Sunday, April 12, 2020

<<Why only Japanese people don’t die despite Coronavirus infection?>>

 When you look at news, all media accordingly insist “Japan is wrong! Japan is over!” without exception despite only Japan isn’t increasing the number of deaths at all.
If media is a righteous body, what media should do is to think “Why only Japanese people are different from the rest of all people?” and start researching the reason for that so that other countries can learn from Japan.
However, since Globalist media is contaminated by Koreans and Chinese government now, none of media wants to point out “Difference by nationality” because it is a problem for Globalists (Invaders of Chinese and Korean immigrants) to continue invading other countries. Koreans and Chinese want to hide the difference of Japanese people from Chinese and Koreans. Otherwise, the whole world would get alerted to accept Korean and Chinese immigrants once the whole world found out the difference of Korean and Chinese people from other people.

Why I call Korean and Chinese immigrants as invaders? Because they don’t assimilate into other culture and standard which were developed by different biological people ( ethics and morals). As the matter of fact, it is not just Korean and Chinese, but most of people including European, American (Christians), Japanese, South East Asians, Middle Easterners, etc are also the same due to biological difference which was developed over thousands of years as the result of evolution.
My point is, Chinese and Koreans are very different from the rest of all people. Therefore, they can’t assimilate into other countries and cultures. And they are very harmful to any country. I am not saying they are Evil. But their harm is so apparent that you can find the corruption of WHO, UN, and the globalist media in which a lot of Koreans and Chinese are working today.
I know ignorant Westerners and Japanese people are thinking “There are cheaters and liars in any country!” No. You are all wrong. That’s not it. That’s what I was thinking when I was completely ignorant. You don’t even know 1% about Korean and Chinese people especially Korean people.

I will talk more about the details in the series “The difference of Japanese Chinese and Koreans” with historical backgrounds and biological differences, and suggest you a solution.
In the explanation, I will make you stunned because I approve “Autocracy” and “Dictatorship” in China and Korea due to biological differences. This kind of thought never ever appeared in any opinion from Western countries and Japan because nobody ever included “Biological difference” in their analysis. This is a whole new aspect ever to be added in the analysis of Global politics and Globalization. Probably, my analysis is a totally new in the world because I can see what you can’t see.
Of course I never had such an idea when I was ignorant. But……
That’s all for now since it isn’t the theme in this writing.

=< WHO and some medical experts are nonsense >====
Is there anyone out there who has ever thought “What’s the point of shutting down the entire city? If after a month or two, got back to normal life, it would be back to the same outbreak again soon” If you have, I think you are a very smart and logical person. As the matter of fact, on April 7th, Prime Minister Abe announced the emergency declaration but he clearly emphasized “There is no shutting down the cities. People can take a walk on the streets and go to work as usual” So Japanese government was in a position against shutting down cities.

 I sent my message to Japanese government and Prime Minister Abe on April 6 in early morning the day before the announcement when I read news that Abe decided to declare emergency. I asked Prime Minister Abe not to announce the emergency declaration because it was all wrong and only destroying the country with a reason that it was unnecessary to do that only in Japan but he appealed to announce the emergency declaration that afternoon. I was disappointed and thought Japan was over. 
However, very next day on April 7th, I listened to his speech and got relieved when I found out there was no enforcement in it and it turned out to be only suggestions without any restriction at all.    

I will explain later why I said to Prime Minister Abe that there was no necessary to shut down cities only in Japan. .

Probably people who support shutting down the cities are thinking “Maybe soon a vaccine will be available and this ordeal will be over”

UK was initially thinking that all people should get infected and develop the immune system to overcome Coronavirus just like regular flu all countries do. However, mass of people began to die instead of developing the immune system. Moreover, new discovery confirmed that people could get infected Coronavirus even after curing from the infection. That means there is no way to develop the immune system against Coronavirus. You can get infected again and again and again.

Then European countries and US decided to shut down cities because they thought preventing infection was the only way to survive from Coronavirus.
However, if people didn’t die like Europe and US, there would be no reason to shut down cities to commit suicide of your own country. Therefore, there is no reason for Japan to shut down the cities since the number of deaths is extremely low.

I am sure the number of infection in Japan is LARGE. If you look at Tokyo, it is a very packed city and people are packed in commuter trains and go to work. And the number of infection in Japan is drastically increasing by implementing more PCR test.
Even if wearing a mask, it will be very likely a lot of people are already infected by Coronavirus. However, there isn’t much to concern about it because most of people don’t even become sick from Coronavirus infection (In some medical statistic in Japan, about 80% people don’t even have any symptom, 20% becomes sick, and only less than 1% becomes in need of respiratory machine) and even if very small number of people dies, it is still not as emergency level as regular flu in which about 2,000 people die annually (if indirect cases were included, it would be about 10,000) in Japan despite Japan has the strongest Anti-flu vaccine adequately available.
There is no vaccine for Coronavirus now. Since early January which was about the time when Coronavirus spread was alerted, till now, only about 100 people died in Japan in 3 months. It’s like nothing for Japanese people when it is compared to regular flu in which nearly 160 people die every month.
Just like regular flu, Coronavirus will never go away no matter how many years blocking down the cities.
When you come to think of regular flu, people openly say “I caught cold” in the office in the morning wearing a mask. And co-workers say, “Oh, take care” And people don’t get panic and the person who got infected by flu nonchalantly works as usual if the symptom is very mild.

=< What’s the difference between Corona and regular flu? >==
Why country doesn’t shut down cities despite a lot of people die from regular flu every year in the world? (In US alone, about 10,000 people die from regular flu annually) Because there is no way to stop the infection so the government and people decided to work and live normally.
Then, why only in case of Coronavirus people have to be panic? One reason is only Europeans and some of Americans are drastically dying contrary to Asians. Another reason is that Globalist media is screaming like mad dog using Coronavirus as a weapon to shoot down President Trump and Prime Minister Abe while WHO is approving China and South Korea since Globalist media and WHO are contaminated by Anti-US and Anti-Japan of Koreans and Chinese government.

 If the media and WHO were righteous bodies, the media and WHO would be seeking to find a solution to stop the increase of death toll in Europe. But media has no intention to do that since the purpose of Globalist media is destroying President Trump and Prime Minister Abe to invade US, Japan, and Europe to rob everything from the countries. It is not just land and technologies they steal and rob, but even soul and spirits that are forming the shape of its ethics and morals of Europe US and Japan will be destroyed by them. This is the harm of Globalization. Soon the entire world will be filled up by  cheating, scams, unfairness, hatred, and corruptions. It is happening by media and global organizations which are already taken over by them. And once the world is deteriorated to that level, the only solution is implementing “Autocracy” and “Dictatorship” to prevail “order” in society just like the current conditions of China, North Korea and South Korea. Globalization means the end of democracy and human rights but the beginning of autocracy with no human rights.
We are in danger not just by Coronavirus but by Globalists (Invaders from East Asia) who are 100% different biological people (in ethics and morals).

Only gullible and ignorant Westerners and Japanese people don’t even realize they are already manipulated by the invasive Globalists from East Asia.

=< What’s the solution for Coronavirus and Europeans?>==
The reason why people die from virus infection is only one, a weak immune system.
We don’t need medical expert to hear that. We already know that immune system is the only guardian angel of our body to fight back against the virus intruders which come in from our mouth, nose, and eyes.
When you compare between Japanese and European people, Japanese people don’t become sick nor die easily while European people die in 9 days after submitted in a hospital. It’s polar opposite by nationality.
What is this?  We all know it is immune system for sure that makes Japanese and European people in a polar opposite condition but not many people know what causes immune system weak or strong. It’s a food. Mental stress factor is also known as the cause of weakening immune system but the most important factor to boost immune system is food.

What’s the difference between Europeans and Japanese or Asian when it comes to food?

I made a ranking chart again to see which country is the most impacted by Coronavirus and tried to find any similarity among the countries.
I looked at the ranking and uttered “Spain, Italy, Belgium, France, US…. Yes! These are Vegan countries!”

The day I sent my message to Japanese government and Prime Minister Abe, what I said was “Japan doesn’t need to shut down cities like Europe and US because Japanese people are not dying like them. Only Vegan countries are dying due to weak immune system”

In my opinion, Vegan diet is the world most dangerous malnutrition diet. It isn’t designed for health in the first place. Nor it was for losing weight. It was solely designed to reduce CO2 production so it is good for Earth not for human health. 
In order to prevail this nonsense, Vegan gurus insist “Animal products contain hormone and harmful to humans!” despite there is no report mass of people are dying or having a problem from eating meat at all.
Some Vegan guru says “Asians have been eating rice” despite all Asians lived short including Japanese when they weren’t eating meat. And poor South East Asians sought for animal protein to survive and found rats in rice field, Tarantulas, and bugs as a good source of protein that have abundant balanced Amino Acid ratio in protein.

Another Vegan guru says “Whales have deathly mercury!” despite all seafood including fish (tuna, salmon, sardine, etc), clams and everything contains mercury. Only it is extremely small amount that doesn’t give any harm to humans even if eating it 3 times a day in the entire life.

Another nonsense from Veganism is “Eat Vegetable Protein (Soybeans)”. What Vegans don’t know is meaning of “Protein”. Protein is a word to describe a group of Amino Acids.
Even if there are only two kinds of Amino Acids in the food, it is called “Protein”. However, two kinds or only several kinds of amino acids are not used as protein in human body to convert them into muscle, blood, skin, hair, nail, and everything of your body due to lack of balance in amino acid ratio.
This is the reason why soybeans (Vegetable protein) are completely useless junk food as a source of protein for our body.
And this is the reason why all Vegans take artificial Protein Powder knowing they are all going to die from malnutrition if they eat only soybeans.

And the most nonsense from Veganism is “relying on supplement” to survive.
Supplements are designed for subsidiary nutrition on top of food-based adequate nutrition for special kind of people who would like to change the shape of their body or fix their genetic problem. However, Vegans main source of nutrition is supplement not food. Because Vegans know they are on malnutrition diet eating junk food, they take supplement as main source of nutrition only to “survive”.
None of Vegans cares about their health but Earth and animals. So they live not as members of lives on Earth. Vegans think they are from a different planet so humans have no right to live on Earth. Therefore, they choose to live as guests on Earth as extraterrestrials not to harm any animal and Earth even though none of Vegans cares about massacring bugs and small animals living in the rice field and vegetable field. So much ethical discrepancies Vegans have.

The harm of not eating meat is way bigger than eating meat due to malnutrition and weak immune system.
Vegetables can never copy or even come close to the level of efficiency animal food (meat, eggs, dairy) can provide which is the most ideal food and source of protein and many other nutrients for humans to repair and build its body.

=< Japan should get back to normal life ASAP>====
 If the whole world continues to stop working, soon food shortage will happen. That will be the worst scenario even Hollywood movie industry hasn’t imagined of.

People can accept if people died from regular flu, because it is a natural law that weak dies first. However, if food shortage occurred, people will have to discuss who should die first from starvation (malnutrition). By that time, all Vegans would rush to supermarkets to buy meat, eggs, and dairy products because they want to survive.
No Vegan will complain “These meat are grown by hormone! You will die!” knowing there is no problem at all.
In some countries, robbery and murder will erupt to get foods just like the world of movie “Mad Max”
In country like Japan and US, government will select people to survive prioritizing weak such as women and children. But that will be a problem because it is against natural law if prioritizing weak over strong so that strong will resort to violence and forcefully rob foods.  
It can become no law and no order in society.

Since Japan is one of the least death toll countries among all, Japan should try to get back to normal life first even if Coronavirus will likely to kill more people than regular flu because people can accept natural law of “Weak dies first”.
It will be trillion times better to see people get back to normal life and less people die from Coronavirus infection than becoming food shortage and losing order in society thus a huge number of people die not just from Coronavirus infection but also from starvation (malnutrition)  and murder.
There would be no point of receiving money from government because even if you had money there would be no food to buy in market if we continued blocking down cities.

=< To Vegan Countries >===============
If you are Vegan, you should eat animal protein (meat, eggs, dairy, seafood) with veggies and start considering to boost your immune system to the maximum level “if you want to live”.
If Vegans can come to think “Why I am taking so much supplements? I am not a bodybuilder but for just living normal life, why am I taking so much pills and powder?”, that’s when Vegan can realize they are on malnutrition diet brainwashed by Vegan gurus.
At least if Vegans stop Veganism until Coronavirus killing spree is over, Vegans will have more chances to survive from Coronavirus infection. In the end, malnutrition diet of Veganism will be vanished in Europe and US.
In my next writing, I will explain some of the things I found different in Japan from other countries that might give your benefits for Coronavirus prevention.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

 I have a very important thing to say about US and European countries that are dramatically increasing the death toll from Coronavirus infection now.
Don't listen to media which has full of lies and hoax but listen to me "if you want to live".
I hope I can post my message in several days to come.