Sunday, January 31, 2016

Here is a hot news just came in.
On January 29, Michael Pillsbury, a former government official and a current advisor of Pentagon specializing in China, had an interview with Japanese media regarding China. Below is what he said in the interview.

“I think Japan should ask the US about their intention supporting China in military affairs and security aspect without letting an ally of Japan know them..
The United States has been responsible for helping and developing the military power and space technologies of China. One time the US purchased a huge quantity of weapons from China and used them against Russia in Afghanistan during the Cold War.
Also the US sent specialists in China to help developing the domestic aero technologies in addition to help building the National laboratory that enabled China to develop robots and laser beam technologies and astronautical engineering those could be all converted into enhancing the military power in China.
As the result of all the supports US ever made for China, Chinese military power got largely enhanced, thus China became a threat for the world including Japan. Although I myself was one of those who approved this kind of support for China before.
BUT IT WAS ALL MISTAKES. The U.S was misunderstanding that if China was helped to strengthen their country and became wealthy by the U.S, China would appreciate and support the U.S.

Japan has every right to question and make it straight at the level of government and congress about the mistake the U.S ever made. Above all, Japan should be alerted by the threat of China in a long span. Japan is still not recognizing that China can become a real threat for the existence of Japan.
Japan should reflect and assess how much supplying technologies, investments, trades, and ODA(overseas development assistance) have strengthened China. Strong Chinese power will become a threat and attack and will get back at Japan before long.”

What Mr. Pillsbury said was exactly what I have been explaining here. He said “The U.S was thinking if The U.S helped China, China would appreciate and stand on the side of The U.S.” But contrary to the U.S’s expectation, when China got all military technologies from the U.S, China picked up a gun and pointed it on the head of the U.S. It was just too late for the U.S to realize the differences of East Asians.

Japan has been the same. Japanese people and government have been thinking, if we helped and made China and South Korea wealthy, both Chinese and Korean people would appreciate and become good allies.
As the matter of fact, those Korean immigrants in Japan were saying if South Korea could become as wealthy country as Japan, Korean people would no longer have inferiority complex anymore and quit anti-Japanese hatred. That’s why Japanese people did anything possible to help make South Korea wealthy while giving them technologies and a huge amount of money. But in reality, the wealthier South Korea became, the more South Korea enhanced anti-Japanese hatred and even Korean American vigorously began anti-Japanese propaganda in the U.S.
This kind of misunderstanding comes from generalizing all people on the earth are the same while ignoring differences of each culture and ways of thinking that belong to each nationality.
Japanese and American people have the view of good which is the view that all people are fundamentally good. With this kind of view, if you approached Chinese and Korean people, you would end up like Japan and the U.S. This is the same even at the individual level.
A native South Korean named O Sonfa, who is a university professor in Japan, again and again gives warnings to Japanese people that Korean people are fundamentally different from Japanese people. (See the image 4th attached below)

For example, the U.S is ignorantly supplying fighter jets for South Korea. But South Korea, as usual, never keeps promise or follows the contract. Thus, there was a time when South Korea broke the contract and opened a black box of the jet fighter trying to steal the technology. But they couldn’t put it back. So they asked and begged Japan to fix it. But of course Japan refused their request. If Japan helped South Korea, Korea would no doubt say to the U.S “Japan asked Korea to open the black box. We said no but Japan opened it trying to steal the technology!” And you know what Korea did when being turned down by Japan? They made a claim against the U.S saying “This fighter jet has an initial defect!” Hahaha. Of course the U.S didn’t take that kind of stupid claim. Haha.

Please check out the image 5th attached below.

This was a picture used on Korean newspaper. And it said in small letters “Japanese ambassador to Korea is deeply bowing and had a seat before Korean vice foreign minister" as if Japanese ambassador was deeply apologizing South Korea.
Just before this, Korean people, as usual, went berserk when Japanese government gave a comment on Takeshima island. Therefore, Korean foreign minister made a claim against Japanese ambassador before media.
When Japanese government asked the ambassador if he really apologized, the ambassador had no idea how could such a picture be taken. But it turned out to be Korean newspaper were intentionally taking the picture at the right moment when the ambassador was in the process of sitting down. Japanese people were all saying “Nasty cheaters Koreans! They did it again!”

On January 18, US Deputy Secretary of State, Antony J. Blinken, was visiting Japan and had an interview with NHK, which is a national TV station in Japan, as to comfort women issue.
Deputy Blinken said that we were requesting everybody in the US including Korean Americans to support the final agreement reached between Japan and South Korea in the late December of last year.
Korean news “Chosun Nilbo” reported the reaction of Korean Americans triggered by Deputy’s comment.
On January 19, Chairman of Korean American Parents Association of Greater New York "Yoonhee Choi” made an announcement that she and all Korean American have to fight against U.S government forever.
She said in the interview, that if Japan was really sorry for what they did to Korean, then Japan must have to include the fabricated story of sexual slavery in Japanese textbook. See the image 6th attached below.

For the last, I want to show you a very interesting and funny video.
This video shows the conversation between Korean 1st immigrant and her son both living in Japan.
She looks to be about 80. And her son grew up in Japan. Both of them are speaking in Japanese language. Although she has a little accent. And the conversation goes like this.

SON “Once in a while I visit my mother and spend a day with her. But when she talked about the old days, her thought was in confusion.”

MOTHER “I came to Japan when I was twelve as a drafted worker.”

SON “A drafted worker?”

MOTHER”Yes, I was”

SON “At that time, there was no drafted work yet! There are even evidences to clearly prove it! Why are you still lying!?"

MOTHER “Why why!?”

SON “The drafted work law was made around 1942-3! How come there was a drafted work when there wasn't even the law!? It was an era when Korean people came to Japan with their wills!"

MOTHER“What are you talking about? I was working!!
(She loses her temper and starts speaking in Korean language to her son)

SON “Stop being pushy! I know everything! What about a drafted worker!?"
(Her son becomes angry for she is brazenly lying.)

MOTHER“Ahhhhh! I was a drafted worker! My friend knows that!”
(She becomes angry for her son is seeing right through her lie. All her words are spoken in Korean language.)

SON “What the hell are you angry about!?"

MOTHER “My son doesn't have any thought”

SON “I don't? Can't do nothing about it

Hahaha. The conversation became really heated up as she tried to force her lie.
You see, this is Korean. Even between the same blood and race, they can never come to reach agreement by talking. Her son grew up in Japan so he learned to become honest but she is Korean whose country never had any concept of honesty. Forcefully keep pushing their lies is common sense in Korea.
You westerners always tell Japanese and Korean people “Talk to each other”. As if anything can be solved by talking. But before Korean people, your idea is all baloney.

Monday, January 25, 2016

 Have you ever heard of AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) before?
This bank is for helping and developing infrastructures in undeveloped countries.
But the largest investor is China. So China has all rights to make a decision. You can say this is like a bank of China. The only difference is that this bank was invested by many countries. The total 56 countries are to be participating the investment. However, only 17 countries have finished the procedure of the enrollment as of now despite China made an opening ceremony on January 16. And their capital is also barely over 50% of what was needed to operate the bank.
But the biggest problem they have is that they are facing the difficulty of selling their bonds. They want to sell their bonds for getting the investment but their bonds can’t acquire the credit rating. Without getting credit rating, those bonds will be deemed as nothing but the same as worthless toilet paper.
In addition to the fact Chinese money Yuan is not an international currency, China has no experience in this kind of field. Of course China is a country known for their opacity and injustice will be another important factor to be concerned about. At first they said they would start doing their business from June of this year, but now they say “possibly within this year.” Haha. When they say “within this year”, they mean “Japan and the U.S will join AIIB within this year.”
Japan and the U.S have been refusing to join AIIB from the beginning. Both Japanese Yen and the U.S dollar are international currencies. So if either of countries joins AIIB, its bonds can acquire credit rating, possibly triple A. Therefore, China wants Japanese Yen and U.S dollar really bad.
It was on Mar 31 of last year when China said “We are now closed to accept new member.” However, Chinese government has been persistently asking Japan to join AIIB. Even after ten months from then, China is still asking Japan to join in.
I just can’t understand the mentality of Chinese government. They are doing Anti-Japanese propaganda with South Korea all over the world. And China has been trying to invade a Japanese island too, just like China has been trying to invade South East Asia now. And China is now asking Japan to help building the empire of notorious invading country China? Give us a break!
Japan and the U.S have a similar bank to AIIB, called ADB (Asian Development Bank).
It started back in 1966. The headquarters locates in Philippine. And its capital is as much as three times of what AIIB is planning to collect. The total number of countries participating ADB is now 67. So Japan and the U.S have no reason to be in hurry.
I will continue reporting AIIB and see what’s going to happen. I’m very sure even if AIIB started doing their business, all countries participating AIIB would end up just losing their money. Hahaha. After all, China is the most country which needs financial support now since its economy is at the risk of bankruptcy.

On January 20, University professor Yuha Park in South Korea pleaded not guilty in court. (See the image second attached below)
She was accused by self-claimed comfort women in South Korea for her book was divulging the truth about comfort women which was deemed to be insulting the honor of self-claimed comfort women.
You see, this is what’s going to happen in South Korea when you tell the truth trying to be honest.
=S. Korean academic pleads not guilty to defaming 'comfort women';_ylt=AwrSbnlq0rlWx9YADNRXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyMWVjNTlvBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDQjExNzhfMQRzZWMDc3I-

I will show you another case of what’s going to happen if you are honest in South Korea. Please take a look at the attached image 3rd below.
You can see the professor Lee Young-hoon beaten up by the group of Koreans. He tried to teach people in South Korea the truth about comfort women, who were nothing but just camp followers, with evidences, but instead of listening to him, all Koreans in the room went berserk and lost their temper and resorted to violence. The professor was lucky enough to be still alive. In usual case, those who tell the truth about comfort women, end up being killed in South Korea.

 For example, in May 2013, 95 year old man and 38 year old man were having a conversation at a park in Seoul. When the 95 year old man said what a wonderful era during the time of the merger by Japan was, and how good Japanese people took care of us, 38 year old man, who never experienced the era of the merger, lost his temper and kicked and took a stick from the old man and beat him in the head with it. 95 year old man got a severe injury in his skull and died soon.


In South Korea, there is a law called “Pro-Japanese crime”. What this is, is that if you approved or loved anything about Japan especially the era of the merger, you would get punished by law. Like if you were British people and loved America, you would get punished by law. Isn’t that crazy? The law comes from hatred and racism. Korean people have this crooked minds and complex toward Japanese people. While yearning and envying Japanese people (You see, both China and South Korea can’t make even a single cellular phone, or car without Japanese high-tech parts now. They are just assembling parts. And both Korean, ranked number one, and Chinese, ranked number two, are top tourists visiting Japan), Korean people need to deny everything about Japan, because if they admitted approving Japan, they automatically have to admit their ancestors were incompetent. Their whole life and past history have been dependent on Japan, including the time Korea had asked and begged Japan for the merger in fear of Russia. That’s why Korean people are spreading the false rumor of Sexual slavery in attempt to defame Japan. And that’s the only way to help ease their inferiority complex and mental disease.

I will show you the evidence to prove my point.
In November 2015, South Korean President Park made an announcement before media regarding Government-designated textbooks.
For a long time, South Korea couldn’t teach Korean history in details at school. So President Park wanted to do that. But the problem was the history book had to be written and published by current President and the cabinet members.
You see, true history of South Korea couldn’t be mouthed for a long time because their actual history was horrible, committing holocaust by government, sexual slavery by Korean soldiers and all. Therefore, even now South Korean government monitors internet to block anything explaining about the actual history of South Korea. South Korean government has been blocking their actual history from the eyes of Korean people.

Anyway, a father of current president Park was 3rd President of South Korea. But he forced Korean women to become prostitutes for U.S soldiers and Korean soldiers after Korean War. So it is natural for current President Park to delete those parts and fabricate history in glamourizing her father. That’s why 100,000 people in South Korea stroke a riot protesting against President Park on November 14. (See the attached image 4th below)
So below is what President Park said before media. It’s very interesting.
“If students couldn’t learn ‘righteous’ history, their souls would become abnormal”
“Those students who learned wrong history would recognize South Korea as a shameful country and lose their confidence”

Have you noticed that she used the words, “Righteous” and “Wrong” instead of “True” or “Actual” when describing about history?
For whom that it has to be righteous? For whom that it is wrong? In other words, she was saying “History textbook has to be righteous (convenient) for us. Forget about the actual history since it is wrong (inconvenient) for us. Fabricate a false history so that students can be proud of South Korea. True history will only deteriorate our minds” Can you see her point? To keep Korean people sane, history has to be right (must be fabricated) for their mental stability. This is mentality of South Korean people.

History is a record of the past. So it's not the issue of whether it is right or wrong for yourself. History has to be based on facts and evidences, not the lunatic false testimonies. Korean people and some historians in Japan and U.S are totally misunderstanding the meaning of history.
That’s why Koreans are now in deep trouble to write a history textbook since a lot of Korean people have been fabricating many different types of history for their convenience. It is almost impossible for Korean people to decide who’s fabricated history should be chosen for the national textbook.

Korean people have been piling up so much versions of history until now. But now they are all in conflict, “My version is better than yours!” “No! Mine is better! I added holocaust executed by Japan! Mine sounds much better than yours! This should be chosen!”

Almost nobody cares about the truths, facts and evidences at all in South Korea.
Japanese people often times say, “I wish our country could move far away from Korea and China.” I feel the same way quite often. Hahaha.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

I wrote about three news this time. But the 3rd one is a really good one. Don’t miss the 3rd one. It’s really valuable information.

(News 1)
=Compensated dating=

In late October 2015, U.N. official announced that about 30% of Japanese school girls were engaged in “Compensated dating” which is another name of prostitution. U.N. was announcing to the whole world “Japan is a country of prostitutes! One out of three Japanese girls is a prostitute!”
Then Japanese government protested against U.N. official's remarks and demanded to explain where they got the number from.
U.N. official replied to Japan, “We’re sorry. We made a mistake. It was 13% not 30”. Then Japanese government pressed U.N. harder to reveal what was the ground for the number and where the number came from. That’s when U.N. got caught red-handed. They just couldn’t answer the question. U.N. was thinking making one excuse was enough to subdue the protest of Japanese government. But Japanese government knew that U.N. was run by nasty South Korean people. That’s why Japanese government pressed U.N. harder to punish Korean people running U.N.

Japan protests U.N. official's remarks over "compensated dating"

=U.N. official backtracks on Japan schoolgirl ‘compensated dating’ claim

Just about a week after this exchange, the representative of U.N. human rights council visited Japan and explained that the report was all based on nothing. No ground and no evidence to support the statistic at all. That made whole Japanese people angry.
U.N. human rights council was violating the human rights of Japanese people with spreading the false rumor about Japan. Just like comfort women issue, it turned out to be a total fabrication for the purpose of insulting Japan.

U.N. has become totally corrupt and rotten now because of South Korean people. Since Ban Ki-moon, a native South Korean, assumed the position of secretary general of U.N, he hired a lot of South Koreans for the officials of U.N. in exchange for people from other countries. Now U.N. has lost the concepts of justice and morals, but become as nasty and dishonest as South Koreans.
Like I always say, Korean people have this peculiar national character which is to commit a fraud and crime by all Korean people together. And that peculiar character appeared again in attempt to degrade the reputation of Japanese people while using the name of U.N.

This is the reason why I said that you needed to know the cultural differences and what Korean people were like so that you could be prepared for it. If you didn’t know anything about South Koreans, thinking that we all people were the same, you wouldn’t have any doubt on what Korean people said. But because you knew what Korean people were like, you could have a doubt on anything what Korean people said, just like Korean people do to each other, so that you could poke more than usual at Korean’s testimony. Korean people have “the view of malicious” as their common sense so that they casually make a lie before you without feeling a bit of guilty. That nastiness might be beyond your imagination. And they unabashedly scream and cry in tears “You don’t believe me!?” But they are just trying to cover up their lie, thinking westerners and Japanese are all idiots to never have a doubt on Korean people. Korean culture is all about cheating and deceiving on each other so they don’t trust tears or screaming at all thinking it’s just another acting. In Japan and western countries, only people who have a real problem scream and cry so you Japanese and westerners tend to think “Hey, you shouldn’t have a doubt on them. They are all together crying. That’s not nice of you. Or are you going to say that there are people from other country who all together make a lie in unison in attempt to cheat on people in the whole world?” Yep, that’s exactly what am I explaining here with evidences and all. “You shouldn’t have a doubt” is a very very stupid way of thinking in Korean and Chinese culture and their common senses. I’m not generalizing whole Korean and Chinese people. But knowing the cultural differences is very important. If they have a doubt on each other and that's their cultures, then you have to do the same to them. It's more like respecting their cultures. So I always have a doubt on what Chinese and South Korean people say, just like they do to each other between their own same races and nationalities.

=(News 2)====================================
On January 6th, KAFC (Korean American forum of California) announced that they were going to revise the number of the victims of Comfort women from 200,000 to 400,000 and include it in the California’s text book. These dishonest and nasty Korean American upgraded their fabricated history again. And you know what? The actual number of Japanese soldiers which includes Japanese Navy, was only 300,000. Now Korean American’s are saying the camp followers were more than the number of Japanese soldiers and Japanese soldiers were too busy to fight during WW2 for they had to field the overwhelming number of Comfort Women. Or are they going to say, “All Japanese soldiers were so depleted and worn out by the outnumbered Comfort Women that they couldn’t carry even a rifle. Their real enemy was not the U.S or British. But Japanese soldiers had to fight for their lives from Comfort Women. Otherwise, all Japanese soldiers would be wilted to death by the outnumbered Comfort women even before they fought against the western countries.”  How far are they going to stretch their lie?
400,000 is the same number of the victims China claims with Nanking “fabricated” Massacre. But population in Nanking back then was only 200,000. Everything becomes fabrication when Chinese and Korean people are involved.

Which army carries more prostitutes than the soldiers themselves? It’s really nonsense. But because westerners have no immune to nasty and dishonest people like Korean and Chinese, westerners easily get cheated by them. But I tell you, even majority of Japanese people don’t have immune to nastiness and dishonesty of Korean and Chinese culture, therefore, Japanese people have been cheated by Korean and Chinese for a long time.
If you are westerners or Japanese, you won’t be able to believe that there are countries out there that have no sense of honesty but have only dishonesty and nastiness. You’d like to believe that all people are fundamentally good and innocent. That way of thinking is called “the view of good”. But Chinese and Korean don’t have such a way of thinking it their cultures. What they have is the opposite of “The view of good” called “The view of malicious” in which people are all fundamentally dishonest and nasty.

=(News 3)===============================
You still can’t believe me, right? I will tell you an incident that describes pretty well about dishonesty of Korean people. This is a good one. Please get ready for it.

At around 2:10 PM on March 20 in 2013, suddenly tens of thousands of PCs in South Korea got crashed. And they could no longer reboot the PC anymore. The damage was huge. A lot of PCs at TV stations, Banks, Government, Navy (battle ships), Air force, companies, you name it, got a direct hit by this unprecedented attack.

See the information below. South Korea was blaming the PC crash on North Korea. But North Korea doesn’t have that high level of technology to crash a whole country. Even cyber hackers of “Anonymous” can’t pull such a miracle. What a stupid excuse made by South Korea. This huge news was not reported in English. Even Japan media, which were mostly run by Korean, carefully hid this news. Only small web news in Japan reported this news reading Korean news. Nasty Koreans were all together hiding this scandal from the whole world.

At first people in South Korea suspected the possibility of cyber terrorism. But it all turned out to be nothing like that.
Let me cut to the chase. This attack was caused as the result of using the illegally copied software of Windows 7. Hahaha.

In South Korea, almost nobody, including Korean government, buys legitimate software but download illegally copied software from the internet for cheap price or free.
For example, Nintendo and Sony (PlayStation) are admittedly saying the sales of game software in South Korea are almost nil. Music CD’s and game software are all uploaded on a web, and anyone can download them for free in South Korea. This is the common sense in the country of dishonest cheaters South Korea and China.
So people in South Korea had a hunch that the cause of the problem could be the result of using the illegally copied software.
That’s why Korean media asked Korean government official during the interview, “If the cause of the problem was the result of using the illegally copied software?”
To this question, South Korean government unabashedly replied as follow.
1. Even if it is illegally copied software, updating program should be supplied.
2. For being the public and social purposes concerned, the products service should be supplied.
3. The circumstances, where only illegally copied software can be used in South Korea, should be considered.

Can you believe that? This is not a public announcement made by a crime syndicate but the government of South Korea.
They sounded like criminals who just got caught by Police and were making an excuse like, “Hey, we are criminal oriented South Korean. We are dishonest and nasty cheaters. So you have to consider those circumstances and continue supplying us the updating program so that we can continue using the illegally copied software of your company.” Hahaha
I’m not surprised by this at all because this is South Korea. This kind of crazy and nasty Korean news I hear all the time from South Korea and in Japan. Only those none East Asian people haven’t been able to hear any of the truths about East Asian. But now it’s an era of the internet. You can hear truths via internet from an individual people like me.
I’m not talking about one crazy criminal of exceptional South Korean here, but all South Korean working for the government, Police, banks, Air force, Navy, and all.

Here are more details.
There is a major programing company in South Korea that makes a patch and supplies it for the updating the illegal Widows 7. Patch is a computer technical word which is a program for updating or modifying the original software.
Illegally copied Windows 7 has still the same functions as legitimate Widows 7. So once in every Month on Wednesday, the illegal Windows 7 tries to get the updating security program from Microsoft’s website. But that’s not good for the illegal Windows 7, because the updating soft detects the illegally copied Windows 7 and shuts it down.
So what they do is that most of major companies and large organization such as the government have their own server, which is memory storage between your PC and the web, and all PCs in the company or organization have to go through the server to connect to the internet. So every month, when it is a time to get the updating program from Microsoft, they change their IP address similar to Microsoft in their server, thus the PCs download the revised updating program, supplied by the programing company in S. Korea, from their server. That’s how they’ve been beating the problem.
However, on March 20th 2013, it was a different story. The patch (the updating program) the programing company supplied on that day was loaded with a virus.
The virus was programed not only to break the hard disk drive of each PC, but also to break the server itself. It was so strong and powerful virus that it was rumored “Someone possibly from Microsoft, who was specialized in this field, created it because it was designed to break Linux also which is a system run by different codes.”

1. Once on Wednesday in every month, Windows 7, installed on their PC, accessed to Microsoft website to get the updating security program that also detected an illegally copied Windows 7.
2. In March 2013, it was scheduled in the afternoon of Wednesday March 20th. The patch (revised updating program) was on their server and was ready for the update.
3. At 2:10 PM on Mar 20th 2013, all PCs loaded with the illegally copied Windows 7 in South Korea crashed after accessing to their server. Kaboom! Hahaha.

48,700 PCs, that doesn’t include the individual damaged cases, used at the banks, TV stations, major companies, organizations and the government were confirmed to be dead. The total about 24 million dollars of saving account information was deleted at the banks. Even naval ships and military air terminal center got shut down.

Here are damages caused at TV stations.
1. KBS--- 5,000 PCs got shut down.
2. MBC--- 800 PCs got shut down
3. YTN--- 500 PCs and 6 servers got shut down.

A huge number of people in Seoul rushed to ATM trying to withdraw their money so Police was dispatched to the areas for peace and order. It was a chaos.

This incident was a really good example to show what kind of people South Koreans are.
Everybody is dishonest, cheating and committing a crime by all people together.
And what were they going to do about it? Well, according to the local news in South Korea, officials recommended people reinstall the illegally copied Windows 7 and set the clock before March 20 so that they could use it until they download another revised patch from Korean programing company. Hahaha. They got no intention to install a legitimate Windows 7 at all. Hahaha. According to a guy who knows well about Korea, South Korea has an infrastructure to use illegally copied software so people in South Korea have no intention to get rid of it and buy legitimate software.

Again, generalization is all up to you after getting the information. But I suggest you use the valuable information to assess each individual. But don’t forget. When they are alone or in small number, their true Korean characters are hidden. But once they become in large number, that’s when they change. It might be better to have a limit on the number of Korean you have in your organization or company, otherwise you might end up like United Nation which has now become all corrupt and nasty due to run by Koreans. For example, about a month ago, there was news that Korean American in New Jersey were demanding to change the local street name to “Korean way”. And local people were refusing the idea.
Another news was reported in November of last year by Korean Daily News that Korean American in New York was trying to build Korean Town Plaza, 4,000 square feet, in New York. But New York is a multiracial city and local people were all refusing the idea.

Have you ever seen immigrants in the U.S who deny local culture and swap it with their own culture? Like Mexican people move in California and demand to change the name of local streets? Or building Mexican town in the middle of Los Angeles and deny everything about American culture and American history? None right? Unlike any people, Koreans are different. They never pay any respect to the country they immigrate. They are like, “Hey American! Why the hell are you using the name of Sea of Japan in your map? Change it to East Sea. You have to follow Korean standard. Also we Korean are living a lot near the lake. Why don’t you change the name to Lake Korean? And you Black, White, Red, get the hell out of here. This is our town. We’ll change everything into Korean style. Hey, Japanese American! We’ll revise our history again next year. We’ll change the number of the victims from 400,000 to 800,000. On top of that, we are going to add holocaust! Doesn’t that sound good? ”

Koreans are like this also in Japan. They insist in Japan to change the law of same family name to different family name since it is a Korean standard. And they deny Japanese national anthem and refuse to sing the song. They don't even pay any respect for Japanese flag and Japanese emperor. They just want to reject and deny everything about Japan.
They don’t adapt themselves to the country they immigrate but they just deny everything and insist "Korea is number one!" (Although what they insist "Korea is number one!" is just mimicking Japanese culture. It's their inferiority complex making them behave like that. They have no original culture to be proud of. So they mimic everything about Japan while denying Japan and say "We are the original of Japanese culture!" So low.) In order to achieve that, they don’t hesitate to do anything since they don’t understand the meanings of nastiness and honesty.


Well, that’s about it today.
I don’t generalize Korean and Chinese. Because even though it’s rare, there is always an exceptional case.
I hope you have learned how different Korean and Chinese people are from you so that you can be prepared for what’s going to happen when they become in large number in your country.