Have you ever heard of AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) before?
This bank is for helping and developing infrastructures in undeveloped countries.
But the largest investor is China. So China has all rights to make a decision. You can say this is like a bank of China. The only difference is that this bank was invested by many countries. The total 56 countries are to be participating the investment. However, only 17 countries have finished the procedure of the enrollment as of now despite China made an opening ceremony on January 16. And their capital is also barely over 50% of what was needed to operate the bank.
But the biggest problem they have is that they are facing the difficulty of selling their bonds. They want to sell their bonds for getting the investment but their bonds can’t acquire the credit rating. Without getting credit rating, those bonds will be deemed as nothing but the same as worthless toilet paper.
In addition to the fact Chinese money Yuan is not an international currency, China has no experience in this kind of field. Of course China is a country known for their opacity and injustice will be another important factor to be concerned about. At first they said they would start doing their business from June of this year, but now they say “possibly within this year.” Haha. When they say “within this year”, they mean “Japan and the U.S will join AIIB within this year.”
Japan and the U.S have been refusing to join AIIB from the beginning. Both Japanese Yen and the U.S dollar are international currencies. So if either of countries joins AIIB, its bonds can acquire credit rating, possibly triple A. Therefore, China wants Japanese Yen and U.S dollar really bad.
It was on Mar 31 of last year when China said “We are now closed to accept new member.” However, Chinese government has been persistently asking Japan to join AIIB. Even after ten months from then, China is still asking Japan to join in.
I just can’t understand the mentality of Chinese government. They are doing Anti-Japanese propaganda with South Korea all over the world. And China has been trying to invade a Japanese island too, just like China has been trying to invade South East Asia now. And China is now asking Japan to help building the empire of notorious invading country China? Give us a break!
Japan and the U.S have a similar bank to AIIB, called ADB (Asian Development Bank).
It started back in 1966. The headquarters locates in Philippine. And its capital is as much as three times of what AIIB is planning to collect. The total number of countries participating ADB is now 67. So Japan and the U.S have no reason to be in hurry.
I will continue reporting AIIB and see what’s going to happen. I’m very sure even if AIIB started doing their business, all countries participating AIIB would end up just losing their money. Hahaha. After all, China is the most country which needs financial support now since its economy is at the risk of bankruptcy.
On January 20, University professor Yuha Park in South Korea pleaded not guilty in court. (See the image second attached below)
She was accused by self-claimed comfort women in South Korea for her book was divulging the truth about comfort women which was deemed to be insulting the honor of self-claimed comfort women.
You see, this is what’s going to happen in South Korea when you tell the truth trying to be honest.
=S. Korean academic pleads not guilty to defaming 'comfort women'
I will show you another case of what’s going to happen if you are honest in South Korea. Please take a look at the attached image 3rd below.
You can see the professor Lee Young-hoon beaten up by the group of Koreans. He tried to teach people in South Korea the truth about comfort women, who were nothing but just camp followers, with evidences, but instead of listening to him, all Koreans in the room went berserk and lost their temper and resorted to violence. The professor was lucky enough to be still alive. In usual case, those who tell the truth about comfort women, end up being killed in South Korea.
For example, in May 2013, 95 year old man and 38 year old man were having a conversation at a park in Seoul. When the 95 year old man said what a wonderful era during the time of the merger by Japan was, and how good Japanese people took care of us, 38 year old man, who never experienced the era of the merger, lost his temper and kicked and took a stick from the old man and beat him in the head with it. 95 year old man got a severe injury in his skull and died soon.
In South Korea, there is a law called “Pro-Japanese crime”. What this is, is that if you approved or loved anything about Japan especially the era of the merger, you would get punished by law. Like if you were British people and loved America, you would get punished by law. Isn’t that crazy? The law comes from hatred and racism. Korean people have this crooked minds and complex toward Japanese people. While yearning and envying Japanese people (You see, both China and South Korea can’t make even a single cellular phone, or car without Japanese high-tech parts now. They are just assembling parts. And both Korean, ranked number one, and Chinese, ranked number two, are top tourists visiting Japan), Korean people need to deny everything about Japan, because if they admitted approving Japan, they automatically have to admit their ancestors were incompetent. Their whole life and past history have been dependent on Japan, including the time Korea had asked and begged Japan for the merger in fear of Russia. That’s why Korean people are spreading the false rumor of Sexual slavery in attempt to defame Japan. And that’s the only way to help ease their inferiority complex and mental disease.
I will show you the evidence to prove my point.
In November 2015, South Korean President Park made an announcement before media regarding Government-designated textbooks.
For a long time, South Korea couldn’t teach Korean history in details at school. So President Park wanted to do that. But the problem was the history book had to be written and published by current President and the cabinet members.
You see, true history of South Korea couldn’t be mouthed for a long time because their actual history was horrible, committing holocaust by government, sexual slavery by Korean soldiers and all. Therefore, even now South Korean government monitors internet to block anything explaining about the actual history of South Korea. South Korean government has been blocking their actual history from the eyes of Korean people.
Anyway, a father of current president Park was 3rd President of South Korea. But he forced Korean women to become prostitutes for U.S soldiers and Korean soldiers after Korean War. So it is natural for current President Park to delete those parts and fabricate history in glamourizing her father. That’s why 100,000 people in South Korea stroke a riot protesting against President Park on November 14. (See the attached image 4th below)
So below is what President Park said before media. It’s very interesting.
“If students couldn’t learn ‘righteous’ history, their souls would become abnormal”
“Those students who learned wrong history would recognize South Korea as a shameful country and lose their confidence”
Have you noticed that she used the words, “Righteous” and “Wrong” instead of “True” or “Actual” when describing about history?
For whom that it has to be righteous? For whom that it is wrong? In other words, she was saying “History textbook has to be righteous (convenient) for us. Forget about the actual history since it is wrong (inconvenient) for us. Fabricate a false history so that students can be proud of South Korea. True history will only deteriorate our minds” Can you see her point? To keep Korean people sane, history has to be right (must be fabricated) for their mental stability. This is mentality of South Korean people.
History is a record of the past. So it's not the issue of whether it is right or wrong for yourself. History has to be based on facts and evidences, not the lunatic false testimonies. Korean people and some historians in Japan and U.S are totally misunderstanding the meaning of history.
That’s why Koreans are now in deep trouble to write a history textbook since a lot of Korean people have been fabricating many different types of history for their convenience. It is almost impossible for Korean people to decide who’s fabricated history should be chosen for the national textbook.
Korean people have been piling up so much versions of history until now. But now they are all in conflict, “My version is better than yours!” “No! Mine is better! I added holocaust executed by Japan! Mine sounds much better than yours! This should be chosen!”
Almost nobody cares about the truths, facts and evidences at all in South Korea.
Japanese people often times say, “I wish our country could move far away from Korea and China.” I feel the same way quite often. Hahaha.
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