<< Why Japanese people live long? Part-1 >>
I haven’t continued writing it for a while
because I have been busy for private things.
Although, I wrote a lot on Part-3 already,
I am guessing if I posted Part-3 and 4, it might cause a heart attack among
some people. It is absolutely a forbidden report which hasn’t been exposed in English
before although it is well-known actual history among some Japanese people.
So I decided to write something before
posting Part-3 this time because I don’t want anyone to die from a heart
Besides, It’s time for Cherry blossom
season, the best season of the year which makes all people happy living in
Japan. So let me talk about some beneficial information for you.
=< Why die young? >============
Speaking of heart attack, you might already know that famous
Hollywood film star “Luke Perry” died from a stroke recently.
He was only 52 years young. And what made me surprised was that the
fact he wasn’t overweight at all.
The series drama “90210” featuring Luke Perry was a very famous
drama in Japan too so this was shocking news among Japanese people.
According to the publicly announced medical report, a glob of blood
clogged the blood vessel in his brain. That’s why his body couldn’t supply oxygen to
his brain.
And many English media is saying “This can happen at any young age”.
Now I can hear Vegans roaring in a victorious manner “See? We told
Well, it isn’t that simple I think.
=< Heart Attack >=============
Remember I wrote in my last
posting that the cause of death from heart disease and cardiovascular disease
in Japan is significantly low compared to Western countries (especially US).
I explained the reason was that Japanese people have seafood-based
diet from its traditional culture but there is more. I want to give you another
advice from my traditional culture.
Luke had a stroke at 9:40 AM in the morning, which according to
medical professionals, that is the typical hours when people have a heart
The reason is this. When you go to bed and till you wake up in the
morning, your body gets dehydrated from sweating during the sleep. That means
your blood becomes very thick and condensed from low in moisture. It becomes
like a rush hour of heavy traffic, Red blood cells get jammed in the blood vessels
especially if your blood vessels have lumps of fat on the inner surface.
That’s why people tend to have a stroke in the morning.
The lumps on the inner surface of blood vessels are made from cholesterol so
Vegans say “Stop eating Animals!” but as Luke Perry is evidence, he wasn’t
overweight at all as scientists predict overweight can increase the chances of
having a heart disease.
It is said that even if you are not overweight, you can have a
stroke because your blood can get congealed and become a glob like jelly which
can clog a blood vessel.
Why blood gets congealed? I have no idea. And medical news doesn’t
clearly say why. However, I have something to say to prevent it from happening
later in my writing.
Anyway, let’s not jump to the conclusion “Stop eating Animals!”
because I have very important evidence to show you.
=<< Evidence >>================
Please take a look at the attached graphs.
I got the following data for comparison.
Transition of the average
annual meat consumption in Japan from 1960 to 2013.
Transition of the average
Japanese longevity from 1947 to 2017.
Transition of the average
Japanese height & weight at the age 30 from 1945 to 2016.
Those are official data published by
Japanese government.
The average longevity of Japanese female in
2017 was 87.26, and male was 81.09.
In my home town (village), there are a lot
of over 90 year old people. And they are not in hospital but doing
gardening and hobbies.
You know the famous Sushi chef legend “Jiro
san” from Sukiyabashi Jiro is also 93 year old still working at the sushi
majority of people in Japan don’t die from heart disease and cardiovascular
disease but from cancer and pneumonia.
=< Why only Japanese? >===============
“Why only Japanese people live long? Why
there is no similarity between Japanese and those Chinese and Koreans even in
their biological character? Is it because Japanese DNA or diet?” will be the
questions all people have.
The answer is “Diet”. It has nothing to do
with Japanese DNA but Japanese culture. It is clearly proven by science.
The reason why Japanese people live long is
because Japanese people eat animal protein (meat, seafood, eggs, dairy product)
a lot with veggies.
The reason why Japanese people have very
low chances of having a heart disease and cardiovascular disease is, as I
mentioned last time, seafood but there are more secrets in its culture.
Now at this point, if you are American, you
would think “What the hell is he talking about? Eating meat and not getting
heart disease? Doesn't he realize he has a contradiction?”
Well, I know in US or in English web news,
they always blame on meat for their heart disease and cardiovascular disease.
“If you don’t eat cholesterol, you’re not
going to get heart disease so go for Vegan!” is why Vegan concept prevailed in
English community.
However, that is a very ridiculous idea
based on no evidence.
I read news about eggs in English last week
that if you eat eggs more than 3 per day, you take too much cholesterol. So go
for Vegan, right? I don’t think so because I have evidence and personal
And I know there are many Vegan dramas
suddenly popping out all together as though a new cult (like Globalism) in US
The reason why Westerners (especially Americans) are in confusion when
it comes to selecting the best diet is because there is NO hard evidence. That’s
Vegan concept was only recently popped out
so there is no long term clinical experiment which can prove how Vegan diet can
affect on human body.
However, Japan has the evidence from a long
term clinical experiment.
=< Meat does body good? >=========
Please take a look at the graph of the
average annual meat consumption in Japan.
I drew lines in 1975 and 2000 on the graphs for comparison.
Before 1975, Japan was poor (not much
imported meat) and meat was expensive for a family to eat.
But the consumption of Seafood has been almost
the same from 1960 till 2013 although there are some fluctuations.
As the year going backward, veggies and seafood
occupy more in Japanese diet while annual meat consumption reversely going down
to the point of only 3kg (6.6 lbs) in 1960.
That means as the year going backward,
Japanese diet was becoming close to Vegetarian style (close to Vegan) with only
exception of seafood intake.
Now, please take a look at the graph of the
average longevity of Japanese.
Compare the two graphs and see how Japanese
longevity got influenced when meat was eliminated from their diet.
Going backward to the old time, Japanese
longevity becomes shorter as their meat consumption becomes low, right?
From around 1975, the annual meat
consumption drastically increased, so did the longevity accordingly.
From year 2000, the annual consumption of seafood
suddenly begins to drop. If the theory of Seafood can make you live long is
true, then the graph of longevity will have to show the drop of longevity from
the year 2000 accordingly, right? However, the longevity graph shows steady
increase even after the year 2000.
What does this mean? This means it isn't
seafood making Japanese people live long but meat is the main reason for their
long life. In other words, Vegan can die young from diseases as these graphs
I think from these facts, you can say that
seafood is effective to prevent from having a heart and cardiovascular diseases
but it is meat which is enhancing the genetic potential of your longevity.
When you don’t eat meat, your immune system becomes low
and susceptible to diseases. That’s why Japanese longevity was short in their
When you eat meat, your immune system
becomes strong and disease free. Your skin gets immediately improved to be very
beautiful and rejuvenated because you get collagen from meat which you never
can get from veggies. Collagen is “Animal protein” found a lot in meat (gelatin).
Also you can get “Chondroitin sulfate” from
eating meat which you never can get from veggies. Chondroitin is a substance to
develop healthy cartilage not to become arthritis.
=< My experience >=====
I always try to experiment on my body before drawing a conclusion
because I want to find out if the theory out there is right or wrong.
I tried Vegan diet for about two weeks twice in the past. I was
pretty much muscular lifting heavy weights like a bodybuilder or powerlifter
when I experimented it.
It’s been scientifically proven vegetable protein (Soybeans) is
useless to build muscle because the balance of amino acids in vegetable protein
is bad and lacks in many important amino acids. Nevertheless I tried it because
I wanted to see it myself.
I didn't use artificial Vegetable protein powder because if I used
it, it could spoil the analysis of influence of Vegetable protein (soybeans) on
my muscle. I wanted to see if Soybeans could become a replacement for meat.
It was true, soybeans didn't work at all. I can give you small
details of what happened to my body but that’s unnecessary here.
I don’t usually take protein powder, unless when I really work out
hard at the gym and I am in need to take extra protein to develop my muscles,
because I eat meat.
Meat gives everything my body needs to build healthy skin, blood,
muscle, nails, hair and etc.
In my conclusion, Vegetable protein (soybeans) is not protein
because it isn't suitable to build my body. Soybeans (and beans in general) are
more like slow-digesting carbohydrate in the same group of grain. That’s how I
use soybeans in my diet.
=< Stronger >============
Let’s see the graph of the average height and
weight of Japanese.
Compare the meat consumption graph and
height graph, and see how meat changed the body structure of Japanese people.
The height and weight graph is measured at the
age 30 but height is influenced by what they eat from the age about 6 to 18.
It’s kind of tricky to compare because you have to calculate back the year when
the tester was 6 to 18 years old. Still, the increase of meat consumption is
clearly proving the growth of Japanese height.
Just for information, in 2010 the average
Japanese height was 171.5 cm, Koreans were about 170 cm. So Japanese are about
1 cm (about a half inch) higher than Koreans.
From around 2000 afterward, the increase of
height stagnates. It is speculated that Japanese might have reached its
potential limit.
=< Meat does body good! >============
are we clear? Meat can make you live long and make your body stronger and
There is no question about it since the entire
Japanese people have participated in the experiment of how meat could influence
their body.
Also, if you look at White people in Europe
including Russia, it is obvious in the poor countries where people can’t afford
to eat meat, they are short in height compared to White people in US where meat
has been very cheap since old time.
Therefore, Vegan concept will never prevail
in Japan for sure.
Japanese elderly live long because they eat meat. And doctors
(unlike in US) encourage elderly to eat meat in Japan.
As the matter of fact, many 90 year old
Japanese elderlies are regularly eating Beef steak. They say “Steak gives me
energy and power”. That is true. That’s how humans are designed to eat. Eat
like humans and live like humans if you are human. It’s very simple following a
biological natural body function.
=< No way! >==========
But you still have a concern about becoming
overweight and having heart and cardiovascular diseases from eating meat.
Why people can no longer eat like humans?
What’s making people have adult diseases from eating meat?
It is all true people can become sick or
die young from eating meat. I totally agree with that.
“Oh, come on! Which side are you!?” might
be the thought you have now. (Hahaha)
In Part-2, I will talk about the problems of overweight, and the
heart and cardiovascular diseases from eating meat while explaining how it can
be solved quoting Japanese diet.