Sunday, April 10, 2016

Last time I said that I would show you documentary films to prove South Koreans were big liars. I was going to do that in the chapter-3, but I figured it would make the story too much diverted from the main theme, so I decided to do that in this special posting.

South Korean people never stop lying. They will continue telling you one lie after another to cheat on you because that's Korean culture. They know majority of people are emotional and susceptible to visual information. That’s why Koreans scream and cry shamelessly in hopes of brainwashing gullible people. Again, that is Korean culture. And those performances seemed to be not enough for Koreans to cheat more people, so they came up with a movie of their fabricated history. This movie was directed by University professor in South Korea. So yeah, even majority of university professors in South Korea are big lairs. (See the attached image below)

You can see Korean girls sitting in line and Japanese army (which was Korean men. Haha) shooting them from their backs. And the story goes that those dead bodies and some girls still alive would be piled up and Japanese army ( which was Korean men, Haha) set fire on them. This is exactly what Korean soldiers did during Vietnam War. They did sexual slavery and holocaust. They are reliving what they did in their past and claiming Japan did that.
Very ridiculous and nasty but that’s Korean culture and cheating is an essence of Korean people.

Now, as far as Korean people are there, fabrications never stop because they were born to cheat on people. The only way to put an end to the issue, is that you time-travel to the actual era and see it with your own eyes. Right? Well, you can do that. There are documentary films recorded by American and Swede journalists who were living in Korea during the annexation.
If you time-traveled to the era of the annexation with a time machine now and met those journalists, they would be saying exactly the same things as they said in their films before you. You can literally travel to the past and listen to what journalists are saying as a third party if you watch the films.

First film was recorded in 1931 by American journalist “James A Fitzpatrick”.
Korean people always make a lie and say “Japan invaded Korea!” Of course that’s not true. The annexation was approved by the international community that included the U.S and British. Therefore, a lot of journalists from all over the world were living in Korea and monitoring how Japanese government ran the country of Korea.
You can see the picture of Seoul before annexation. Seoul was a capital of Korea but most of people were living in the straw houses when Japan, Russia, and western countries had battle ships, submarines, and fighter airplanes.
There was no way Korea could fight alone against Russian invasion. That's why Korea begged and asked Japan for the annexation. But this fact is really unacceptable for inferiority-complexed Korean people so they continually fabricate their history for their convenience. There is no notion of honesty in Korean culture. If you don't know these facts, you will be cheated by Korean people. Please be careful with Koreans. And don't trust the tears of Korean people.
The annexation began from 1910. So it was already 20 years passed when the film was recorded. The country of Korea had been drastically changed and modernized by Japan.
If you look at Korea people in the film, you can tell that they were extremely wealthy.

My father was born more than 10 years after the film was recorded but when I saw the old pictures of my father’s elementary school days, the kids were wearing tattered clothes and looked very poor, way poorer than those Korean kids in the film. My father was a son of general manager of major city bank. So he was rich. And he was the only one in class wearing a school uniform. Therefore, I knew from my father’s explanation, wearing a school uniform was a symbol of wealthiness back then. But the film divulges how extremely wealthy Korean people were generously given and supplied by Japanese government. Korean girls were clad in beautiful and colorful dresses. And the boy was clad in a school uniform too. That’s amazing! Everything what South Koreans have ever said was proven to be lies. And listen to what the American journalist says in the film. "A typical Korea man who firmly declines to admit the superiority of Japan's intellectual and moral culture over his own."
Already Korean people’s typical characters of “Never appreciate. Never admit kindness” were confirmed by the observing American journalist.
Please click the YouTube link below and see it for yourself. It is only 3 minutes long.
From 1:17, Korean girls clad in expensive clothes appear and show traditional Korean dance with a huge smiles. Where is “suffering”? What’s there is only wealthiness and happiness.
Movie title “Siam to Korea“ by James A Fitzpatrick in 1931

2nd film is a rare 16mm COLOR(Kodachrome) footage of Seoul was filmed in March 1938, by Thor Wiestlandt, a Swedish diplomat who stayed in Japan from 1936 to 1939.
WW2 began from 1939 so this film was recorded a year before WW2. You can see Korean people in the film who had been living as Japanese citizens for already 28 years.
From 1:30, Korean kids appear in the film. They are all happy and wealthy with big smiles.
This movie is also about 3 minutes long.

Can you understand the meaning of “A country of liars”? You have to stop being a racist generalizing people by skin color and saying “All Japanese and Koreans are the same because they have the same Yellow skin color! Skin color matters! Forget about cultural and moral differences!”
I hope you will have a different perspective view on Korean people and culture from those facts and evidences.
I will show you more in Part-2.

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