Friday, January 27, 2017

Not easy to adapt yourself when the different country is opposite from yours

 There seemed to be a lot of protesters demonstrating on the day of inauguration ceremony for Donald Trump.
But on the other side of the world, there are sex scandals about president of South Korea. Hahaha. I can’t stop laughing.
It always becomes ugly in the end when Korean president is involved. President Park was a first female president and people thought she could change the course of ugly history of Korean president but she turned out to be no exception. Hahaha.
Here’s the news title from local Korean media reported by Business Journal dated January 11.
“Finally Korean media stepped over the boundary and went into the R-rated zone!” Hahaha.
“364 pills of Viagra and related medicines purchased” “Three expensive beds purchased” “Dosages of hormone injections” Those are what prosecutors found out after investigating president’s expenses.

People in South Korea are angrily saying “Why Viagra, hormone injections, and three expensive beds!?” Hahaha.

According to the local Korean newspapers, President Park was known for not preferring to be alone only with her cabinet members, but also even with her secretary. However, there was an existence of 48 year old man named “Cha Wongtech”, who was the closest subordinate of “Che Sunsil” the suspect of manipulating President Park, visited the cabinet house quite often and spent a time alone with President Park at night. Considering the fact President Park was single and the existence of the frequent nighttime visitor of 48 year old man, in addition to the purchases of three expensive beds, Viagra, and Hormone injections for women naturally led to only one presumption and drove Korean people crazy.  Hahaha.

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Speaking of scandals, Federal District Attorney’s Office in New York requested South Korea to arrest a younger brother (age 69) of “Ban Ki-moon” a native South Korean man and a former secretary-general of U.N on January 21 for promising to give a bribe to Middle East officials in exchange for buying the skyscraper building in Vietnam. South Korean Ministry of Justice and the US government are adjusting the date to discuss the crime. And the suspect is still on the run.
Ban Ki-moon’s nephew (age 38) who owned a real estate company in N.Y, was also arrested by FBI on January 10, 2017.
It’s Korean’s tradition that they always use family member or relatives when politicians commit a crime.
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Ban Ki-moon is 2nd ranked runner-up candidate for the next South Korean president. But about a month ago, Korean journalist divulged Ban Ki-moon took 230 thousand dollars from a Korean entrepreneur when he was introduced to seven Vietnamese foreign officials by Ban Ki-moon in 2005.  Ban Ki-moon is denying the scandal but so far it has been still unclear whether it really took place or not.
When the news of US prosecutor requested to arrest the brother of Ban Ki-moon, a lot of Japanese people in web community laughed and said, “It’s getting earlier. Korean presidents used to be arrested after finishing their terms but current President is facing a charge without completing her term. Now Ban Ki-moon, the next possible president, is already under scrutinize even before his assumption of the presidency.” Hahaha. A very much Korean way.

Anyway, you know what’s great about the era of internet? It’s an era you can get accurate information if you want. There are a lot of issues major media avoid to talk about. However, in the era of internet, there are people available who give you the details of issues major media avoid to discuss about. I’m one of those people. And there are many people who experienced to live in foreign countries using different languages and learned the depth of differences by nationality.
One of the people whom I have an interest in is a native South Korean man named “Che SYoung” who was born and grew up in Seoul South Korea but now he has been living in Japan for more than 10 years. As a free-lance writer, he wrote books regarding the differences between Korean and Japanese, and also about Korean’s nationalism and anti-Japanese hatred. He is very rare Korean. Probably he will be as rare as one out of 100 Koreans or less.

He says in his blog that about 80% of South Koreans are anti-Japanese. In other word, just because Koreans who love Japanese culture doesn’t mean that they are not anti-Japanese at all. This is very important. Ignorant people misunderstand Koreans. In fact, any Japanese culture in South Korea becomes a mega hit but that doesn’t do anything for anti-Japanese hatred. Their minds are complicated and crooked. However, when I read opinions of very rare Koreans who know the differences between Japanese and Koreans, I can find the answer because they are always giving us the answer.

On January 22, Che SYoung posted in his Twitter with a picture and gave his opinion.
Please take a look at the image below.
Here is a comment by Che SYoung translated into English below.
“A hot topic picture in South Korea. Children are encouraged to throw a ball in the face of the vice president of Samsung. I think teaching children to have hatred is a child abuse. It gives a bad influence to form children’s personality. It’s a responsibility of their teachers and parents. Those kids will be grown up to throw something at someone in future, maybe at the picture of President or the figure of Japanese President. I feel sorry for them.”
======( Che SYoung’s Twitter)==================

 Samsung and major companies in South Korea were accused of giving a bribe to President Park by prosecutors. So that parents and school teachers are teaching their children to have hatred and to resort to violence.
Che SYoung says in exchange with Japanese audiences “I have grown up looking at parents and school teachers teaching us to have hatred. ‘Look! Japanese did this and that!’ Parents teach their children like that. You can observe it whenever visiting South Korea.”
Then Japanese audiences question Mr. Che in Twitter. “Why you didn’t grow up to be like Koreans?” Mr. Che replies “I’ve never listened to my school teachers”.

I hear the same kind of thing from Japanese people living in South Korea. All in all, people who grew up in South Korea had been surrounded by hatred since they were born. And none of Korean people, young and old, thinks hatred is wrong.
Korean people can’t change the way they are because that’s been their common sense for thousands of years.
I remember the diaries of Japanese people who were in Korean peninsula involved in developing Korea during the annexation.
They wrote “No matter how much we taught Korean people ethics and morals, no morals and ethics (Be honest. Be thoughtful. etc.,) prevailed in Korea even after 35 years of annexation”.

Speaking of morals, according to JoongAng Ilbo which is Korean newspaper dated January 22, a perjury rate, which is a rate of false testimony in court, has been increasing in South Korea lately that it has become urgent to cope with this problem.
Supreme Court in Korea recently reported that the number of perjury in 2012 was 1,181 but in 2015 it became 1,365 which was 15.5% up from 2012. In average, 3.7 cases are indicted per day

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According to Business Journal (B.J) dated on June 10 2016, more than 231 thousands Korean people were prosecuted for committing a fraud in 2013. Literally South Korea is ranked the world number one fraud country.
Even perjury rate in Korea is 165 times of Japan’s rate. So it is not just Presidents of South Korea committing the fraud and cheating but also the average Korean citizens.

The word of a famous Korean attorney “Be Gunja” was quoted in B.J regarding the national trend of cheating culture as follow.
“Our entire country is a place to practice cheating. Even our Presidents make a big lie in public so they are big influential teachers of liars.”
B.J continues “Why entire Korea is flooded by cheating and lying? According to the book written by Park Chon-hee, the father of current South Korean President, who was also a president of South Korea, he wrote ‘Koreans don’t have sense of honor therefore they lack the sense of responsibility’ In other word, Korean people try to save their own skins thus become less responsible. That’s why Korean people cheat on others to protect their pride.”

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In my explanation, Korean people have a big pride but they don’t have dignity at all.
Korean people would like to win over Japan and would like to think Korea is the best so that they commit cheating and fabricating their history because they don’t have sense of dignity yet they have a huge pride to never want to lose against Japan.

For the last, I will introduce an opinion from Ms Oh Sonfa who is a former native South Korean but is now naturalized to Japanese citizen as University professor in Japan.
She had a speech in Fukuoka Japan on January 21 and predicted what was going to happen to her former mother country of South Korea in future.

She is also a rare former Korean who knows the difference between Japanese and Korean. And her prediction is always very accurate when it comes to how Korean people and Korean government behave.

About a year ago, she predicted that South Korea would surely break the agreement of Comfort Women issue after about six months or year. And as she predicted, South Korean people broke the promise and built another Comfort Woman statue in front of Japanese consulate after a year. She was saying Korean people never can keep promise. And she was right. All Korean people got together and broke the promise all together.

This time, what she predicted about the political chaos of South Korean future was, “South Korea will become like North Korea and anti-Japanese hatred will continue. China will hold political sway over the entire Korean peninsula.”
And she explained the reason as follow.
“Since Roh Moo-hyun administration (since 2003), pro North Korean powers entered into politics and media, and they keep their powers within its body.”
When Sasaki, a branch office manager of Sankei News, pointed out during her speech that the reason South Korea became an aggressive anti-Japanese worshipping country was because Japan had been spoiling South Korea over the issues of Comfort Women and history textbook, Ms Oh replied “It’s important that Japan needs to have an attitude to say straight forwardly what Japan has to say to Korea.”  

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Oh Sonfa always refers to Japanese common sense of “thoughtfulness” and tells Japanese people that is a bad idea to have before Korean people because there is no word or concept of thoughtfulness in Korean culture. Only Korean people take thoughtfulness as a meaning of weak and become arrogant and abusive to Japanese.
Japanese people do for Koreans what they think is a right thing to do, but are unconsciously encouraging Korean people to become arrogant and abusive.
So what’s necessary for Japanese people when dealing with Koreans is to become unthoughtful, offensive, and rude. These are the basic characters all Koreans have.
There are no Japanese concepts like humbleness, politeness, and modesty in Korean culture. Therefore in the eyes of Japanese people, Korean people look to be uncivilized, barbaric, and unsophisticated.

<< Only Japanese >>
Japanese people are trained to think twice before speaking out, in order to figure out the consequences of what words will cause. So it is very difficult for Japanese people to become uncivilized like Koreans and Chinese.
Even though logically understanding the differences of Korean and Chinese ways of thinking, it is not easy for Japanese people to adapt themselves to uncivilized Korean and Chinese styles.

Where does the Japanese concept of thoughtfulness come from? It comes from the belief that the “harmony” is important. So Japanese people carefully select words before speaking it out to not break the harmony. But in the eyes of Korean, Chinese, and even westerners, Japanese people look to be suspicious because Japanese don’t say what they think straight forwardly or even if they say, it’s only part of what they have on their minds.
Then “How can Japanese people communicate each other without speaking out straight forwardly?” is your question. Well, Japanese people use mind reading skills to pick up what you are thinking. So even though Japanese people don’t say everything what they have on their minds, they are picking up the rest of the thoughts from each other. You’ll go, “Wow! So Japanese are like space aliens! They can communicate each other without talking!” Hahaha. Well, that can be achieved only within the same race because Japanese people have the same values, morals, and the way of thinking. This mind reading skill can’t be used to those Korean immigrants who were born and grew up in Japan because they don’t have the same values, morals, and the way of thinking as Japanese do. If you found arguments in Japan, then it would be more likely than not between Korean pedigrees.

If you are westerners, it is easy to communicate with Koreans and Chinese because they are like people in Los Angeles. “You smell like shit today!” “You have such an ugly fat ass!” “Your face looks like fucking monkey!” Those kinds of offensive talk, people in Los Angeles are “relatively” used to. Hahaha. Only Koreans are more rude and offensive. This is the reason why South Korea became the world number one plastic-surgery country because everybody insults and picks on people for their appearances so it became necessary to have plastic surgery in order to get a job or marry in South Korea.
Korean people hate their genuine Korean face and also their history so they fabricate their faces, history, and everything.

All right. I hope you’ll understand the differences between Japanese and those Koreans and Chinese are huge. And it’s not easy to adapt yourself to different or even worse opposite way of thinking even if you totally understand the differences that come from nationality.

That’s about it today.

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