(Continuing from the post on March 15)
This is chapter-2. Unfortunately I couldn’t wrap it up this time. I will have to continue it to chapter-3. It’s been a while since last time I posted my writing. I know a lot of people, mostly regular visitors, are visiting my blog. And I thought I should post one now.
Now, from this point on, without knowing the distinctive characters of South Korean people, you’ll not be able to read or predict what South Korean people will do about the condition they’re facing now.
As the result of playing games with China and the U.S, no country is on the side of South Korea now. It was a delusion South Korea had that they could manipulate China and the U.S. But South Koreans are still the masters of manipulation.
(Both Chinese and Koreans have the View of Evil, therefore, naturally they were both cheating on each other. As the result, China outsmarted South Korea this time manipulating South Korea into behaving against the U.S)
What South Korea did to China as a retaliation, after finding out what President Xi had in his gut about South Korea, was to use the gullible America for threatening China. By threatening China using the U.S, South Korea could expect extracting some compromise from China. So President Park announced the idea of deploying THAAD in South Korea.
THAAD is a missile developed by the U.S to counter-attack against the long range missile launched by the enemy. And it has a huge range of radar that covers China and Russia and can detect any military movements. But the idea of deploying THAAD in South Korea has always been shied away by South Korean government. Why?
Think about it. THAAD is the best way to protect South Korea from North Korea. But South Korean government has never been willing to deploy them in South Korea.
The gullible U.S government has been insisting THAAD is the best way to protect their ally of South Korea. Now, this is the point where you get puzzled by South Koreans.
North Korea is an enemy for South Korea, right? Wrong! South Koreans never thought about North Koreans that way. North and South Korean people think that they are all the same family and same tribe. Then you will wonder, “Why the hell they have always been in conflict to each other?” Well, that’s the cultural differences I have been explaining here in my blog. When you look at people from other country, you shouldn’t judge them from your own common sense.
Korean people are very selfish people which character is common sense for Korean culture. So insisting selfishly what they think while screaming and fist-punching the opposition people are very normal Korean people’s behavior. So North and South Korea’s conflict is normal Korean culture. Conflicts never go away as far as there are Koreans.
A lot of Westerners and Japanese people who traveled to South Korea say “It was like a whole country was a psychiatric ward. Everybody was fighting on the street screaming at each other being drunk as a skunk at a night. It was chaos.” But that’s normal Korean people and their culture.
You might think that there must be a problem for the conflict and try to solve it in vain because in your culture, conflict means a problem. But in Korean culture, conflicts are normal and no problem at all. So you shouldn’t try to solve the conflict or they will prey on you thinking you are stupid. This is the cultural difference.
The conflict between North and South Korea is the same. Japan and the U.S shouldn’t chime in between them and try to solve it. I will explain why later on.
Anyway, before I go any further, I want to make sure if you are with me.
There was one of my audiences who labeled me “Racist” after reading the cultural differences explained in my blog. Have you ever felt like that about me? Please be honest. Have you? Or at least you might have thought recognizing the cultural differences could be deemed as a practice of a racist.
If you are uncertain or felt my explanation was a racist, then you could be a racist.
When I explained the cultural differences, one of my audiences I’ll call her “S”, said “Don’t generalize Korean people”. Then I said “I’ve never generalized them. I always say that there is an exceptional case but you need to know the cultural differences”.
She really didn’t like the idea that there were differences among Yellow people.
“You East Asians have the same Yellow skin color! I don’t accept cultural differences because you have Yellow skin! Skin color matters! Forget about the cultural differences! Let’s generalize people by skin color!” In her logic, all Black people are the same regardless which country they are from. They might be from Africa, Puerto Rico, British, or the U.S. It really doesn’t matter for her because they have the same Black skin color therefore no cultural influence they get. “White Russians and Americans are the same. Both White Russians and White American have the same White skin color, so they have 100% same way of thinking and morals, no cultural influences at all because they have the same White skin color!” How about that? Haha. Wouldn’t that be called a racist?
If you refuse to accept the cultural differences, you will be deemed as a racist.
The reason why I spend so much time explaining the cultural differences in my blog is because Chinese and Korean cultures and common senses are very different from any other people on earth. In case of Japanese people, there is no similarity with Chinese and Korean people in ethics, morals, cultures, and the way of thinking at all. These differences are just so huge that you don’t find that level of huge gap among Europeans or westerners. Somebody needs to point out the huge differences. And without knowing the differences, you just can’t see what’s happening in East Asia accurately.
Unlike any news you read from web news, or TV, I explain news with cultural different point of view because you tend to draw judgement based on your own common sense, which judgement can be often times all wrong. Your common sense doesn’t work out in China, North & South Korea.
If you remember on January 31st, I posted my writing in my blog and quoted the comment from Mr. Michael Pillsbury, a current advisor of Pentagon, that the U.S was misunderstanding Chinese way of thinking. This kind of mistake happens frequently if you don’t understand the cultural differences. Even for Japanese people, it’s very difficult to understand Chinese and Korean way of thinking because everything is polar opposite from Japanese common sense.
Here’s Korean news reported last week. The title is “South Korea is the world number one fraud country”.
The Korean writer was quoting the crime rate data from South Korea’s Prosecution Department and said that the average fraud incident happened 668 per day in South Korea. That means every 2 minutes and 9 seconds, a fraud incident is happening in South Korea. If this number was compared to the U.S, the U.S’s population is 6 times of South Korea’s, so multiplying 6 times of 668 would be 4,008. Imagine everyday 4,008 cases of frauds are happening in the U.S. Isn’t that amazing? As the matter of fact, according to the Korean news, in 2013 South Korea’s fraud rate was ranked as the world number one by WHO.
Not just that, perjury, which is a crime of false testimony in court, in South Korea is as much as 600 times of Japan’s rate. I’m not saying one unusual Korean is making a lie and committing a fraud, but whole people and nation are doing it as common sense. Because there is no sense of honesty in Korean culture traditionally, it is not considered as a shame to cheat on people with whole bunch of lies. This is the cultural difference. You just can’t judge or listen to Korean people with your own common sense.
Here’s today’s news in Japan from Sankei news. Last summer in 2015, Japanese government tried to register a historical treasure of Battleship island at UNESCO World Treasure. This island was iconic of Japan’s economic growth. But as always, inferiority complexed South Koreans were jealous of it. So as usual they tried to interfere with the registration. “Japan did slavery!!” Another lie by Koreans.
The average rate of TV prevalence during the era of Battleship island in Japan was only 7.8%. So if there were 100 houses in Japan, only 8 houses could afford to have a TV. It was so rare and expensive to possess TV back then. However, the prevalence rate of TV in Battleship island was 100%. You can see from this fact the people in Battleship island were extremely rich.
What Japanese officials obtained now is the evidence that not only South Korean government was interfering with the registration but also a group of Korean people were working on it behind the scene.
Those Korean people were handing out information booklet to UNESCO commissioners.
In the booklet, there was a large picture of a wilted man, and titled “Forced to work as a slave”. But the picture was from a totally different source. It was a picture from Hokkaido newspaper. Hokkaido is a province of the most northern part of Japan. But the island was the most Southern part of Japan. It was a totally irrelevant picture used to cheat and brainwash UNESCO commissioners. And in the booklet it says “Wake up UNESCO! Wake up world! Wake up all humans!”. Very inventive and cultlike South Korean people are as masters of manipulators. But that’s their culture. And Koreans are not the only ones that nasty. China is also the same with Nanking Massacre. Most of pictures were from different era and some of them were forged fake pictures. I will talk about Nanking issue some other time.
So as you can see, without knowing cultural differences which include their tendency, common sense, and way of thinking, you will misjudge or being cheated by Korean and Chinese people.
In my next chapter, I will show you undeniable evidences to prove South Koreans are all nasty liars. There are documentary films recorded by American and Swede journalists during annexation (merger) in Korea. In the films, you can listen to what the American journalist say as narrated from the impression of Japanese annexation. It’s totally opposite narration from the impression Korean people ever projected to you.
For the last, I will show you a genetic difference of Korean people.
This is what we hear almost every week from Korean news but you haven’t heard of it I am sure.
Have you ever heard a word “Hwabyeong” before? Hwabyeong is a medical word and is a condition of mental disease only Korean people have in their DNA. It is officially confirmed by South Korean government and also by American Psychiatric Association.
This is a mental disorder unable to control anger. This related news we hear from South Korea all the time not just from South Korean government but also from many researchers.
On April 2nd, Record China reported Korean news in Japanese language. According to Korean Psychiatric Association, 50% of Korean people have a disorder to control their anger. 40% of felony crimes such as murder and violence were committed by impulsive outburst in fury. And those impulsive crimes are increasing drastically in South Korea now. To this news, there are comments posted by Korean people. And they say “Think whole country is a big psychiatric ward” “It’s our national character and nature. There’s nothing we can do about it” Hahaha.
=What is Hwabyeong? from Wikipedia=
Chuo Nippo, which is a Korean newspaper, reported before that about 92% of Korean people have mental disease in their DNA. Haha.
See, we hear this kind of news from South Korea all the time. Just like weather forecast "We have 80% chances of mentally diseased people occupying South Korea now" Haha. You should know this too. Because there’s an answer for why Korean people think and behave like that.
Japanese and Korean people can never come to reach an agreement partly it is because of their DNA. Korean people are very emotional people which character comes from their DNA (unable to control their emotion). So they don’t care about evidences and facts at all but instead sticking to emotion triggering fabrications. Japanese people are polar opposite from Koreans. Japanese people collect evidences and facts like detectives but Koreans can never accept facts and evidences.
One thing I want to tell you is that if you know Koreans, you will see their emotional performances telling you one lie after another to manipulate you. What you should do is sticking to facts and evidences. And if Korean submitted an evidence, you need to check it to see if it is real. If Korean people submitted an evidence about Japan, you should bring the evidence to Japan and ask if it is real. It is very stupid idea listening to only Korean side of story because they were born to cheat on people. And that’s Korean culture and their common sense.