Sunday, June 12, 2016

  Another crazy news came in from South Korea.
According to Sankei News, there was a joint Navy exercise hosted by South Korea from May 26 thru June 3rd.
Participating countries were Japan, America, Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia.
The joint exercise was practiced before South Korea’s Navy port. And they were going to visit Seju island, which is South Korea’s island mainly for sightseeing, to summarize the exercise for the closing ceremony. However, this schedule was cancelled because South Korean media were all going berserk over the Japanese Navy flag of Rising Sun.
All participating countries were in trouble due to this unprecedented problem.
Japanese Navy vessels have been visiting South Korea more than 10 times before with the flag of Rising Sun, but suddenly South Korea’s media were hysterically denouncing “That flag is a symbol of militarization! The same flag as Nazis!”
South Korea has been demonizing Japan trying to raise hatred all over the world, but now they got stuck with their own craziness. South Korea was no longer behaving as a part of team Blue. It was obvious South Korea belonged to team Red of China. So the participating countries changed their schedule and stayed the same Navy port for the closing ceremony.

This News is from Chu-O Nippo, which is a major Korean News, dated on June 7.
There was Asian Security Council, called “Shangri-La Council”, held in Singapore on June 4.
Ashton Carter, U.S Secretary Defense, made a speech before 35 countries. The problem was, despite Carter mentioned U.S allies of Japan and Australia, also the names of many Asian countries, he never said anything about South Korea. Hahaha. This fact seemed to be really shocking to South Korea. Chu-O Nippo says “Whenever the U.S ever mentioned the allies of Japan and Australia, South Korea was in it, how come the U.S didn’t mention us this time!?” Hahaha.

Well, even with THAAD, which is a counter-attacking long range missle offered by the U.S, South Korea has been hesitant to deploy in South Korea in fear of China. It is obvious South Korea doesn’t belong to team Blue. No doubt Mr. Carter was intentionally eliminating South Korea when talking about their allies. Hahaha.

Here’s an editorial from Chosun Nilbo, which is the number one Korean News, dated on June 8.
This is a typical Korean opinion which I explained on May 8th in my blog before.
===== Blong on May 8th ==================
The title is “Don’t impose only two choices on us”
There was U.S – China conference held in Beijing China on June 6 and 7. And the fierce conflict between China and U.S turned out to be more than anyone could imagine.
The writer is saying “The real problem is that China and U.S is bringing North Korean issue on the table with other issues and are haggling over them was becoming to be clear.”

South Korea is really afraid of the conflict between China and U.S because the U.S will one day ask “Hey, South Korea, which side are you? team Red or team Blue?” The editor is saying that South Korea doesn’t want to be any side because if South Korea chose team Blue, South Korea would have to become the battle front against China. Haha. And if South Korea chose China, U.S base camps would be withdrawn from South Korea, which is no good because South Korea can’t protect themselves. If South Koreans were smart enough people, they would realize now why Korea asked Japan for the annexation before. Even in 2016, South Korea can’t protect their own country by themselves without the help of the U.S. No doubt more than 100 years ago, South Korea was rubbing their heads on the ground and begging Japan for the merger.

All in all, South Korea is obviously not an ally of the U.S. And you never can count on South Korea when making up a strategy regarding Asia.

Monday, June 6, 2016

President Obama visited Japan for G7 summit held on May 26 and 27.
What caught the eyes of the world was that President Obama was announcing to visit Hiroshima, which is a province where a nuke bomb was dropped by the U.S during World War 2, after the summit. Many Western media took up on it and questioned “Is Obama going to apologize?” as though Obama was going to insult World War 2 veterans of America.
To which question, White House immediately cleared that the President wasn’t going to apologize.

I guess most of people watching or reading media could not understand clearly what was the purpose of visiting Hiroshima. Although majority of media are saying that Obama wanted to assert No Nuke Bomb in the world.
By the way, what do you think what Japanese people are thinking about the apology?
Before President Obama visiting Hiroshima, there were many surveys questioning “Do you want President Obama to apologize?” and most of Japanese people answered “No”.
Japanese way of thinking is “Let bygones be bygones”. That’s why. You don’t find this way of thinking in China, South Korea and North Korea.
I also didn’t want President Obama to apologize for a different reason. There are many groups in Japan that are Anti-U.S trying to break the relationship between Japan and the U.S.
Those people and groups are mostly Korea Japanese or Korean immigrants. As the matter of fact, those people sent a letter to White House requesting Obama to apologize at Hiroshima. If Obama apologized, those anti-U.S groups would get an excuse to torment America forever. That’s no good. Japan is enough to be the victim of Koreans. There are a lot of Koreans in Japan. “Apologize!” is Koreans favorite word to torment people. Japan has been stupid enough to apologize for everything they didn’t even commit. It was good Obama didn’t apologize.

 Anyway, the main purpose of visiting Hiroshima was to send a political message to South Korea and China. This is not a first time. Last year on April 29, Japanese President “Abe” was invited at Capitol Hill conference in the U.S and made a speech.
It was a first time ever Japanese president had a speech at Capitol Hill. And this event was designed to appeal the strong relationship between Japan and the U.S. However, this conference was targeting on South Korea and China.
At that time, South Korea went berserk! People in South Korea were all triggering Korean origin mental disease “Hwabyeong”. Korean newspapers were all protesting “Don’t give Japan a special treatment! Japan should apologize to South Korea first!” South Korea wanted Japan to be an absolute evil forever. So that treatment by the U.S was unforgivable for South Koreans.
Please take a look at the attached image 1st.
I drew the map of yearbook about Obama administration.

When Obama assumed the President of the U.S, Japan was going through a horrible time. It was The Democratic Party which members were mostly Korean descendants or naturalized Koreans. They were basically anti-Japan and anti-U.S. All they wanted was to destroy country of Japan and the relationship between Japan and the U.S. For example, when Democratic Party started, first thing they did was to cut all budget for the institutes which were developing the world top class technologies such as Super Computor and Space engineering. When Japanese people protested against the government about the cutting budgets, the administrative minister said “Why Japan has to be number one? Japan doesn’t need to be number one!” To this comment, Japanese people were dumbfounded and lost a word. People were thinking “How could our government trying to destroy our specialities?” Japanese people didn’t know the true intention of Democratic Party.
Democratic Party tried again and again to pass a bill of giving a right to vote for foreigners.
And Japanese TV programs were all broadcasting and glamourizing about South Korea.
The members of Democratic Party were all flying back to South Korea every weekend. And they didn’t conduct diplomacy with any country except South Korea and China.
Gradually gullible Japanese people were beginning to be skeptical about Democratic Party..

When a huge Tsunami hit Northern part of Japan, President of Democratic Party ordered the company of nuke power plants to not do anything. That’s why nuke plants exploded. And thousands of people were starved to death even though they could escape from Tsunami because the government didn’t immediately send rescue.
When the disaster revival program began, Democratic Party made an order to South Korea to purchase temporary housings and all. Japanese people were angry and complaining “Why the government isn’t assigning the jobs to local people?”
This partiality, which comes from their anti-Japanese hatred, is typical character of Korean.

So this was the era when Obama assumed President of the U.S.
After assuming President, Obama visited Japan for greeting but the President of Democratic party Hatoyama gave him the cold shoulder. As soon as finishing a brief meeting with Obama, Hatoyama left for China while leaving Obama behind. And Hatoyama broke promises again and again with Obama. President Obama was probably beginning to think that Japan was not a trustworthy country. It was the worst time in relationship between Japan and the U.S.
Around that time, Korean immigrants and Korean Americans were vigorously spreading their fabricated history of Sexual Slavery in the U.S.
In the midst of worst relationship with Japan, President Obama and his wife began to support South Korea.
First lady Michelle was posting in her Twitter that she loved Kimchi. And President Obama was also saying “South Korea is the center of the world!” when South Korean President Lee visited the U.S.

 With so much support and help from the U.S, Korean people and Korean American began more anti-Japanese campaign building the statues of Sexual Slavery all over the U.S. And South Korean President Park was in unison to spread Anti-Japanese campaign traveling all around the world as soon as assuming President.
When President Park visited the U.S, she was welcomed as a special house guest and given a special treatment. President Park would have thought that she was given a go sign to do more Anti-Japanese campaign by President Obama. But this was beginning of nightmare for President Obama.

President Park began more and more Anti-Japanese campaign. Her mission was only one thing which was to prevail South Korea’s fabricated history of Sexual Slavery all over the world. She was like possessed by some sort of demon and soon got out of control.
President Obama had many strategies in East Asia but those strategies were all spoiled by South Korea because President Park was not behaving as an ally of the U.S.
That’s when Former Undersecretary of Commerce Dr. Robert J. Shapiro send his message on YouTube to President Park saying “Stop doing Anti-Japanese hatred!”
It was very unusual to see a former official was admonishing President of other country.
Still President Park didn’t stop Anti-Japanese campaign. Park was becoming a headache for Obama.
That’s when the U.S invited Japanese President Abe to Capitol Hill conference in April 2015. It was obvious insinuation against South Korea. President Obama was sending a message to Park, “We’ll support Japan! And stop doing Anti-Japanese campaign anymore!”

However, after this event, President Park became more psychotic Anti-Japanese person.
In April 2015, when China announced to begin the international investiment bank, Japan and the U.S turned down the offer but South Korea jumped right at it to become the member.
It was a message from President Park “Good bye America and Japan!”
The same year in September 2015 when China had Anti-Japanese War Victory ceremony, Japan and no western countries participated but only South Korea did. President Park was sending a message to President Obama, “If you don’t support our history and anti-Japanese hatred, we will go to China”.
Then in January 2016, North Korea experimented Hydrogen bomb and launched a missile into the space. But China didn’t help South Korea at all.
President Park’s strategy was all collapsed miserably. She was counting on China that’s why she could go against the U.S. But now she’s got no country to rely on.

The purpose of visiting Hiroshima this time was to send a message to China, South Korea, Chinese American and Korean Americans. The message was “Stop doing Anti-Japanese hatred”
You see, Anti-Japanese campaign was originally began from the U.S. At first, the U.S was cheated by China into believing Nanking Massacre and though Japan was evil. After World War 2, the U.S became the leader of Anti-Japanese campaign. Then, South Korea joined up with the U.S and began to fabricate the story of Comfort Women from 1992. It just kept escalating. Around year 2012, Korean Americans and Chinese Americans cooperated each other and began Anti-Japanese campaign. America was changing into the country of hatred by Chinese and Korean Americans. And the number of Chinese and South Korean immigrants have been explosively increasing in the U.S due to "Anchor Baby". The more the U.S have Chinese and Korean immigrants, the more Chinese and Koreans bring in hatred from their home countries.
Then the former Anti-Japanese country of the U.S sent a clear message visiting Hiroshima to current Anti-Japanese countries South Korea and China "That's enough! We America and Japan fought each other and hurt each other but we got it over with long time ago. China and South Korea are the only countries in the world still making a fuzz over the war that happened more than 70 years ago. You guys shouldn't use history for the political purpose or hatred."
President Obama was the first President of the U.S ever visited Hiroshima. And he was really changing the course of history.
It was beautiful and graceful. Although China and South Korea will hold onto conventional Anti-Japanese history.

Of course South Korean people went berserk again! “Hwabyeong!”
Prior to Obama’s visit to Hiroshima, Korean people sent letters to White House requesting “Don’t apologize to Japan! Don’t give Japan a right to become your victims! But America must apologize to Korean people who got killed by the nuke bomb living in Hiroshima! And don’t forget to visit Korean memorial which is only 2 minute walk from Japanese memorial!”
These messages were written all over Korean newspaper and web news.
After getting so much requests from South Korea, White House announced to bring a former American captive by Japan to Hiroshima but right before visiting Hiroshima, Obama cancelled the idea and didn't bring the captive. He knew if he brought the captive, China and South Korea would be pleased because Japan looked to be evil. That's why he didn't I assume. When President Abe made a speech at Capitol Hill, he didn't mention nuke bomb or anything to make American people feel unease. Obama did the same thing returning favor. It was for comradery.
And you know what? President Obama didn’t visit Korean memorial. Hahaha. Japanese people were all laughing!
“Hwabyeong!” Korean newspapers were all mad at this. Hahaha
“Why Obama didn’t visit Korean memorial!! Damn! Fucking USA!” Hahaha.
Here’s a comment from Chinese government to President Obama announced on May 27 “Don’t forget Nanking Massacre!” See, South Korea and China are the only countries hysterically reacting to Obama’s visiting Hiroshima. You can tell from their reactions President Obama’s message was well sent to those two countries.
I’ve been reading Korean news in Japanese language but most of editorials are in confusion not being able to digest the situation. Chosun Nilbo which is number one newspaper in Korea was concluding like this “I think we shouldn’t blame America. Japan was evil that’s why the nuke bomb was dropped. And we Koreans were the victims of Japan. We should blame everything on Japan” Hahaha. See? In any Korean’s conclusions, Japan becomes evil and to blame on. Koreans say “Japan was evil that’s why nuke bomb was dropped but Japan was their country. Koreans were Japanese citizens. They can’t separate themselves from Japan and call Japan "Evil".