Sunday, January 29, 2017

Only in Japan Winter Season

These are how they look in Japan now.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Not easy to adapt yourself when the different country is opposite from yours

 There seemed to be a lot of protesters demonstrating on the day of inauguration ceremony for Donald Trump.
But on the other side of the world, there are sex scandals about president of South Korea. Hahaha. I can’t stop laughing.
It always becomes ugly in the end when Korean president is involved. President Park was a first female president and people thought she could change the course of ugly history of Korean president but she turned out to be no exception. Hahaha.
Here’s the news title from local Korean media reported by Business Journal dated January 11.
“Finally Korean media stepped over the boundary and went into the R-rated zone!” Hahaha.
“364 pills of Viagra and related medicines purchased” “Three expensive beds purchased” “Dosages of hormone injections” Those are what prosecutors found out after investigating president’s expenses.

People in South Korea are angrily saying “Why Viagra, hormone injections, and three expensive beds!?” Hahaha.

According to the local Korean newspapers, President Park was known for not preferring to be alone only with her cabinet members, but also even with her secretary. However, there was an existence of 48 year old man named “Cha Wongtech”, who was the closest subordinate of “Che Sunsil” the suspect of manipulating President Park, visited the cabinet house quite often and spent a time alone with President Park at night. Considering the fact President Park was single and the existence of the frequent nighttime visitor of 48 year old man, in addition to the purchases of three expensive beds, Viagra, and Hormone injections for women naturally led to only one presumption and drove Korean people crazy.  Hahaha.

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Speaking of scandals, Federal District Attorney’s Office in New York requested South Korea to arrest a younger brother (age 69) of “Ban Ki-moon” a native South Korean man and a former secretary-general of U.N on January 21 for promising to give a bribe to Middle East officials in exchange for buying the skyscraper building in Vietnam. South Korean Ministry of Justice and the US government are adjusting the date to discuss the crime. And the suspect is still on the run.
Ban Ki-moon’s nephew (age 38) who owned a real estate company in N.Y, was also arrested by FBI on January 10, 2017.
It’s Korean’s tradition that they always use family member or relatives when politicians commit a crime.
======( Source )=======================

Ban Ki-moon is 2nd ranked runner-up candidate for the next South Korean president. But about a month ago, Korean journalist divulged Ban Ki-moon took 230 thousand dollars from a Korean entrepreneur when he was introduced to seven Vietnamese foreign officials by Ban Ki-moon in 2005.  Ban Ki-moon is denying the scandal but so far it has been still unclear whether it really took place or not.
When the news of US prosecutor requested to arrest the brother of Ban Ki-moon, a lot of Japanese people in web community laughed and said, “It’s getting earlier. Korean presidents used to be arrested after finishing their terms but current President is facing a charge without completing her term. Now Ban Ki-moon, the next possible president, is already under scrutinize even before his assumption of the presidency.” Hahaha. A very much Korean way.

Anyway, you know what’s great about the era of internet? It’s an era you can get accurate information if you want. There are a lot of issues major media avoid to talk about. However, in the era of internet, there are people available who give you the details of issues major media avoid to discuss about. I’m one of those people. And there are many people who experienced to live in foreign countries using different languages and learned the depth of differences by nationality.
One of the people whom I have an interest in is a native South Korean man named “Che SYoung” who was born and grew up in Seoul South Korea but now he has been living in Japan for more than 10 years. As a free-lance writer, he wrote books regarding the differences between Korean and Japanese, and also about Korean’s nationalism and anti-Japanese hatred. He is very rare Korean. Probably he will be as rare as one out of 100 Koreans or less.

He says in his blog that about 80% of South Koreans are anti-Japanese. In other word, just because Koreans who love Japanese culture doesn’t mean that they are not anti-Japanese at all. This is very important. Ignorant people misunderstand Koreans. In fact, any Japanese culture in South Korea becomes a mega hit but that doesn’t do anything for anti-Japanese hatred. Their minds are complicated and crooked. However, when I read opinions of very rare Koreans who know the differences between Japanese and Koreans, I can find the answer because they are always giving us the answer.

On January 22, Che SYoung posted in his Twitter with a picture and gave his opinion.
Please take a look at the image below.
Here is a comment by Che SYoung translated into English below.
“A hot topic picture in South Korea. Children are encouraged to throw a ball in the face of the vice president of Samsung. I think teaching children to have hatred is a child abuse. It gives a bad influence to form children’s personality. It’s a responsibility of their teachers and parents. Those kids will be grown up to throw something at someone in future, maybe at the picture of President or the figure of Japanese President. I feel sorry for them.”
======( Che SYoung’s Twitter)==================

 Samsung and major companies in South Korea were accused of giving a bribe to President Park by prosecutors. So that parents and school teachers are teaching their children to have hatred and to resort to violence.
Che SYoung says in exchange with Japanese audiences “I have grown up looking at parents and school teachers teaching us to have hatred. ‘Look! Japanese did this and that!’ Parents teach their children like that. You can observe it whenever visiting South Korea.”
Then Japanese audiences question Mr. Che in Twitter. “Why you didn’t grow up to be like Koreans?” Mr. Che replies “I’ve never listened to my school teachers”.

I hear the same kind of thing from Japanese people living in South Korea. All in all, people who grew up in South Korea had been surrounded by hatred since they were born. And none of Korean people, young and old, thinks hatred is wrong.
Korean people can’t change the way they are because that’s been their common sense for thousands of years.
I remember the diaries of Japanese people who were in Korean peninsula involved in developing Korea during the annexation.
They wrote “No matter how much we taught Korean people ethics and morals, no morals and ethics (Be honest. Be thoughtful. etc.,) prevailed in Korea even after 35 years of annexation”.

Speaking of morals, according to JoongAng Ilbo which is Korean newspaper dated January 22, a perjury rate, which is a rate of false testimony in court, has been increasing in South Korea lately that it has become urgent to cope with this problem.
Supreme Court in Korea recently reported that the number of perjury in 2012 was 1,181 but in 2015 it became 1,365 which was 15.5% up from 2012. In average, 3.7 cases are indicted per day

=====( Source )======================

According to Business Journal (B.J) dated on June 10 2016, more than 231 thousands Korean people were prosecuted for committing a fraud in 2013. Literally South Korea is ranked the world number one fraud country.
Even perjury rate in Korea is 165 times of Japan’s rate. So it is not just Presidents of South Korea committing the fraud and cheating but also the average Korean citizens.

The word of a famous Korean attorney “Be Gunja” was quoted in B.J regarding the national trend of cheating culture as follow.
“Our entire country is a place to practice cheating. Even our Presidents make a big lie in public so they are big influential teachers of liars.”
B.J continues “Why entire Korea is flooded by cheating and lying? According to the book written by Park Chon-hee, the father of current South Korean President, who was also a president of South Korea, he wrote ‘Koreans don’t have sense of honor therefore they lack the sense of responsibility’ In other word, Korean people try to save their own skins thus become less responsible. That’s why Korean people cheat on others to protect their pride.”

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In my explanation, Korean people have a big pride but they don’t have dignity at all.
Korean people would like to win over Japan and would like to think Korea is the best so that they commit cheating and fabricating their history because they don’t have sense of dignity yet they have a huge pride to never want to lose against Japan.

For the last, I will introduce an opinion from Ms Oh Sonfa who is a former native South Korean but is now naturalized to Japanese citizen as University professor in Japan.
She had a speech in Fukuoka Japan on January 21 and predicted what was going to happen to her former mother country of South Korea in future.

She is also a rare former Korean who knows the difference between Japanese and Korean. And her prediction is always very accurate when it comes to how Korean people and Korean government behave.

About a year ago, she predicted that South Korea would surely break the agreement of Comfort Women issue after about six months or year. And as she predicted, South Korean people broke the promise and built another Comfort Woman statue in front of Japanese consulate after a year. She was saying Korean people never can keep promise. And she was right. All Korean people got together and broke the promise all together.

This time, what she predicted about the political chaos of South Korean future was, “South Korea will become like North Korea and anti-Japanese hatred will continue. China will hold political sway over the entire Korean peninsula.”
And she explained the reason as follow.
“Since Roh Moo-hyun administration (since 2003), pro North Korean powers entered into politics and media, and they keep their powers within its body.”
When Sasaki, a branch office manager of Sankei News, pointed out during her speech that the reason South Korea became an aggressive anti-Japanese worshipping country was because Japan had been spoiling South Korea over the issues of Comfort Women and history textbook, Ms Oh replied “It’s important that Japan needs to have an attitude to say straight forwardly what Japan has to say to Korea.”  

=====( Source )======================


Oh Sonfa always refers to Japanese common sense of “thoughtfulness” and tells Japanese people that is a bad idea to have before Korean people because there is no word or concept of thoughtfulness in Korean culture. Only Korean people take thoughtfulness as a meaning of weak and become arrogant and abusive to Japanese.
Japanese people do for Koreans what they think is a right thing to do, but are unconsciously encouraging Korean people to become arrogant and abusive.
So what’s necessary for Japanese people when dealing with Koreans is to become unthoughtful, offensive, and rude. These are the basic characters all Koreans have.
There are no Japanese concepts like humbleness, politeness, and modesty in Korean culture. Therefore in the eyes of Japanese people, Korean people look to be uncivilized, barbaric, and unsophisticated.

<< Only Japanese >>
Japanese people are trained to think twice before speaking out, in order to figure out the consequences of what words will cause. So it is very difficult for Japanese people to become uncivilized like Koreans and Chinese.
Even though logically understanding the differences of Korean and Chinese ways of thinking, it is not easy for Japanese people to adapt themselves to uncivilized Korean and Chinese styles.

Where does the Japanese concept of thoughtfulness come from? It comes from the belief that the “harmony” is important. So Japanese people carefully select words before speaking it out to not break the harmony. But in the eyes of Korean, Chinese, and even westerners, Japanese people look to be suspicious because Japanese don’t say what they think straight forwardly or even if they say, it’s only part of what they have on their minds.
Then “How can Japanese people communicate each other without speaking out straight forwardly?” is your question. Well, Japanese people use mind reading skills to pick up what you are thinking. So even though Japanese people don’t say everything what they have on their minds, they are picking up the rest of the thoughts from each other. You’ll go, “Wow! So Japanese are like space aliens! They can communicate each other without talking!” Hahaha. Well, that can be achieved only within the same race because Japanese people have the same values, morals, and the way of thinking. This mind reading skill can’t be used to those Korean immigrants who were born and grew up in Japan because they don’t have the same values, morals, and the way of thinking as Japanese do. If you found arguments in Japan, then it would be more likely than not between Korean pedigrees.

If you are westerners, it is easy to communicate with Koreans and Chinese because they are like people in Los Angeles. “You smell like shit today!” “You have such an ugly fat ass!” “Your face looks like fucking monkey!” Those kinds of offensive talk, people in Los Angeles are “relatively” used to. Hahaha. Only Koreans are more rude and offensive. This is the reason why South Korea became the world number one plastic-surgery country because everybody insults and picks on people for their appearances so it became necessary to have plastic surgery in order to get a job or marry in South Korea.
Korean people hate their genuine Korean face and also their history so they fabricate their faces, history, and everything.

All right. I hope you’ll understand the differences between Japanese and those Koreans and Chinese are huge. And it’s not easy to adapt yourself to different or even worse opposite way of thinking even if you totally understand the differences that come from nationality.

That’s about it today.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

 People are different by nationality

This is follow-up news from my last post regarding the statue of Comfort Women.
There is a very crazy thing going on in South Korea again.
What made me appalled, reading Asahi Web News dated Jan 10, was that there were voices within South Korean government to let Japanese government and Korean people talk directly in search for compromise regarding the Comfort Women issue.
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Do you understand what this means? This is absolutely crazy.
South Korean government knows the statue of Comfort Woman in front of foreign embassy or consulate is a violation of global treaty called “Vienna Convention” which states in the article 22, that all countries must make an effort to protect the dignity of foreign embassy and consulate within its country. It is government’s duty to enforce the global rule on the people. However, South Korea is not a normal country. The democracy of South Korea is driven by people who have mental disease called “Hwabyeong” so every single decision is made by their emotion instead of rational and conscience, therefore, rules regulations laws and contracts are all meaningless before Korean people.

Korean people have been out of control for 11 weeks (more than two months). And the two million Koreans are demonstrating on the streets every weekend including December 24, demanding President Park to resign immediately. This is Korean. Once they triggered their mental disease, nobody can stop them including Korean government. So the country of South Korea has no president and authority as of now. This is a condition called “Coup d'etat” where no leader and authority exist but only mobs of people who are emotionally out of control triggered by their DNA.
And this condition is the exactly the same condition regarding the Comfort Women issue that people are all emotionally out of control, and all together desperately spreading the false story of Sexual Slavery which they made up only about five years ago. No Korean cares about the evidence and truth losing their rational and conscience but all Koreans get together making one lie after another in attempt to cheat on people in the whole world.

Initially, who started this? Who made all Korean people out of control refusing to remove the statue of Comfort Woman? Korean people are now ready to kill anybody including the authorities who attempt to remove it.
It was President Park who started this. As soon as she assumed the president, she began Anti-Japanese campaign all over the world to spread the fabricated history of South Korea. Korean government spent tens of millions of dollars for the propaganda.
Among those who were in the team were Korean university professors in South Korea who made a movie of Sexual Slavery by Japanese Army (in actual history, Korean men were Japanese soldiers) based on the total fabrication to depict Japanese as absolute evil. It became psychotic spree of hatred and racism. And it really made Korean people feel the best ever disgracing Japanese people in front of the whole world.
It made their dream come true. And it was their first time experience relieving their jealous and inferiority complex over Japan because Korean people have unquenchable thirst to want to insult Japanese people.

President Park was the one initiating the anti-Japanese hatred. And all young Korean people were faithfully following their leader and were very happy to spread their brand-new fabricated history of South Korea to the whole world. It was absolutely their best time ever.
But now Korean government reversely wants to stop the people. Young and old Korean people want to continue anti-Japanese hatred because that makes them feel really good but Korean government is now saying “Stop it!” That makes Korean people mad. It’s like trying to convince narcotic addicts to stop using the drugs. It’s impossible to convince “Anti-Japanese Addicts (fabricated history lovers)” to stop doing anti-Japanese hatred (to stop spreading the fabricated history) anymore since Korean people are irrational and emotional driven by their DNA.

Anyone who wants to become president of South Korea now has to have an eligibility to raise Anti-Japanese hatred before Anti-Japanese addicts of South Korean people. So the candidates for the next South Korean president are all raising an intense anti-Japanese policy now. 

Isn’t this interesting? America has a racial issue which comes from the difference of skin color. But in East Asia, there are an intense hatred and racial issue that come from “Inferiority Complex” and “Jealous”.
So it is important not to look at East Asia from your own point of view because Chinese and Koreans are different from you. They don’t hesitate to fabricate their history to achieve their purpose (hatred and racism) because there is no concept of honesty in those two countries.
Even though skin color is the same, but the mind, culture, ethics, the way of thinking, and even DNA are different between Japanese and those Chinese and Koreans. That’s why the conflicts occur.

Also, there is a severe problem Japanese people have.
I was going to talk about this in “Unlocking the mystery of Japan” series, but I will talk about it now.

Unlike Chinese Korean or any people in the whole world, Japanese people have very unusual custom which no Japanese people has any conscious about itself.
 That is emphasizing the harmony. I’m not saying this is good custom. As the matter of fact, I don’t personally like this Japanese way of thinking.
And this Japanese custom is one of the reasons why Japan and the two countries of China and Korea can never get along with each other.

Japanese apologize with no reason. Japanese use apology in a wrong way from global standard.
When I say “global standard”, that means “litigation society”.  When I first lived in Los Angeles, Japanese people living in the US advised me “Never apologize!” I was shocked and thought “How could I live without apologizing?”
When Japanese people apologize, in most of cases they are apologizing for breaking the harmony. Can you understand this? I think nobody in the world can understand this including Chinese and Koreans because Chinese and Koreans don’t care about harmony and others being selfish.
And you too, right? Who the hell cares about harmony, right?
In global standard (litigation society), people apologize only when they admit their fault. However, Japanese people apologize even when they don’t admit their fault. You’ll go “Why?” right? Hahaha.

I will show you an example talk between me and Japanese people. It’s a little bit exaggerated but the essence of the way of thinking is intact.

<< KOREAN >> “Japan has never apologized to Korea!”

<< JAPANESE >> “Japan has apologized to Korea more than 60 times before!”

<< ME >> “Don’t say Japan apologized!”

<< JAPANESE >> “Why?”

<< ME >> “You Japanese people are denying any allegation about the Comfort Women issue, right?”

<< Japanese >> “Of course we are!”

<< ME >> “Then, don’t apologize!”

<< JAPANESE >> “Why? If we apologize, the issue will be over”

<< ME >> “No, if you apologize to Korea, you are admitting Sexual Slavery. Are Japanese people admitting Sexual Slavery?”

<< JAPANESE >> “Hell NO! We have all evidences to prove Sexual Slavery is a total fabrication by Koreans!”

<< ME >> “Then why you needed to apologize?”

<< JAPANESE >> “What do you mean why? We apologized to get it over”

<< ME >> “So, are you Japanese people Okay if the all people in the world think Sexual Slavery is a true history?”

<< JAPANESE >> “Hell NO!!!!”

<< ME >> “Then, don’t apologize. Japanese people are using the apology in a wrong way that makes all people in the world confused. Don’t behave and think as Japanese when you are in front of people from other country including Koreans”

<< JAPANESE >> “Are you saying Korean way of thinking is global standard and Japanese way of thinking is nonsense?”

<< ME >> “Yes, Japanese way of thinking is nonsense in any country of the world”

<< JAPANESE >> “You must be Korean! That’s why you are denying Japanese standard! Korean standard is nonsense!”

<< ME >> “No, you don’t understand. Japanese society is not a litigation society so people make an apology without admitting their fault. That’s a severe problem when you deal with people from other part of the world. In global standard, people apologize only when they admit their fault. But we Japanese are apologizing without admitting our fault. We have to fix the bad habit when we deal with Koreans Chinese or any people of the world”

<< JAPANESE >> “Nonsense! You must be Korean!”

This exchange goes on and on and on. Hahaha.
See, in any country, people think what they have as common sense is a global standard.
That’s why ignorant people say “We are same humans!” But I say “No, you are ignorant. We humans are different from each other divided by nationality. Each country has different common sense and standard. And oftentimes what you think right thing to do in your country is 100% wrong thing to do in other country”
The best example is “How to use apology in Japan” Japanese people have been unconsciously making mistakes in the world using the apology in a wrong way.

In the global standard (litigation society), people don’t apologize for what they didn’t do. But Japanese think apologizing for what they didn’t do is a good deed because people who apologized for disturbing the harmony are recognized as good people who cared for the importance of harmony. In other word, Japanese people don’t care about who is right (victim) or wrong (offender) but only care about the harmony. 

Because Japan is not a litigation society, the importance of harmony is weighed more than the litigational judgemental thinking.
Therefore, when Japanese government makes an apology to Korea, that doesn’t mean Japan is admitting Sexual Slavery at all but apologizing only for “disturbing the harmony”
That’s confusing for you, right? Yep, that’s Japanese, my race. A very confusing behavior Japanese people have.

Korea constantly makes a disturbance by fabricating their history. And Japan thinks that they need to stop the disturbance of “harmony” and makes an apology without admitting Korean’s accusation. It’s really bad habit of Japanese people because Japanese people can’t psychologically put up with the disturbance of harmony.  And even worse, most of Japanese people think that apology to Korea is a good deed despite they fiercely deny the accusation of Sexual Slavery. This discrepancy comes from the native Japanese way of thinking and nobody in the world can understand this Japanese nonsense. I explain this to Japanese people again and again but almost no Japanese people can understand it including President Abe because that’s their common sense and no one casts any doubt on it.
This is the difference of nationality. All people are different divided by nationality.

It’s getting a long writing so I will explain more about the detail and mechanism of Japanese way of thinking in “Unlocking the Mystery of Japan” series.

Have a nice weekend!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Getting uglier with “honest people” Koreans

Last time I talked about the news Korean people installed another statue of Comfort Woman in front of Japanese consulate in South Korea.
Japan and South Korea made an agreement about a year ago to never make a fuss over Comfort Women issue any more and Japan gave 10 million dollars. Those self-claimed Comfort Women took the money. But now Koreans are out of control again and Japan withdrew the ambassador and consul from South Korea to say good bye.
An act of withdrawing an ambassador and consul from the country politically means shutting out any kind of relation between the countries. So South Korea has now become like North Korea for Japan.
Korean government is now complaining to Japan that it was an act of people not government. However, building a statue of political harassment in front of an embassy and consulate is a severe violation of Vienna Convention which is a global treaty to prevent any interference from the activities of foreign embassy and consulate. And Korean government is letting Korean people violate the global treaty.
It’s getting uglier now. Whenever Koreans are there, everything becomes ugly.

Speaking of ugly Koreans, I’ve been monitoring the comments posted in the YouTube video which I introduced in my blog on December 17 of last month.

===== YouTube video “Simon & Martina” ================

There are numerous comments posted by not Koreans that made me laugh like the ones below. Hahaha.

“I've lived in both countries for years and I can say your assessment of Korea is spot on. They have a huge inferiority complex.”

“Koreans are irrational. It's almost impossible trying to discuss any issue with them that hits an emotional nerve. It's like trying to convince a dog not to bark.”

Most of comments posted by Koreans are really funny because it’s obvious that they triggered their mental disease “Hwabyeong” Hahaha.
When South Korea is being compared to Japan, it really drives Korean people crazy being jealous and angry. Koreans live for jealous of Japan. And their ugly minds are filling all over the comments. Hahaha.
Lots of Koreans commented “Japan and Korea have a sensitive issue over history”. That’s really ridiculous.
No Chinese people say “Please don’t compare Japan to China because we Chinese and Japanese have a sensitive issue of Nang King Massacre! (which is a total fabrication though)” No Poles say “Please don’t compare Poland to Germany because we Pole and Germany have a sensitive issue of 2nd World War!” Only Koreans in the world are hysterically saying “History (which was actually fabricated only about four years ago) of 100 years ago! Don’t compare Japan and Korea!!” despite the fact Korea had been an enslaved country of China for about 2,000 years until recently before Korea became independent from China by Japan.

It is not the history Korean people go nuts but their ugly crooked minds of jealous and inferiority complex (anger) that are all out of control thus pouring their ugly comments all over the place. It is just an excuse to say “history!” to cover up their ugly crooked minds that come from their DNA. Those young Koreans need to constantly quote their fabricated history when they get caught red-handed for unconsciously exposing their unethical and ugly Korean nature.

Among most of ugly Korean comments, I found a very interesting one posted by native Korean. Unlike other comments, he is (like me) comparing Japanese and Koreans analytically. Below is what he commented in English. I copied and pasted it below.

“We (South Koreans) tend to speak straight forward and bluntly honest about everything compare to Japanese tries to hide their emotions and opinions as they can as possible. like "you are so fat" "you smell like shit today" "you look so ugly today" something like this (but only between friends). I think because of Japanese culture built on from their Samurais means if you offend someone then you'll be killed by their swords right away. but in Korea you can say anything. if you try to hide your emotions then Koreans probably will think that you try to lie about something. this is why Japanese can't understand Koreans and Koreans can't understand Japanese.

This is a good example of “The View of Evil” which is a concept Korean people have that all humans are fundamentally evil because Koreans are evil so it must be applied to all people.

Koreans are constantly lying and cheating on people therefore, Korean people think Japanese people are the same as they are. And they think, not saying straight-forwardly is the evidence that Japanese people are dishonest liars.

It was really interesting to hear the word “Honest” from the mouth of the people whose country is rated the number one fraud country by WHO.

The way they use the word “honest” is different from us.
I will explain my points by a discussion style between Japanese and Korean below. Koreans words described below are what I always hear from native Koreans.


<< Koreans >>
“We are honest people that’s why when we feel jealous or offended, we straight forwardly insult and hurt people. When we feel anger, we beat up or kill people. When we want something, we steal it. When we feel happy, we jump up in the air and scream! And when we feel sad, we cry loudly. See? We are very honest people.
Look at yourself Japanese. Why you guys always contain your emotion? Even when a huge Tsunami hit northern part of Japan killing 10,000 people and the survivors lost everything, those Japanese victims didn’t cry but they calmly kept helping each other. If the same thing had happened to us, we would have cried loudly and stolen everything from each other. Why are you Japanese people helping other people? It’s because you Japanese are very dishonest to yourself that’s why Japanese people are lying to cover up your true emotion!”

<< Japanese >>
“We don’t use the word “Honest” for letting ourselves controlled by emotions (anger, jealous, etc). We call that "Unthoughtful" or "rude". Korean people don't even understand the meanings of "thoughtful" and "rude" because there are no such concepts in Korean culture. 

We Japanese people are trained to control our emotions unlike Koreans and we think holding back our emotions (anger and jealous) is for the purpose of becoming thoughtful to not hurt people.  And when we use the word “honest”, that’s when we confess what we did was unethical (wrong). You Koreans are constantly making lies and fabricating your history. That’s unethical and dishonest in our definitions.”

<< Koreans >>
 “What ethics are you talking about? Your meaning of ethics is not our meaning of ethics! What’s wrong with fabricating our history to raise hatred toward Japanese people? We are just honestly following our emotions (Jealous) and instinct (Anger) since we are very honest people unlike Japanese!”

<< Japanese >>
 “You Koreans shouldn’t use the word “honest” when following your instinct (emotions) to hurt people. If your Korean way of thinking was the way it should be, then all murderers (including serial murderers of psychopaths) in the world would be deemed as the best humans of virtue. And we think that is the reason why South Korea is the one of the highest murder rate countries in OEDC despite the fact South Korea is a no-gun society. You Korean people have a severe problem with the way to use the meanings of honest and dishonesty.”

Now, what do you think? Koreans are known to be constantly cheating but they think those lying and committing frauds are the evidence of their honesty faithfully following their emotions. (In other word, in Korean logic the reason why the crime rate of Japan is the lowest in the world is because Japanese people are very dishonest not following their emotions faithfully) So Koreans think, constantly fabricating their history and cheating on the people in the whole world is a good deed being honest and faithful to their "emotions".

When using the words “Honesty” and “Dishonesty”, which side your country belongs to? Japan or Korea? Depending on each country values and common sense vary.
I am not saying which type of people is right or wrong but I am pointing out the differences of people by nationality because depending on each country, the take of meaning differs. Even the meaning of “honesty” is differently used in Japan and Korea despite those two countries are adjacent to each other.
Therefore, it is natural that no Japanese and Korean people can agree with each other.

Do you know US talk show “Jerry Springer Show”?
If you haven’t watched it before, you can watch it on YouTube from the link below.


In my personal opinion, a country of South Korean is like a real version of Jerry Springer Show where people resort to violence faithfully following their emotions. Hahaha.

Again, I’m not saying all Koreans are like that. I’m not generalizing. But I’m saying “most of” Koreans are like that. Hahaha.
I hope people who read this have an answer for why Japanese and Korean can never get along to each other. And it partly comes from the difference of DNA .

Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

How can all people become low and despicable cheaters?

 Today’s news is from crazy South Korea again.
According to Japanese media “Jiji news”, unveiling ceremony of Comfort Woman statue was held at 9 PM right in front of Japanese consulate in Busan South Korea on December 31.
And today’s news from “JoongAng Ilbo”, which is Korean newspaper, reported that those people who aggressively fought back against police officers but were eventually arrested when installing the statue of Comfort Woman in front of Japanese Consulate, announced before media that they were considering to file a lawsuit against the police officers. Prior to this incident, the same civil group instigated a surprise attack to install the statue on December 28, but after physical struggle with a group of police officers 13 people were arrested and their plot ended up failing.  

====== Source ===================

They have the same statue in front of Japanese embassy in Seoul city also.
According to Sankei News in Korea, there are more than 40 Comfort Woman statues (15 statues were added in 2016) all over South Korea.
This country is very crazy. Hahaha. You know when you install a statue in your country, it has to be something inspiring and making people want to look up to. But look at Koreans! The country is all filled up with negative energy which comes from Korean people’s ugly minds. Hahaha. How can people possibly become this low? Hahaha.
It’s their jealous and inferiority complex (anger) driven by their DNA. Hahaha.
It’s their DNA so they can’t fix it and nobody can do anything about them. Korean will remain like that forever. The country is cursed. Hahaha.
I think God created Koreans next to the country of Japan only to make Japanese people laugh. Hahaha.

You know why Koreans want to build Comfort Woman statues? It’s not for Japanese people but for all ignorant people in the world.
Koreans know that Japanese people know the true history of Korea so they don’t care about Japanese people anymore but what they care about is how the world looks at Japan.
Koreans know all people in the world are ignorant about East Asia so brainwashing without evidence takes statues to convince the ignorant people into believing their fabricated history. And once ignorant people in the world got cheated by Koreans, Koreans can achieve the purpose of insulting Japanese people. That makes jealous Korean people pleased. Yep, it’s a very crooked mind. Hahaha.

Koreans are jealous and envy Japanese culture. As the matter of fact, according to Japan National Tourism Organization, the number of foreign tourists visiting Japan has been explosively increasing for the last couple of years. And South Koreans are the most visiting tourists ranked 2nd next to Chinese. But the number of tourists from South Korea and China is almost the same. Considering the population of each country (China’s population is 28 times of Korean’s) and the fact the number of tourists from South Korea has increased 28% from the previous year, you can perceive Koreans enthusiasm and admiration for Japan. Koreans want to insult and break all Japanese cultures but at the same time they envy and dying to have Japanese culture. Hahaha.
====== Source (JNTO) ===================

On the other hand, Japanese people don’t travel to South Korea. South Korea is one of the most unpopular tourist destinations in Japan. The reasons are as I have mentioned before “First, there aren’t much of historical sightseeing spots. Second, an anti-Japanese country. And third, there are of course Koreans in South Korea. Hahaha.
South Korean and Chinese were ranked the highest in Japanese survey “The most disliked nationality to marry in Japan” conducted in 2015. Hahaha.  
So it is “One way love” Koreans have toward Japanese with intense jealous (emotion) and inferiority complex anger (emotion) that are totally out of control by their DNA. Hahaha.

It is unethical for Japanese people trying to spread a false rumor about the innocent person they are jealous of in attempt to ruin his or her life. But for Koreans, it’s nothing unethical. Ethics, morals, rules, regulations are all meaningless before Koreans because Koreans can’t control their emotion due to their DNA therefore they can’t behave rationally. This is the reason why driving manners in South Korea is terrible (way worse than Los Angeles and New York). Driving manners reflect people’s behavior.
I oftentimes hear from Japanese people who traveled to South Korea say “I was surprised nobody dodged when walking on the streets but everybody bumped their shoulders into me” There is no concept of yielding in Korean culture. The act of yielding is deemed as a loser therefore nobody yields whether it is walking on the streets or driving on the roads or insisting on the fabricated Comfort Women history. .
Japan is opposite. Everybody yields so Korean tourists get surprised when they see Shibuya Scramble crossing where overwhelming number of Japanese people are walking on the crossing in all directions without bumping into each other. So is the driving manners in Japan, everybody yields so it is smooth with no hassle.

Anyway, let’s get back to the statue of Comfort Woman.
Please take a look at the attached first picture below.

Many times Japanese and Korean scholars have been pointing out the hair style of the statue was wrong.  There was no bobbed hair style in Korean culture. Bobbed hair style was the hair style of Japanese women but almost no Korean cares about it now.

Please take a look at the 2nd image attached below.

This is the symbolistic statue of South Korea placed on the main street of Seoul city.
But again, when this statue appeared two and a half years ago, a lot of Korean people and scholars protested to remove it because the statue’s armor was Chinese armor and the sword was obviously Japanese sword. It became news in Japan also. However, nobody in South Korea claims anything against the statue now.

====== Source ===================
Koreans are known to be very demanding people. Despite Koreans do more protests and demonstrations than any people in the world, yet all Koreans remain silent about it now.
You know why? Korean people don’t like actual Korean history and culture. So they don’t hesitate to fabricate their history and culture if it becomes as fabulous as the fantasy they have from looking at Japanese culture. That’s why they became content with the look of statue that could be proudly appealed to the world. They no longer care whether it is Korean culture or not but they are all happy being proud of their country with brand-new fabricated image of their culture.
This mentality is really difficult to understand for Japanese people.
Imagine if you were American. You have Star Wars film, right?  And if a guy said “Let’s claim to the world that Star Wars film is our actual history of America so we can be proud of our country to the whole world!” would you possibly agree with him?
Because American people don’t have any inferiority complex and jealous of a particular country, they don’t come up with a nonsense idea like Koreans do.

I am sure the designer created the statue on the main street of Seoul was getting the design from Korean history drama.

Korean history drama is all fantasy based on a total fabrication. It's a fantasy just like Star Wars film. Yet there are voices of demands among Korean to use the history dramas to teach at school.  Hahaha.
I told you, the story of Comfort Women is just a small segment of the whole fabricated Korean history. Eeeeverything about Korean culture and history are fabrications. Hahaha.
It’s important for you to look at the whole figure of Korean people instead of the small segment of Comfort Women issue so that you can see the actual problem.

For the last, I have a disclaimer. I’m not saying all Korean people are like that. Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not generalizing by nationality. Okay? But I’m saying “almost” all Koreans are like that so... Hahaha.

Have a nice day! 

New Year 2017 at Shibuya scramble crossing, it’s a chaos by tourists!

 I used to live in Tokyo for five years. And every end of year and New Year, Tokyo became empty. Most of people living in Tokyo returned to their home town during the holidays.
But you can watch what’s going on in Tokyo now. Please click the link below.

==== YouTube ========================

You can see so many tourists from all over the world in the video. I am surprised too.
The number of tourists visiting Japan has been increasing explosively for the last couple of years.

And this is what’s happening in Tokyo now.  It looks like Los Angeles.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Mochi the New Year food and ritual

If you ever have a chance to visit Japan in New Year, there are foods that you should try.
One of the special foods served during New Year season is “Mochi”. Mochi doesn’t exist in China and Korea although that they have slightly resembling kind of Mochi but its process and ingredient to make and texture are totally different.
(Please take a look at the attached pictures)

Every New Year in the morning, a traditional Japanese family makes Mochi to dedicate for their family Shinto altar. It is a ritual to welcome a house-assigned god for New Year.
Mochi is considered the highest treat since old time in Japan.

Although Mochi is available throughout the year but Mochi is only original Japanese food.

In Korea, they eat “Toppogi” which is made from powdered rice. In Japan, it’s called “Dango” but it’s nothing like Mochi. The texture is different.

On January 1st, people in Japan eat “Ozouni” whichi is a bowl of Miso soup cooked with a lot of vegetables, some meats (depends family), and Mochi. It’s a ritual of Japanese New Year worshiping Shinto.
There is also a New Year food called “Zenzai /Oshiruko” which is sweets cooked with red beans and sugar with Mochi. Girls love it. It’s available throughout the year so you should try it to experience the texture of Mochi.

A lot of Japanese people love baked Mochi including myself.
Look for “Sato Kirimochi” in Amazon in your country. They are available and cheap.

<< How to cook baked Mochi >>
1.    Put them in an oven
2.    When they get swollen.
3.    Take them out and dip them in Soy Sauce (It has to be Kikkoman 'Japanese' brand)
4.    Put them back in the oven and bake them for another couple of minutes. And it’s done!
5.    Wrap it with Nori and eat it. It’s delicious and smells so good!

People who are used to eat Mochi add some Cheese or vegetable in it.
Cheese, Nori, Soy Sauce, and Mochi go pretty well!

==== How it’s cooked in an oven (YouTube) =======


==== Honey bees Mochi in China (YouTube) =======
