Tuesday, November 30, 2021


I was scheduling to post my writing this month, but unfortunately I couldn’t make it on time. However, I’d like to explain at least why I stopped to post my writing for a while.

There were three main reasons.


1.    I didn’t want to give my comment on the job of President Biden.

He is the leader of our ally. I thought I should pay respect to him. Besides, he has been harshly criticized by patriot media such as Fox News all the time so I didn’t need to talk about him. (Hahaha)


2.    My blog could be revoked by Facebook, which happened before in 2013, if I explained my theory in a wrong order.

I always hesitate to post my writing "Which one should be explained first?" because I could be wrongly judged as a racist despite I am not a racist but just explaining human biology quoting facts and evidence based on the actual history which has never been exposed in English before.

However, some of the people working at SNS would like to suppress academic theory and freedom of speech because it simply didn’t suit to their biological instinct and feeling.

This is the reason why it takes so much time to compose the order of my explanation.

3.    Wokeness
This was one of the most concerns I had after Biden administration was launched.

In my last posting on Feb 24 2021, I expressed objection against President Biden’s comment on Japanese American Internment because it could lead to Wokeness by Mainstream media and SNS contaminated by Korean pedigree and Chinese (CCP).

Back then, the word “Wokeness” wasn’t much used on the US media but nowadays it is frequently used and pointed out on Fox News and other patriot media because it is vigorously spreading throughout the US society as though it is a harmful cancer.

 Wokeness was officially launched around the end of Trump Administration by releasing Black Lives Matter, which was the part of schemes created by MSM and SNS, in the US society.

I knew Wokeness was coming in the US because it has been in Japan after 2nd WW, especially for the last couple of decades it has been very fiercely spread by Japanese Mainstream media and education.
So I decided to keep quietly monitoring to see how the US society would turn out under Biden administration while comparing it to the condition Japan has been going through for the last couple of decades.
Along the way, I found additional new evidence to support my theory.



I confirmed that “The US is becoming exactly the same as Japan by the same people. And Australia, EU and other countries would be the next if people didn’t know what was exactly going on.”


For the last, I attached the cropped cover image of my series. The series of “The Battle against Globalism” will continue.


Sample movie “They Live”
