This time, I’m talking about East Asian countries in deep level. But my writing became really long, so I split it into two chapters. I will post first chapter this time and the second chapter will be posted later.
In the second chapter, I’ll talk about something you haven’t even thought about. It’s really deep information that you can’t get from reading newspapers and web news or watching TV. It will be very interesting information for anybody.
These two chapters contain very important information you need to know before proceeding to read the real story of Nanking Massacre.
Japan and the U.S didn’t have to go to war if the U.S wasn’t cheated and manipulated by China with the fabricated story of Nanking Massacre.
Chapter - 1
I talked about the house arrest of South Korean university professor Yuha Park on January 25 in my blog. Another follow up news came in.
On February 16, Seoul court seized Ms. Park’s salary paid from the University she worked for. Ms. Park was sentenced to pay about $78,000 as compensation fee for the self-claimed Comfort Women on January 13. But the self-claimed Comfort women were like ruthless thugs. They just couldn’t be satisfied with banning the sale of her books and winning compensation fee. They really wanted to retaliate her by giving pains and crushing her whole life. So they began demanding the court to seize her salary after the judgement.
Ms. Park had an interview with Sankei News after the court judgement of seizing her salary and said “I wasn’t really expecting that to happen”. She also implied that there seemed to be some sort of pressure on the judgement.
In her Facebook, she wrote that the purpose of House of Nanumu, which is a facility of self-claimed Comfort Women, was to destroy the honor of myself even further.
The pressure she talked about was obviously from the government. The accusation was made by the group of self-claimed Comfort Women but there has always been the existence of the government behind them. Because those Comfort Women have been political tools for South Korean government, therefore, they have been more like members of the government.
And those judicial members of Korea are servants for the government so that the judgements can turn upside down depending on how the president feels like. Judicial system in South Korea is not independent. Country of South Korea is a literally autocracy.
If those self-claimed Comfort Women were real, they would just give a chance to anyone to talk because they had nothing to hide, right? But because the self-claimed Comfort Women were all frauds (nasty cheaters), they needed to suppress the freedom of speech with force and unfairness in cooperation with nasty Korean government. Comfort Women (a.k.a Sexual slavery) have been a fabricated history by Korean government and Korean immigrants in Japan for their political tool against Japan. That’s why nobody must show the evidences or the actual testimonies from the actual Comfort Women. Pursuing or divulging the actual history has been prohibited by South Korean government.
Cheaters and liars can’t stand in equal position with real. If that happened, the cheaters would lose before the actual Comfort Women.
It is forbidden to openly talk about their actual history in South Korea. Only fabricated history, which South Korean government provided for, can be talked. So Yuha Park was violating the rule while misunderstanding that there was freedom of speech in South Korea.
Historic researchers may not investigate the actual history of South Korea. History needs to be created (fabricated) by delusion for your own convenience. That’s why her evidences and facts were banned to be exposed in public.
But this is the same in China and North Korea. Chinese and North Korean people may not talk about their actual history. If they did, they would end up locked up in jail or killed.
Those three countries, China, North and South Korea are autocracy. You might have thought South Korea was democracy, but it has never been that way.
Those three countries are monitoring the internet. And if the government found some inconvenient information for themselves, they would block the website so that nobody in those countries can access to it.
I will show you a good example. On February 28th, Ji-ji Tsushin, which is a Japanese news company reported that Chinese government closed the account of Chinese versioned Twitter called “Weibo” of 64-year-old man, who was CEO of major real estate company in China. This guy was known as “a talking entrepreneur” and had more than 37 million followers. The reason why his account was forcefully closed by the government was because he had been criticizing Chinese president Xi.
This news reminded me of the incident that took place in South Korea in 2015 when Tatsuya Kato, a former chief manager at Seoul branch office of Sankei news, was house arrested for more than 8 months on charge of insulting the honor of President Park.
Kato was simply copying the article of local Korean news and pasted it in his editorial for quotation. However, Seoul court charged only Kato on the insult. The actual Korean writer who wrote the original article wasn’t charged on anything. It was so unfair and insanely unreasonable allegation. Seoul district court charged Kato 15 years in prison. Although the judge eventually gave him not guilty after getting so much protests against the government of South Korea from all over the world. But you’ll find this kind of unfair allegations against foreign journalists in China, North & South Korea often times. In case of China, people many not openly criticize the government or talk about the actual history of China. For example, last month on January 21st, when George Soros, a famous American investor, said at the annual meeting of World Economic Forum that China’s economic bankruptcy with a hard landing would be inevitable, all Chinese media started a campaign harshly criticizing him according to Sankei News. Jinmin Nippo, which is the number one Chinese news media representing the government, was persistently blowing him two days in row saying that China would never bankrupt and Soros was nonsense. Still Chinese government seemed to be unsatisfied, even the chief manager of National development revolution committee appeared before media and criticized Mr. Soros intensely.
To this hysteric reaction, Sankei News said as follow. “To just one citizen’s opinion from oversea, Chinese government and the whole media were all together throwing a campaign against him with insanity was convincing enough to tell that Mr. Soros’s word “Chinese bankruptcy” was something Chinese government really didn’t want to hear about. That’s why China’s government was that desperate to deny it knowing by themselves Chinese bankruptcy was highly possible.
And South Korea is the same. There is a weekly magazine called “Bunshu” in Japan which writes about current topics from politics to daily life. And every week they choose someone for the theme “This week’s Idiot”. And South Korean president Park was chosen for that. Haha. That’s when one of South Korean officials reflectively complained against the magazine saying that you shouldn’t insult our president.
Well, the writer of the article was lucky to be in Japan. If he was in South Korea, he wouldn’t be able to get away with it without getting locked up in jail on charge of insult.
Anyway, East Asia is now changing the dynamics of power balance. On January 6th, North Korea announced that they succeeded in their hydrogen bomb test. Then on February 7th, North Korea succeeded to launch the long range missile into the space which success was confirmed also by NASA.
Now who do you think is in the most deep trouble? It’s South Korea.
As I always say, South Koreans are nasty cheaters. But South Korean government says that they are the balancers of East Asia. They thought they could cheat on anybody easily with their slick lies so they could be the intermediators of all powers of East Asia.
When current President Park assumed the presidency of South Korea in 2013, she began the anti-Japanese campaign right off the bat. She kept adamantly refusing to talk to Japanese president Abe. Even now, President Park doesn’t speak to Abe.
It might look to be weird for westerners including East Asian professionals.
But President Park’s mission was narrowed down to only one thing. It wasn’t for economic growth or solving the security problem with North Korea, but for making Japanese people accept Korea’s fabricated history. You think there should be more important things to do for president than sticking to the history that might or might not have happened more than 70 years ago. She isn’t a historic researcher. Why doesn’t she leave the history to historic researchers and do what she, as a president, is supposed to do? That’s what you think, right? Then you are all wrong. There’s nothing more important thing for Koreans than making Japanese people accept Korea’s fabricated history.
South Korea’s success was all made from cheating on gullible Japanese people. Without cheating on Japanese people, South Korea will collapse economically and mentally.
All Korean companies such as Samsung, LG, and ship building companies have been illegally stealing Japanese technologies. But as far as Korean people screamed “Japan did this and that in the past!” they could get away with any crimes they committed.
Their fabricated history was the best excuse for South Koreans to continue stealing everything from Japan while escaping from any allegations.
However, the gullible Japanese people got to learn the truth and the actual history via internet, and began to raise their guards against Koreans.
That was no good for Koreans. Their country will collapse if Japanese people get to learn the truth. The damage is really critical. It’s more critical than getting bombed by North Korea. That’s why making Japanese people accept their fabricated history has been always first priority than economy or security issues. It’s a matter of whether the country of South Korea can survive or not. So compared to this dire issue, North Korea and economic issues have been neglected.
But the problem for South Korea was that there was no evidence to prove their fabricated history to make Japanese people convinced. So they resorted to their usual method “force”.
Just like Korean government did to the University Professor Yuha Park, Korean government and people wanted to forcefully make Japanese people accept their fabricated history. In order to do that, they first targeted on the gullible American people. Just like Japanese people, Americans have the same View of Good.
Therefore, people in Japan and the U.S say “There are good and bad people in any country”. This is a delusion based on the idea that all countries have the same morals and ethics. You’re not going to be able to believe that there is a country in overseas where there is no sense of honesty in its culture. So anything what Korean people say you believe without a doubt because you just can’t imagine the whole people are lying in unison in attempt to cheat on you. These View of Good and the View of bad will be explained more in details when I talk about the real story of Nanking Massacre because the U.S made a huge mistake in its past, being totally manipulated by China believing Japan did horrible things, then eventually decided to go to war against Japan.
China and South Koreans are still trying to do that demonizing Japanese people as absolute evils with fabricated history (spreading false rumors). If you are an American, you have to be very careful with Chinese and South Korean people because your ancestors were cheated and manipulated by them. Now South Koreans are all together trying to cheat and manipulate you. You American people have the View of Good just like Japanese people do, therefore, both Japanese and American people are very gullible. But Chinese and Korean people have the View of Malicious. They are totally different species from you. As far as you keep thinking “There are good and bad people in any country”, you’ll be cheated and manipulated again by Chinese and Korean people because you are refusing to learn the differences of each country.
Anyway, do you remember on February 7, I quoted national survey conducted in South Korea and told you jokingly Koreans were from a different planet? South Koreans think an ally of America is an enemy but North Korea is a family. Japanese and American people would be confused to see the result of the survey. But last year in 2015, there was another national survey conducted in South Korea questioning “Which country is the most important country for Korea?” 49.5% answered America which was down from 58% in 2010. 32.9% answered China which was up from 20% in 2010. North Korea came in third with 11.1%. Japan came in fourth with 4%. North Korea scored almost triple times of Japan.
What these national surveys conducted in 2005 and 2015 mean is that Korean people have tribalism. They are unconsciously conscious of their tribe (bloods). And this is the reason why Japanese and American people can’t understand the way Korean people think and behave because Japanese and American people have never been conscious of their own tribe.
While Japan and the U.S think North Korea is an enemy for South Korea, South Koreans have never thought of North Koreans that way. When President Abe tried to change the article 9, which was law banning Japan to go oversea and attack other countries, South Korean government and Korean immigrants in Japan hysterically protested against Abe’s idea saying “Never even think of sending Japanese army to South Korea for North Korean issue.” In other word, South Korea wants to protect their tribe of North Korea from their enemies of the U.S and Japan.
When you get to understand the tribalism of Korean people, suddenly all Koreans way of thinking and behavior make perfect sense.
Because of tribalism and dishonesty, all Korean people get together by bloods and commit the Comfort Women fraud.
Speaking of tribalism, Japanese people are polar opposite from Koreans. A good example is the troops of Japanese American called 442 bravely fought against Japanese army during WW2. They baffled and beat Japanese army for their country of the U.S.
Anyway, let’s get back to the main theme.
President Park has been doing anti-Japanese campaign since the assumption of presidency. It was like flooring the gas pedal from the beginning while totally ignoring what President must do. As the result, South Korea’s economy has turned upside down now.
What she had on her mind was one thing imposing their fabricated history on Japanese people. But President Abe didn't seem to get budged. So she decided to manipulate gullible America.
“Don’t you want me America? Or I will go to China” was the message South Korea had been sending to the U.S.
President Park vigorously approached Chinese President Xi in hopes of the U.S making Japan apologize to self-claimed Comfort Women. At first it seemed President Park was doing a good job getting a lot of attention from both U.S and China.
You know South Korea is an ally of the U.S. So they are not in the league of China. However, President Park kept sucking up to President Xi while participating the anti-Japan War victory ceremony held in China 2015. And Xi found this was a good opportunity to break the relationship between South Korea and the U.S.
Both China and South Korea shared the same slogans of anti-Japan and anti-U.S. That was why they could hit it off well. But it was a tug of war between China and the U.S. “Who’s going to get the Princes Park?”
And President Xi offered to have a hot line between Chinese and South Korean governments. If anything happened with North Korea, which is an ally for China, South Korean government was supposed to be able to call Chinese officials anytime. And this hot line opened on December 31st 2015.
South Korean government was proudly saying before Korean media that the relationship between Chinese and South Korean government became the best ever in history. And South Korean foreign minister Yu Byung-se was also saying that getting love calls from both China and U.S was a situation we should be happy about.
Everything seemed to be going perfect for South Korea until January 6. It was only six-day passed since China and South Korea opened their hot line when North Korea experimented a hydrogen bomb. Kaboon!
But South Korean government wasn’t flabbergasted at all because for this kind of trouble South Korea was prepared beforehand having the hot line established with China. All South Korea had to do was to call Chinese government via the hot line and ask them to make North Korea stop playing with a hydrogen bomb. So South Korean government called China immediately and requested to have a talk with Chinese Secretary of Defense. However, even after six days, China didn’t reply to South Korea according to Chosun Nilbo, the number one Korean newspaper.
Chosun Nilbo editorial continued, “Our government was boasting the best relationship with China for having the hot line established. However, when the hot line was really necessary for us to be used, it wasn’t functioning as it was supposed to be. Who’s going to take this responsibility?” Haha.
Then the very next day on January 7, North Korea launched the long range missile into the space and succeeded. Imagine how panicking South Korean government was. Haha.
But China didn’t do anything for South Korea. And even the hot line was disconnected by China. Hahaha. So South Korea had no choice but resorted to their old ally of U.S and the neighbor of Japan. It was disgusting. South Korea has been refusing to have a talk with Japanese president and doing the anti-Japanese propaganda all over the world. And to the U.S, South Korea has been sending the message, “We don’t need America anymore! We’ve got China. Good bye America!” But when South Korea found out that China wasn’t recognizing South Korea as their partner, all of sudden South Korea turned around, flashed their smiles and said to Japan and the U.S, “Hey! My best friends! My family! I missed you so much!” We are all sick & tired of South Korea’s betrayals
According to Chosun Nilbo (Korean newspaper), it was on February 5th, almost one month after North Korea’s incidents, President Park could finally talk to President Xi over the phone. But for one month, China kept ignoring South Korea.
What was really funny about this was at first Chinese officials offered South Korea to have a summit talk over the phone at twelve midnight of February 4 th. Hahaha.
According to Chosun Nilbo, President Park was hugely disappointed and angry at the same time when she heard about the summit talk at twelve midnight. Haha.
South Korean officials were complaining “China didn’t talk to South Korea for a month, and when they finally offered us to have a summit talk, they chose the hour President Park couldn’t accept in diplomatic custom.” So South Korean officials replied “No such hour” to China. Then China offered 9 PM of February 5th. And South Korea eventually gave in to their offer. But President Park was telling her close aides that President Xi wouldn’t say anything important one way or the other, so this shouldn’t be informed to the media beforehand according to Chosun Nilbo.
Continues to Chapter - 2