Sunday, February 19, 2017

There are issues that can never be solved

I oftentimes say “In the era of internet, there are so many things that you can find out which you could have never known from reading major news and watching TV.
However, there is trillions of false information on the internet too for the purpose of brainwashing (propaganda). So readers’ discretion is required to select true information from full of false information.

The biggest brainwash prevailed in western countries now is the Chinese and Korean propaganda. The reason why this brainwash was effectively prevailed in western countries was because westerners were ignorant about East Asians. There are a lot of Koreans and some Chinese working at Japanese media such as NHK, Asahi News, Mainichi News, and Japan Times.
Because these media are Japanese, you tend to think the information is trustworthy but it is not. Koreans working at Japanese media are using the media to manipulate not only Japanese people but also the people in the whole world. They constantly fabricate news and cheat on you.
For example, a couple of years ago Asahi News admitted in Japan that they fabricated Comfort Women story in their news before but in their English news, which is distributed to New York Times and all, they are now using a word “Sexual Slavery” and spreading a false information continually.

AP and AFP in East Asia, which news is distributed to NBC CBS and major western media, are reported by Korean and Chinese so the information is very much distorted quite oftentimes. And they never report any news in English which is inconvenient for China and South Korea so that westerners get misled to understand about East Asia.

When I see US media all together bashing President Trump with distorted claims, I suspect the existence of Korean and Chinese in the media.

Did you know current Japanese President Abe became a president of Japan second times now? His first time lasted only about a year. You know why? It was Japanese media run by Koreans that labeled Abe this and that, and misled gullible Japanese people into believing Abe was a worthless man for president. And the media literally dragged him down from the position of the president.
Gullible Japanese people were then introduced to believe in “Yukio Hatoyama” for the next president by media.

Hatoyama and his Democratic Party were all for anti-Japanese policy strongly supporting South Korea. And the majority member of Democratic Party was Korean Japanese.
Japan was taken over by anti-Japanese race through media and politics.
After witnessing a lot of anti-Japanese policies conducted by Democratic Party, gullible Japanese people finally came to realize that they had been cheated by Korean-operated Japanese media. That was the first time ever for Japanese people to face the racial difference. Until then, Japanese people were firmly thinking “All people are fundamentally good! Who cares about Korean or Chinese descendant? If they become Japanese politician, they will no doubt work for us!”  I tried to convince Japanese people that it was a wrong idea and that kind of idea couldn’t be applied to Koreans, but none of them listened to me or they even blasted “You are a racist!” at me. However, their idealism was shattered into pieces miserably after going through three years of ordeal under Democratic Party.
The View of Good was proven to be a ridiculous delusion that couldn’t be applied to Chinese and Korean pedigrees.

After realizing Japanese people were cheated by Japanese media, Japanese people called for Shinzo Abe again. It was Japanese people who first dumped Abe being manipulated by media. Then after sobering up from delusion and brainwash, Japanese people again called for Abe to get their country back from anti-Japanese race.
President Abe’s approval rate is the steadily highest now.

I hope the same tragedy won’t happen to American people since their media is under the influence of Chinese and Koreans.

Now, please take a look at the attached first two images.
I drew those images myself to see how much you are brainwashed.

(I’ll talk about Nanking Massacre in details on other occasion)
I ran into Yahoo News today reporting Chinese government tells Japan’s negative moves are hindering improvement in ties. And I saw a lot of comments like “China is great peaceful country. Japan is evil” which made me laugh.
It’s just like a serial murderer is pretending to be a priest and lecturing human and women’s rights before ignorant people.
You know, when you look at the actual figure of China and South Korea, everything they say sounds nonsense and hypocrisy.
And this kind of hypocrite people (races) who have been working in US and Japanese media so it was inevitable the western and Japanese media became untrustworthy media.

Please take a look at the image-3 & 4. These are the pictures when Japanese President Abe visited Philippines on January 13, 2017.
=== ( The actual video from YouTube) =============

As you can see their enthusiasm and welcomeness which are contradicting from what you ever heard about Asian from media.
Philippines used to be a colony of US. Then Japan helped release Philippines from US colonization. The current Philippines President Duterte doesn’t like US but loves Japan deeply. He says Japanese are different from Chinese and Koreans.
If you grew up in western countries, you would have never known that most of Asian countries love Japan. Only Chinese and Koreans are different. And that difference you have to recognize so you can perceive accurate information. Don’t buy “We are the victims of Japan!” That’s a total scam based on their fabricated histories.
The quality of Chinese and Korean people is different from the rest of Asians so it is important for you to separate Chinese and Koreans from the rest of Asians.

I will show you one more example Japan is loved by Asian.
There is an island in South East Asia called “Palau”. The island was colonized by Spain at first then later by Germany. As the result, the native people’s population got down to only 10% at some point. And only a couple hundreds of native people could survive.
Then, Japan took over and colonized the island. The difference from westerner’s colonization was, Japan made a lot of schools and hospitals for the native people just like Japan did to other Asian countries. As the result, the country drastically developed and the population increased from 20,000 to 50,000. (South Korea too. Their population got doubled in only 35 years of annexation by Japan)

When Japan lost against US in Second World War, the island became colony of US.
US removed anything Japan made for native people and tried to brainwash the natives by anti-Japanese education. However, anti-Japanese education never permeated among the natives because they loved Japan.

In 1994, US released the island and Palau finally became an independent country.
As soon as they became independent, they made government-designated textbook that had total 462 pages but it shared 36 pages for explaining Japanese colonization to remind great Japanese contributions and achievements.
When they made their flag, it is said that they traced the image of Japanese flag but to pay respect to Japan, they designed the circle placed a little off from the center
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See? Truth is opposite from Korean’s testimony, right? Koreans were Japanese citizens and very much pampered by Japan. It was a bad idea to spoil people who were dishonest and had a habit of lying. Japanese people should have known the different quality that came from different nationality.

Speaking of quality of people, there were three exclusive news came in from South Korea last week.

< News 1>

 According to “Record China” published on February 17, Gallup in South Korea conducted polls from February 14 for three days, targeting the total 1,003 males and females whose age was over 19, and questioned them whether or not Japan and South Korea should renegotiate the agreement of Comfort women.  70% of them answered “it should be renegotiated” and those who replied “shouldn’t be renegotiated” turned out to be only 20%.
When asked “If the statue of Comfort Woman in front of Japanese consulate should be removed?” 78% replied “It shouldn’t be removed” and only 16% replied “It should be removed”.
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Do you remember on February 11, I explained in my post about the Korean ratio of 80% versus 20% that came from genetic factor? Just like I said, those polls proved again the ratio.of 8:2. Hahaha. It’s a huge discovery that deserves Nobel Prize. I should write a thesis and submit it to Science Journal. Hahaha.

< News 2 >

 According to Yonhap News, which is Korean newspaper, published on February 19,
House of Health and Society study in South Korea revealed that 91% of Korean people have cognitive impairment which has a tendency to believe without any ground.
The study was surveyed questioning 10,000 people whose age was over 12.

The questionnaire had five questions that could be diagnosed to be cognitive impairment. And 90.9% of them answered that they deserved more than one question.
There were many who admitted that they had a habit of possessing negative mentality.
And the survey says the highest suicide rate of South Korea can have a connection to their mental illness.
==== ( Source )===========================
Can you believe that? More than 90% of Koreans have problem with their brains.

Do you know South Korea is the highest drinking habit in the world?  Please take a look at the attached image below. Look at the rate of South Korea! Amazingly high!

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I think they need to inebriate their brains with alcohol otherwise they’ll become crazier being unable to sleep. Hahaha

Here are the explanations about cognitive impairment in the article.
1)    A person who has a tendency to think that people are ignoring or not listening to him or her. When you approach people and they stop talking, you tend to think they were talking bad about yourself.
2)    People who tend to think that everything in the world can be categorized into Good and Evil and always think the worst consequences first.
See? Those tendencies are exactly the same things I have been pointing out by “The View of Evil” which is the thought all people are fundamentally evil.
Because Korean people are evil, they tend to think all people including Japanese are as evil as or more evil than Koreans.
They committed Sexual Slavery and holocaust in Vietnam, so they tend to believe Japan must have done the same thing without any ground or evidence.
Remember 8:2 ratio? More than 80% of Koreans are like that which reason comes from their genetic factor (mental disease).
So you can tell the issue between Japan and Korea will never be solved because most of Koreans have mental disease.  
They’ll come up with delusions one after another thinking Japan has to be evil. And they will add new delusions in their history textbook every year. It never can be stopped because that’s their incurable mental disease.

There are issues that can never be solved when the reasons come from genetic factor and cultural problem teaching their children to have hatred. So it is important to know that we should never try to solve the issues that can't be solved.

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