your country will have to get rid of democracy and employ autocracy instead if you’d like to welcome any kind of immigrants like invading country of China. China invades any country and accepts any people but instead, they suppress all different kinds of thought by force.

See? Democracy is not suitable system to welcome any kind of nationality. In other words, if you’d like your country to remain democracy, then it is inevitable to select immigrants by nationality. And that’s the cost of democracy. So it seems President Trump is correct as a president of democracy. 

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