Monday, March 9, 2015

Before my next posting, there was a severe news came in. So I will change my schedule and talk about it.
You probably heard the news the U.S ambassador Mark Lippert was nearly assassinated by South Korean terrorist on Wednesday Mar 5th.

What did you think about this news? Did you think "It was not a big deal but just another crazy guy did a stupid thing. Just like we have crazy guys in our country"?
If this were a case like one American female tourist being raped in South Korea, which actually happens quite often, you might be able to say "Oh, just another crazy Korean. We have crazy guys in the U.S also". But this case was the U.S ambassador being almost killed with a knife just because he happened to be the representative of the country of the U.S. Do you understand the magnitude of this incident?
If he wasn't the U.S ambassador, he wouldn't have been mounted by the Korean assassin and been stabbed to nearly killed. In other words, the victim didn't have to be Mr.Lippert. Whoever he or she was, as long as the person represented the country of the U.S, he or she would have been nearly killed so that the Korean assassin, who represented the country of South Korea, could send the message to the country of the U.S.
The message was simple and obvious. "Do never support Japan, or we all South Korean people will kill you America". Just like ISIS member, whoever supports the U.S, they kill you unhesitantly because both ISIS and South Korea are anti-US organization and country. In case of South Korea, they are not only anti-U.S but also anti-Japan traditionally.

To give you better comprehension, I listed up the incidents in chronological order so you can get to see what this attacking was all about and the motivation behind.

=Feb 27th 2015=
Wendy Sherman, U.S. undersecretary of state for political affairs announced
"Nationalist feelings can still be exploited, and it's not hard for a political
leader anywhere to earn cheap applause by vilifying a former enemy,"
at a seminar in Washington, D.C.…/opinon/2015/03/202_174445.html

=Feb 28th 2015=
All South Korean media unanimously criticized the announcement saying "The
U.S is on the side of Japan!". Some Korean news said "Our government has
been saying that the U.S is with Korea (anti-Japan), but we could be all wrong.
Our government might not have been doing good (unsuccessful at brainwashing)."

=Mar 2th 2015=
After getting a huge protest from South Korean media, Wendy Sherman, U.S. undersecretary of state for political affairs made the supplementary comment that her announcement was not targeting any country in particular.

=Mar 4th 2015=
Chon Wheefa, the chairperson of Korean diet members, had a lunch meeting with Edo Royce, the U.S. Lower House diplomacy chairperson, and others in the U.S. And at the meeting, Chon asked Edo Royce to never let Japanese president Abe have an assembly speech in the diet which scheduled to be held in April next month, unless Abe makes an apology to South Korea in regarding the past history.
But Edo Royce avoided to give any comment on Chon's request. Which seemed to have made the entire Korean people and Korean government go berserk!
Now the entire Korean people and government got together and made a hard decision. "We need to make the U.S understand."

=Mar 5th 2015=
The time has come. The U.S ambassador Mark Lippert was chosen to be the sacrifice to give the U.S the lesson. The lesson that "the U.S may never disagree with South Korea. The U.S has to religiously love South Korea and obey. Otherwise, South Korea will kill the U.S"

=Mar 6th 2015=
Kim Kijhon, the assailant of the U.S ambassador is all pleasant and content in the bask of glory given by the entire South Korean people.
You can see how happy he and Korean media are from the picture.
He is now a national HERO for Korean. Nobody in South Korea talks bad about him.
He did what all South Korean people wanted to do and believed to do the right thing.

=Mar 7th 2015=
Korean Christian are celebrating the alliance between the U.S and South Korea. They are all happy and smiling knowing the U.S will obey to South Korea now.

Here's the song of Korean mentality.
"You have to love Korea.
You know we are good people so you have to love me.
If you don't, we will kill you.
So accept our smile and make yourself believe Korean are the best and wonderful.
Let's strengthen our alliance and do Anti-Japanse together.
If you refuse, we will kill you America.
Do you realize that you have no choice but to obey?
You have to love Korea."


Very creepy and psychotic Korean people are, right? All Japanese people are commenting on the webs and blogs, "How could possibly Korean people smile and dance to the hilarious beats of drums and music? We never can understand Korean mentality"
There are lots of comments on injured Mr.Lippert's blogs by Korean. Lots of them were translated into Japanese language and reported on the web news. But some of them sounded lunatic, so a lot of Japanese people are commenting "What the hell is that? Are they crazy?".
Here are some of the postings by Korean people. "We are hurt that the world is recognizing us as similar as the terrorists in Islam" "I want you to recover quickly and get back to work as soon as you can. And show us your love for Korea".
Instead of caring for his injury and feelings, they expressed their own feelings and demanded love for them again. The last comment sounded like a lunatic stalker, after having her injured, is saying "Why don't you love me? So I didn't have to try to kill you. Love me! Or I will have to kill you"

In my previous posting on Feb 22nd, I showed you the news that South Korean politician demanded foreign journalists to love Korea. It's very a selfish way of thinking. The lunatic selfishness is South Korean's national character. Very psychotic and creepy character. You'll find the same character in South Korean president Park also.
She will go "You Japan has to love Korea and accept anything including the fabricated history. We Korea will continue to fabricate the history. And you Japan has to accept it. Otherwise we will kill you (harass you by anti-Japan propaganda all over the world)".

Speaking of lunatics, the best seller book in South Korea recently is the novel about assassinating Japanese Prime minister Abe. (See the attached image 5)
In short, the only country which is trying and plotting to kill the president of Japan right at this moment is South Korea. In other words, the only enemy for Japan in the world is South Korea.
They are the ones invading the territory of Japan right now, and are the ones spreading anti-Japanese propaganda all over the world motivated by their malicious hatred and selfishness.
Internet is revealing a lot. We're just beginning to understand that there are people and countries we can not co-exist.

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