Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Today's news is from San Francisco California.
The city council of San Francisco Tuesday passed a resolution to establish a memorial for the victims of Japan's wartime sexual enslavement of women on September 22nd.
San Francisco closer to monument for 'comfort women'

This was nonsense and the accusation was based on total fabrication. First of all, there was no sexual slavery. Korean women were camp followers freely chasing after Japanese army as Japanese citizens.
Moreover, 80% of comfort women were Japanese women. Only 20% were Korean women. The reason was, Japanese men preferred Japanese women over Korean. Because there was no plastic surgery back then, Korean women were not beautiful. But there was still a demand from Korean men who were in Japanese army.

I read the news in Japanese language and found something Japanese people made critical mistakes in their speech.
They said "There were comfort women not only in Japanese army but in most of armies." This is no good. They should never say that. Because they sounded like "Okay, I'm a rapist. But there are rapists in any country." Quoting other case doesn't alleviate their charge at all or worse they look to be not regretting their past.
That phrase they used only made Japanese people look to be bad. As far as they use the phrase, there will be no chance Japanese people can win in the debate. I hope Japanese people never ever use that phrase in future speech.

If I were in the position to do the debate, I would do it like below.

=Me= "Mrs. Kim, you said that the monument was necessary to keep the memory alive and to prevent the same tragedy from happening again in future. It was all for women's and human rights.
If that was what you meant, is there anyone here agrees to build a statue of slavery, which White people did to Black people, in every park of the U.S? What about building a statue of holocaust Nazis did to Jews in very park of the U.S?
Moreover, Mrs. Kim, your country did sexual slavery of 50,000 Vietnamese women and massacred civilians of Vietnamese during Vietnam war. Do you like a statue of sexual slavery and holocaust by South Korean soldiers in every park of the U.S? Please answer me."

=Shrewd Korean will reply "It's irrelevant!"

=Me= "You can't answer me. Because you know what you are doing is not for women's rights or human rights, but for pure hatred. You don't want to be a target of hatred in the U.S. Yet you don't mind targeting Japanese people. You'd just like to raise hatred toward Japanese people just like what Nazis did to Jews before. Is there anyone in here agrees with ugly hatred Korean people have?
In South Korean's common sense, this is not hatred. In my Japanese common sense, building a statue of slavery or holocaust in every park is an act of raising hatred.
And ladies and gentlemen here, as American people, please make a judgement based on your common sense.

Speaking of hatred. Mrs. Kim, these are the pictures of your country South Korea. (See the image-2 attached below)

Korean children are drawing images of killing Japanese people at school. Your country is encouraging your children to have hatred toward one particular race Japanese.
This inhumanely unethical and corrupt people are you, South Korean people filled with full of hatred.
Mrs Kim, your country is filled with ugly hatred. You have no right to talk about human and women's right. Your intention is too obvious to make an excuse. Now please stop cheesy performance of the victim trying to cheat on the innocent people here. Those people here have good souls. Their good souls shouldn't be fooled by your ugly Korean hatred. Now, I want to ask you people here. Do you accept Korean standard which is full of hatred?
Ma'am, you are Caucasian. Would you like a statue of slavery in every park of the U.S? Would that be helping anything or just raising hatred?
How about you ma'am? You are Black. I'm sorry it might not be appropriate to use a word Black in this country. But I am Yellow. As I am Yellow, I want to ask you if you could be as low as Korean people. Do you agree with the hatred Korean people have?
Ma'am, you are Hispanic. You are Red. As I am Yellow, I want to ask you if Korean standard and common sense, which are all hatred, are suitable in the multiple racial country of the U.S?

In Korean people's logic, slavery happened long time ago but in order to hold sway over young White people, it is important to establish the statue so that Black people can torment young White people and make them become as submissive as slaves forever. That's Korean's true motivation behind establishing the statue. It's a pure malicious hatred.

=Korean Kim= "That's not true! We have no such an intention! He is insane! Please get him out of here! Now!! "(in tears and crying)

=Me= "Mrs Kim. will you stop that cheesy performance? Please take a look at this picture. (See the image-3 attached below)

You can see hundreds of Japanese junior high school students on their knees and apologizing before the self-claiming comfort woman. This was a school trip to South Korea. Mrs Kim, you know this right? It's a every day occurrence in South Korea. You have done this a lot. Those young Japanese boys and girls were ushered to this place by their teacher who seemed to be a Korean Japanese and ordered them to apologize on their knees. When some of the boys refused to do that, the self-claiming comfort woman started to scream and shout "Apologize! Why can't they do that before Korean people!" in fury.
More than 80 years old of Korean elderlies are cussing and shouting at these innocent Japanese teenagers with dirty slurs. Where are morals and ethics in Korea? Do you still think you have any right to talk about human rights?
You Korean people are very shrewd and great actors and actresses. You are crying now because there are American people in here in hopes of collecting their sympathy. But if there were no American people but only Japanese and Korean people here, you self-claiming elderly would be blasting us with dirty slurs as usual.
Mrs Kim. I have never seen such dishonest and nasty elderlies like Korean people in any country.
We are judging Korean standard now. Is their standard ethically correct or not? It's time to reassess whether their standard is suitable for your country or not. Korean people think hatred is a good thing. Is it okay for you to have this ugly hatred prevailed in your country? Should that be your ideal country?"


As an option, if there were still enough time available for your speech, Japanese people should bring this up.
=Me= "Mrs Kim. You said the purpose of statue was to prevent the tragedy from happening again in future. If that's what you mean, please take a look at this graph.(See the 4th image attached below)
This Murder & Rape Rate Rankings were made by the institute in UK called CIVITAS. As you can see, South Korea's Murder Rate is top class among OEDC despite the fact the country of South Korea is no gun society. Japan is the lowest next to Iceland. In Rape rate ranking, South Korea is higher than Mexico and Chili. Japan is the lowest.
Also, there are four countries in the world that have ever banned marrying to Korean men by law. Those four countries are Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippine, and Kyrgyzstan. Because Korean men killed their wives a lot, the governments of those countries needed to take an action to protect their women from Korean men.

***Cambodian bans women from marrying South Koreans***

***Vietnam to ban marriage with Korean men aged 50 years or older***

***DFA warns Pinoys vs Korean marriage brokers ***

***Pinays trafficked as wives, entertainers in Korea***

***Kyrgyzstan is banning marriage with Korean men***

***Rape victims of White Women (U.S, British, Canada) and Japanese female got tripled for the last four years in South Korea in 2014***

Mrs Kim. If you want to prevent the past tragedy from happening again, don't you think it's you Korean who have to be this theme? Your country committed the war crimes of sexual slavery and holocaust during Vietnam war. Even after a half century from committing the war crimes, the same past tragedy, raping and murdering, have been happening by Korean men. Korean men haven't changed at all.
In order to prevent or stop the tragedy caused by Korean men, don't you think that we all human beings need to establish the statue of holocaust and sexual slavery Korean soldiers did, in every park of the U.S so that we can remind people and protect our women from all Korean men in the U.S now. It's an urgent matter.
Mrs Kim. You care about human rights and women's rights, right? Then you have no reason to turn down my offer, right?
Don't worry about Japanese people. Japanese people have always been like this since old time. But Mrs Kim, you have to worry about your own race Korean. Korean people have always been cruel and malicious. Since you are an exceptionally rare good Korean woman, I'm sure you will agree to establish the statue of holocaust and sexual slavery by Korean soldiers, in every single park of the U.S. This is not hatred. Because as proved with the facts and the evidences, Korean men are serious threats to all women on earth. When considering women's rights, as Mrs Kim insists, the U.S government might have to make a law to ban marriage with Korean men in the U.S just like those four countries did. Mrs Kim, I am very happy that you and I have the same emphasis on women's rights and have finally come to reach agreement. Mrs Kim, when would you like to discuss about the design of the statue of sexual slavery and holocaust by South Korean soldiers?"


The debate should be focusing on their true motivation behind building the statue. It wouldn't do anything even if Japanese people repeated "It didn't happen!". What's the most important thing is to reveal the actual motivation of malicious Korean people. So Japanese people have to strive with revealing South Korean's unethical national character during the debate. That's the only way Japanese people can win in the issue.
Liars and cheaters have a lot of discrepancies in their words. Korean insist what they are doing is for women's and human rights, but their true intention is none like that. Japanese people have to point out their contradictions and explain the true motivation of Korean people. That's how to win against frauds and liars. "It didn't happen! They are lying!" are just wasting your time. It won't do any better in the debate. Japanese people should realize that.
Also Japanese people shouldn't say "They were just prostitutes!". It will only make Japanese people look bad. I know they were prostitutes but pointing out they were prostitutes is just another waste of time and only making Japanese people look bad. I think this was what Mr. Micheal Yon wanted to advise Japanese people.

Anyway, I have been investigating and analyzing about Korean way of thinking for the last 10 years. When I analyze the information, I use the profiling skill. I put myself in the minds of Korean people and look at the information through the eyes of Korean people and analyze it. That's when I find a lot of new discoveries. If I looked at the information from Japanese point of view, I couldn't see anything. Because "the view of good" kicks in and blocks my eyes and mind.
Here's an example. When Japanese people collect information about Korean people, Japanese people become confused and unable to understand it. Because there is no such a way of thinking in "the view of good". At least Japanese people can understand Korean people are unethical and unbearable to accept. But that would be the end. That's the level Japanese people can do at the best. I read books about Korean cultures but they are just explaining the information. That's all. They are not giving any solution. If anything, they'd suggest to avoid any relationship from Korean. But I don't think that's the real solution.

What I do is different and give further solutions. I use the profiling skill and get myself into the minds of Korean people and look at the information from "the view of malicious". Then I look at Japanese people from the minds of Korean people. That's when I can see everything. I go, "I see, this is the reason why Korean people think and behave like that." When I look at Japanese people through the eyes of Korean people with "the view of malicious", Japanese people look to be stupid and idiots. I can tell Korean people can cheat Japanese people very easily.
Then I explain to Japanese people "The problem is Japanese people. Because Japanese way of thinking is like this and that, Korean people do this and that. So you Japanese people have to stop doing this and that". But Japanese people don't like to have their common sense denied. They think their common sense is good and are hoping all people to follow their "the view of good". Just like Korean people, Japanese people also can not change their way of thinking easily.

Japan did so much for South Korea. The amount of money Japan ever invested in Korea, if calculated in today value, would be more than 10 Trillion dollars.
But Korean never appreciate Japan. Japanese people can't understand why Korean people never appreciate Japan.
Then I explain to Japanese people "You are looking at Korean people from your own common sense which is the view of good. That's why you never can see the answer." I tell the same thing to American people also since majority of American people have the similar view of good Japanese people have.
I explain this almost everyday in Japanese websites. "In Korean culture, there is no concept or word of thoughtfulness. They never do anything for others. But Japanese and Westerners are opposite. Doing something for others and being thoughtful are deemed as virtue of humanity. But in the eyes of Korean people, Japanese and Westerners look to be nothing but stupid and idiots. This is the reason why Korean never appreciate Japanese people. No matter how much you give Korean people, Korean people only think Japanese people are all idiots and useful slaves. There is no people like Japanese in Korean culture. Therefore, all Japanese people look to be gullible and stupid in the eyes of Korean people."
Then Japanese people become angry and say "Korean people are very low! Disgusting!". I say "Think about it. Korea people do these horrible things, making lies, spreading false rumors and never appreciating, only to Japan. Korean people never do these horrible things to Chinese, North Korean. Because if Korean people did it to Chinese and North Korean, they would retaliate South Korean. Moreover, those Chinese and North Korean don't do like Japanese people giving and doing something for others. It's Japanese way of thinking, which resembles to Westerner's "virtue of humanity", causing the problem between Japan and Korea (and China). You have to let go of your common sense when you deal with Korean people."

I have been explaining this for more than 10 years in Japanese websites. Even today, I did it. But still Japanese people can not understand it. I am sure if Japanese people can not understand it, neither can Westerners.

Here's what has been happening between Japan and South Korea for the last 30 years.
1. Korean immigrants in Japan started fabricating the false history and pretending to be the victims of Japanese army.
2. Japanese people believed anything what Korean people said (the view of good) and apologized to Korean while giving tremendous privileges.
3. Korean immigrants found Japanese people became submissive when they were tormented. So Korean people fabricated more stories. (the view of malicious)
4. Japanese people thought that their thoughtfulness was not enough for Korean so Japanese people apologized more and gave Korean more privileges.
5. Korean immigrants found Japanese people became more submissive when they were tormented more. So Korean people fabricated more stories to harass Japanese people.
6. Japanese people thought that their thoughtfulness was still not enough for Korean so Japanese people apologized more and more and gave Korean more and more privileges.
===== This endless loop continued for more than decades. ===
7. The internet began prevailing throughout Japan. And true history was exposed to Japanese people. Japanese people began to find out everything what Korean people ever had been saying was lies.
8. Korean immigrants in Japan could no longer keep cheating Japanese people any more so they called Korean people in Korea for help.
9. Korean people came up with an idea "Let's torment Japanese people more so that they will become submissive!" And South Korean president Lee visited the disputed island "Takejima". Visiting the island was the first provocative act Korean presidents ever did. Then president Lee blasted an insult of Japanese emperor. That was the moment, when the air in Japan had suddenly changed. Japanese people became really angry. Patient Japanese people couldn't take it anymore
10. Korean people found Japanese people were not becoming submissive any more, but instead becoming aggressive. Then Korean people called Korean American and Korean immigrants in the U.S for help.
11. Korean people in the U.S vigorously began anti-Japanese propaganda from 2010 trying to spread whole new fabricated history. They were thinking if gullible and ignorant American were cheated into believing Korean's fabricated history, American people would make Japan succumb to Korea's fabricated history.
(You see, I told you on August 16th in my blog that Korean people have this peculiar national character. That is everybody all together tend to commit a fraud and cheating without feeling a bid of guilty. Their distinctive national character is there.)

And so far Korean people have been very successful cheating on gullible American people. Korean built more than 10 statues all over the U.S. But their main purpose of making Japanese people to be submissive has not been achieved yet. Or even worse, Japanese people are fighting back to Korean more vigorously.
One thing Korean people miscalculated was that Japanese people didn't accept lies.
Japanese people are raised to be honest from the moment they were born, whereas Korean people are raised to be dishonest from the moment they were born.
People tend to look at others from their common sense. Korean people have "the view of malicious" which means everybody is a dirty liar and think Japanese people are also the same dirty liars.
But Japanese people hate and loath liars. That's one of the things Korean people can not understand.

The internet (abundant information and intelligence) opened this conflict between Japan and Korea. And I think this war will never end because Japanese and Korean people have fundamentally different ways of thinking that are conflicting to each other. So the more Japanese and Korean people learn about each other, the more intense the conflict will become.
I just hope people out there to look at the issue not from your own common sense, but from different perspective that Japanese and Korean are fundamentally different people to each other.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

 In my previous posting, I talked about Anti-Japanese War Victory Day held in China earlier this month. Coincidentally Mr. Kent Gilbert, the U.S attorney and celebrity in Japan, was also giving his comment on the issue in his Facebook.
He is an American. And if you are Westerner, you'll have the same point of view as the one he does.
Mr. Gilbert is very fluent in Japanese language and has lived in Japan for more than 30 years. So he can collect more accurate information in Japanese language than those who can speak only English.
It's always interesting to hear his opinion. And this time, he gave his opinion on China, South Korea, and Japanese people. He is talking about "the view of good" again.
I copied and pasted his posting below. You'll see how different East Asian people are to one another.

World Realizes: PRC Not Bashful about Telling Lies

 On the 3rd of this month, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) held an event under the name “70-Year Celebration of the Victory in the War Against Japan and Fascism.” The title ignores history, and the whole world realized that the PRC is a country not bashful about shamelessly telling lies.

 However, this was a warning issued intentionally, a loyalty test.

 I recall the children’s song “The Other Day I Met a Bear.” In the Japanese lyrics, after the bear warns “run away!” it picks up some seashell earrings, and then chases the young maiden to give her back her lost earrings. In an almost shocking expression of the Japanese penchant for believing in the fundamental good nature of all men (or bears), the song has been transformed into a song of peace.

However, in the original U.S. version, the bear says, “Why don't you run? I see you ain't got any gun.” It is intended as a song about a bear that checks whether the human has a gun and then has fun chasing that person around.

 Leaders of European countries which had expressed interest in the AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) were also invited to this event, but they realized the danger from the bear, and beat a hasty retreat. They refused to take the loyalty test to “become comrades with a prevaricator.”

 In contrast, the young maiden from Korea, with some misgiving, took the test and cozied up to two bears. As a result, she threw down the drain not only the truth about history, but the good will she had with the free world. It remains to be seen how the U.S. will react.

 Incidentally, it was wonderful that the Secretary of the United Nations also attended this event. It should help to break down the Japanese faith in the United Nations.

 Personally, I think both the U.S. and Japan should withdraw from the U.N. and work toward creation of a new international organization. This would be the proper “postwar regime.”

 Many people were shocked by the lies of Xi Jinping and other PRC leaders, but the PRC holds the view that “Those who believe lies are more at fault than the liars.” Telling unabashed lies is not shameful, but rather a necessity for advancement and an exercise of privilege.

 Japan, the U.S., and European countries subscribe to ethics and morals, such that they cannot accept what is normal for the PRC. Xi must have been feeling some stress about this conflict.

 So, Xi embarked on an audacious strategy. He single-handedly proved to the whole world that he had no compunction in ignoring historical facts, reinventing history, and acting outside accepted norms. A part of that was his “left-handed salute” in contravention of military custom.

 So, if in the future someone believes the PRC and is deceived, the person who was deceived is at fault.

 In this way, Xi upgraded this PRC local norm to an international norm. Take a little wound to break the bones of your enemy. Hats off to this tough strategy!

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Continuing from Part-2
=Japan now and future (part-3)=

 In my previous chapter, I explained that common sense and the definitions of good and bad could be different depending on each country. Therefore, I said that you shouldn't think there are good and bad people in any country quoting South Korean people as the example.
It was last week, a good incident took place to prove my word.
On August 2nd and 3rd, a ceremony of Anti-Japanese War Victory Day was held in China.
This ceremony was a good test to prove how much ethically corrupt both Chinese and South Korean people were, and how far they could become low and malicious. But at the same time it was a good opportunity to see the actual relationship between China and South Korea.
Their relationship has made us laugh all the time since China often times treats South Korea like a piece of dog crap with no respect. Hahaha. People in Japan were really looking forward to seeing their funniest moments.

This ceremony was all about celebrating the victory of WW2. So China sent invitations to countries all over the world. Especially China was expecting to hear some positive responses from Western countries so that China could appeal how much China was supported by the whole world. That was the main purpose of the ceremony.
It was said that China sent the invitations to more than 50 countries. But the actual number of countries showed up was about 30. And most of countries sent ambassadors, diplomats, or former presidents. Present presidents participated the ceremony were little over five. President Putin from Russia, President Park from South Korea, and a few presidents from minor countries. None from Western countries except from Czech. It was like a joke humiliating China. Hahahaha.
What made everybody's eye bows raised was about Ban Ki-moon, a native South Korean, Secretary General of the United Nations, was participating the ceremony. Most of current presidents didn't participate the ceremony. That meant the majority of countries in the whole world were not approving the event wholeheartedly. Nevertheless, Ban Ki-moon,the representative of the U.N, participated the ceremony and appealed that he supported and approved the anti-Japanese slogan with China. His act was obviously violating the U.N constitution 100th.
In the constitution 100th, it dictates that Secretary General has to always be neutral and fair to any country. But Ban Ki-moon ignored the basic code and imposed anti-Japanese hatred on the whole world abiding by China. The United Nation was hi-jacked by the anti-Japanese terrorist South Korean. Ban Ki-moon has been repeatedly criticized by many authorities before for being the most incompetent Secretary General in the U.N history. But now he is not only incompetent but also malicious being back to a genuine South Korean who can never understand the meaning of fairness.
But the funniest thing that made everybody laugh to death was when all participants came together for taking a memorial picture. There, big smiling was President Omar al-Bashir from South Sudanese. He is a wanted man. In 2009, ICC(International Criminal Court) issued an arrest warrant against President al-Bashir for he was involved in the massacre taken place at Darfur in western Sudan. His charges were violating human rights and committing a war crime.
However, Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the U.N, was the man who actually requested member nations of U.N for taking an action to issue the arrest warrant in each country immediately. And that wanted man was near by Ban Ki-moon and smiling. Holy crap! Hahaha It was really embarrassing for Ban Ki-moon. Hahaha. And He took the memorial picture with the wanted man both with big & happiest smiles! Hahaha His dignity as Secretary General of the U.N was shattered into pieces miserably before the eyes of the whole world. Hahaha. Again, he will be labeled as the most incompetent man in the U.N history. Hahaha.
See, this is the kind of treatment China has for South Korean. China doesn't have any respect to South Korea since Korea was a former enslaved country of China.

Anyway, Anti-Japanese victory day was celebrated, to the extent, by only three countries China, Russia, and South Korea. This was really an interesting show to look at.
Let me explain why. First of all, those three countries have never won against Japan in history. As far as South Korea, they haven't even had a war against Japan in history. Yet those three countries are shamelessly appealing to the whole world of their fabricated history. (See the image-1 & 2 attached below)
You see, during and before WW2, there was no country South Korea existed. (See the image-3 attached below) Back then, South Korea was a part of Japan. And Korean people were Japanese citizens. Therefore, when it was during WW2, South Korean people were Japanese soldiers. That means Korean people were, as Japanese soldiers, killing Chinese soldiers in China. Thus, for China, South Korea was a former enemy fighting against each other.
In addition to that, right after WW2, Korean war immediately began. The U.S was with South Korea. China was with North Korea. And Russia was supplying weapons and ammunition to North Korea. It was a war the U.S & South Korean soldiers versus Chinese & North Korean soldiers. Therefore, for South Korea, both China and Russia were former enemies. In case of China, it had been an enemy for South Korea during WW2 and the following Korean War. Moreover, before South Korea was merged by Japan, almost for 2,000 years Korea had been enslaved country of China.
However, president Xi Jinping has been continually telling president Park that both China and South Korea had bravely fought together. hand in hand, against the enemy of Japan and achieved the victory in WW2. Well, I tell you. There's no such a history at all. Hahaha. Are those two countries on drugs or what? Hahaha.
Today's China is run by Communist party. But the one which actually fought against Japanese army during WW2 was National party of China. It's a totally different party. And Communist party and National party were fighting against each other as a domestic war before and even during WW2. And Communist party of Xi Jinping never participated WW2. But president Xi Jinping insists his Communist party of China won against Japan in WW2. What a brazen liar. Hahaha. And China's insistence of victory against Japan is all lies. The only country won against Japan during WW2 was the U.S. China was nowhere. Therefore, China has no right to claim their victory.
And South Korean president Park has been repeatedly emphasizing "People who forgot their past have no future. Japan need to look at the actual history!" and refusing to have a summit meeting with Japan until Japan admits the actual history. But who is the one not looking at the actual history? We Japanese people can't accept the fabricated history of Chinese and South Korean people. You both Chinese and South Korean have completely forgotten your own past.

After Japan-China War(1894-1895), China lost its momentum and power. Then Russia started invading the territory of China (Manchuria) heading toward South. And even South Korea was gradually invaded by Russia. So Russia was a former enemy for both China and South Korea. And that's when Japan and Russia collided head-on. Japan-Russia War(1904-1905) resulted in Japanese victory. And you know who was the most ecstatic and jubilant about Japanese victory then? It was Chinese and Korean people. Chinese people opened firecrackers and celebrated Japanese victory according to a document. Both China and South Korea largely owe Japan if you look at the actual history.
If Japan didn't win the war, China, South Korea, and Japan would have been invaded by Russia.
After Japanese victory against Russia, South Korea kept asking Japan for merger at least 7 times officially as far as documented. South Korea asked and begged Japan for the merger because they didn't want to be the captives of Russia and sent to Siberia.  But Japan kept refusing their requests. South Korean knew if South Korea became a part of Japan, Russia wouldn't invade South Korea. That's why South Korea was desperately asking and begging Japan for the merger.
(See the image-4)
Confession by Min Hisik, a native South Korean university professor who actually experienced the era of Japanese merger.

When you look at the actual history, there are reasons for everything. But look at the history Chinese and South Korean insist. They say "One day, Japan suddenly invaded South Korea and massacred Korean people and abducted 200 thousand Korean women for the purpose of sexual slavery of Japanese army. Then Japanese army invaded China and massacred Chinese people in Nanking and did sexual slavery to Chinese women. Fortunately China and South Korea were allies so both China and South Korea fought bravely against Japan and eventually achieved victory against Japan". What the hell is this? What was the reason for Japan to do that? Like one day all Japanese people became psychopaths committing massacre and sexual slavery spree?
I want to tell all South Korean and Chinese people on earth. Are you guys all crazy? You both Korean and Chinese forgot your past completely and are accusing Japan for something never happened in the past. Yet you both scream "Japan! You have to look at the actual history!!". What can we do when whole people are liars and crazy psychopaths like Chinese and Korean?  We can't do nothing about it because there is no definition of good people in both China and South Korea.
That's why I told you in the previous chapter, that you may not say or think "There are good and bad people in any country". Because there are countries like China and South Korea.

Continues to the next.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Continuing from Part-1
=Japan now and future (part-2)=

Before begining my talk, I'd like you to know this.
The reason why I am talking about Korean, despite the theme is about Japan, is because Korean immigrants in Japan and Korean people in South Korea have been, and are, causing a very harmful influence on Japan's past, present, and future.
It's becoming more and more problem in Japanese society because of Korean immigrants.
So If I have to explain "Why South Korean are desperately holding onto anti-Japanese hatred?", it's inevitable to explain Korean people's characters. Those characters are really different from any people on earth. You need to know the distinctive differences at first.

Whenever I point out, in English web sites, how different South Korean people are from the rest of the whole world, I always hear people say "You are a racist! There are good people and bad people in any country". You have the same belief, right? If you are American, Australian, Taiwanese, Japanese, European, South East Asian, probably you have the same belief I think.
Then I tell the people, "You sound like the whole world is 100% the same as your own country, as if there are certain percentage of good people and bad people in some ratio in any country. But what is the definition of good people for you? And where did the definition of good people come from?".
Then the people become silent. Because they have never given any thought to it before. "What are you asking? Good people are good people. You know that?" is their answer as if the definition of good people is a global standard.
You see, the definition of good people came from somewhere and prevailed in your country. You have this idea of good people vaguely beheld in your head. When asked to explain about good people, you can give an example like, "Good people are those who do this and that when under those situations".
You have the idea of what it's like to be good people. Because you've naturally learned that from the society you grew up.
In case of western countries, all the definitions of good people came from bible. The definitions of good and bad people are all listed in bible. "You have to be honest. You have to forgive people. You may not commit a sin." And those acts of sin are defined in bible. Therefore, you'll learn and know what the definition of good and bad. And that's how it became your common sense.
This is the reason why you think "There are good people and bad people in any country".
However, what if there was a country that didn't have the definition of good people you commonly have? Have you ever had any thoughts like that?
Here I'm going to prove that you have been all wrong in your entire life.

Below is a list of old proverbs that have been in South Korea as common sense. These proverbs were collected by Japanese people lived in South Korea.
Please read them and compare them with your own common sense.
It will make you think twice whether or not your long time belief of "There are good people and bad people in any country" has been correct.

1. If you don't hit a woman for three days, the woman becomes a fox. (Meaning, "If you didn't keep fist-punching your girl for three days, your girl would eventually become as shrewd and wise as a fox")
2. It's fun to watch others cow running away. (Meaning "Who cares about others in trouble? Let's have a fun watching people in pain and never help others!")
3. Brother's death is a fortune. (Meaning "Even from your family member's death, you can gain a lot! So be happy and don't hesitate to take an advantage over your own family members!)
4. A rotten pear for my daughter. Rotten maroons for my wife (Meaning "You shouldn't treat women as human beings")
5. I got slapped in my face by an official at the gate. So I hit my wife in the face at home. (Meaning "Women are for venting men's stress")
6. If someone is betraying me, I will betray him first. (Meaning "Betraying people is a common sense in Korea")
7. Dig a well together. And drink the water alone. (Meaning "Use people for your own selfish purpose. And never share it with or appreciate people". This proverb describes pretty well about the relationship between Japan and S.Korea. Korean never appreciate.)
8. If I couldn't eat the meal, I'd put some ashes into it. (Meaning "Don't let others have a fortune if they don't share that with me" For this reason, South Korea does anything to screw up Japan if Japan does anything good.)
9. If a dog dropped in a river, beat the dog hell out of it with a stick! (Meaning "If you found someone in deep trouble, torment him for your own advantage" It's quite like Japan-Korea relations)
10. The loudest crying child can get an extra sweets. (This is a typical Korean character. You find the same thing among "self-claimed" comfort women. Young and old, all Korean people do this. So don't take Korean crying and screaming as their honest expression. It is only acting to cheat on gullible and stupid people like you.)
11. A woman who is going to die doesn't hide her private parts. (This is a Korean style you find often. "If you determined to do something, do it shamelessly without any dignity." Very much Korean like)
12. Daughters are all thieves.
13. It's okay to earn money in a nasty and dirty way, as long as you spend it clean.(I hear this often times from Korean Japanese and Korean descendants in Japan. This is their good excuse to commit a crime to make money. In South Korea, one out of five Korean has a criminal record.)
14. My cousin bought a rice field. That's why I have a stomach ache. (This indicates Korean's jealousy character. It reminds me of Virginia Tech massacre committed by Korean student in 2007. He said in his self-recording video, "Everybody should be equal!" being jealous, as a foreign student, of wealthy American students.)
15. A dog, being starved for three days, would be happier even if you hit him. (Meaning "The more you torture people, the more submissive they become". For this Korean traditional thinking, Korean people spread the false rumor and the fabricated history to make Japanese people submissive. Their cruelty comes from the old proverb)
16. I don't like this food, but I don't want to give it to a dog. (This indicates that there is no concept of doing or giving something for others in Korea. It just makes Korean people feel disgusted to make people happy while they are not. There is no mercy or compassion in Korean culture and DNA)
17. Being deaf for three years. Being dumb for three years. (Meaning "A house wife has to always be as submissive as deaf and dumb person to their mother in law.)

Remember? Majority of South Korean are catholic Christians. Do you find any quality of Christianity in Korean proverbs? Where's beauty of love, self sacrifice, and inspiration? Where's justice, equity, moral and ethic? None in Korean culture, right? Because their traditional way of thinking, which is DNA for all Korean generations, is way stronger than any religion to ingrain and form themselves. Therefore Christianity is no use before Korean people.
Imagine that you were taught and raised like Korean. "Be as selfish as you can! Never help others. If you found people in trouble, give them more trouble and make them go to hell so that you can take a superior advantage over and treat them as your slaves forever". You'd be taught this way by your parents and grand parents since the moment you were born in this world.
(See the image-1 attached below)

I guess you still can't believe me. You just can't think that there is a such horrible and malicious people and country possibly exist on earth. Japanese people can't believe it and neither can you.
But all Korean behavior and the way they think perfectly match the characters found in the old proverbs.

Do you remember Sochi Olympics in 2014? There was this British short-track skater named Elise Christie who collided with Korean skater during the game. After the game, hundreds and thousands of South Korean people attacked Christie's Twitter with dirty slurs and insults. "I'll kill you! Whore!" "Go to hell White pig!" "I promise I will kill you!" It went on and on and on endlessly.
Christie made an apology again and again on her Twitter saying "It was all an accident. I didn't really mean it". But no South Korean people accepted her apology. And her apology made Korean people become even more ruthless and merciless. Christie was crying and begging Korean people for mercy. But Korean people's selfishness and cruel DNA never listened to her. They just wanted to really kill her and terminate her whole life. That's in South Korean's logic "Justice". "Never forgive and kill people" is Justice in Korean way of thinking.

You can't believe me, right? I'll show you the evidence. On September 3rd, 2015, New York Daily News published an article about the interview they had with Margaret Cho who is Korean American and comedian in the U.S.
In the interview, she said that she was sexually molested when she was young. And here's what she said about the offenders in her song she wrote. "I Want to Kill My Rapist" includes the lyrics: "I thought I forgave you, but I'd mistake you. I'll shake you and I'll bake you. You better run now while I'm having fun now." And she added "I hope the song will help others". Help others for what? Help others become vindictive and "Never forgive but kill"? Is that what she encourage others to do?
You see, Margaret Cho was born and grew up in the U.S. But her way of thinking is still pure Korean. If you are a christian, do you find any resemblance between your Christianity and her Korean Christianity?

It was genuine South Korean people who did sexual slavery of 50,000 Vietnam women and massacred civilians during Vietnam war (Phong Nh? and Phong Nhat massacre). That cruelty was exposed again before the eyes of the whole world. Christie collapsed mentally before the cruelty of South Korean people and closed her Twitter account. And she could no longer compete in the game anymore being threatened her life by the whole nation of South Korea.
There was also the same incident happened during Sochi Olympics. It was when Russian figure skater Sotnikova won against Korean skater Kim Yuna and became a gold medalist. The entire South Korean people went berserk and blasted dirty slurs and the most abusive insults on her Facebook and threatened her life again. These dirty comments on her Facebook and threatening her life continued for more than a year. Sotnicova said that she couldn't believe people like South Korean and was so scared.
At that time, I had my Facebook account, not this blog but different account under the name "shawniguchi", many people visited my Facebook in search of the answer.
People all over the world was like "How could possibly the whole nation and people become that malicious and cruel?". People couldn't understand it, especially those who had the view of good believing "There are good people and bad people in any country". But what they were witnessing was only bad people in South Korea. "Why!?" was the question that all people had. I explained a little bid about South Korean's national characters but none of people could understand it because everybody had the belief "There are good and bad people in any country".

1=Christie suffers more Sochi heartbreak with ANOTHER disqualification... as skater suffers Twitter abuse 'from angry (malicious) South Koreans'

2=Olympic hopeful Elise Christie abused on Twitter by South Koreans

3=Gold medalist Adelina Sotnikova’s Facebook page plastered with photoshopped hate mail by South Koreans


Remember? Majority of South Korean are catholic Christians. Do you recognize the difference between you and Korean?
The more you apologize, you are unconsciously exposing your weakness to abusive Korean, the more cruel South Koreans become knowing that they can take advantage over you.
It's a huge mistake to make an apology to South Korean people. You may NEVER apologize to Korean people under any circumstances. It doesn't help you make it better but in fact it makes it worse. 
Remember the Korean old proverb number 9 & 15 listed above?
"If a dog dropped in a river, beat the dog hell out of it with a stick!" "A dog, being starved for three days, would be happier even if you hit him". Never show your sincerity or sympathy or compassion. Those are all recognized as weakness by Korean. Apology will be taken as weakness by South Korean people. And making an apology will be the beginning of the endless and cruel torture by Korean people for you.
Also if you are a woman, you have to be careful with Korean. They are very abusive to women. See the old proverb #1,4, and 5. Christie and Sotnicova are women. That's why it became even worse.

Now, let me ask you again. "Do you still think the way you thought was correct? You know? "The whole world is the same. There are good people and bad people in any country"?
There could be a country in the world where there was no good people at all. Because the country doesn't have the definition of the good people you have in its culture.
Therefore, you might not be able to find good people in South Korea.
You may say "There are good and bad people in any country" if the country had the same definition of good people as yours in its society. Because both your country and the country share the same value and common sense each other.
But In case of South Korea, you might have to say "There are bad people and even badder people in South Korea". That could be more accurate description about South Korean. Do you realize the common sense and the definition of good and bad vary depending on each country? If you do, then you may never say or think "There are good and bad people in any country" any more. You'll have to be more careful about the people in oversea countries.

You have to understand what kind of people we Japanese people have been dealing with until now. The more you understand about Korean, the more you'll know the problem we Japanese people have. And the problem is not only for Japan but all over the world.
The more you have Korean immigrants in your country, the bigger problem you have. I showed you the case of Margaret Cho. Those Korean immigrants who were born and grew up in Japan are the same. Their way of thinking remains Korean even though they don't know much about their original country.

All Japanese people have been making a huge mistake thinking "There are good and bad people in any country. The whole world is 100% the same as Japan. Let's have more relationship with anti-Japanese people South Korean so that they will stop anti-Japanese hatred any more! Can you see? world is filled with flowers and peace. Why can't we think Korean are all saints? All people on the planet of earth can share what we think as a right thing. Love and peace!". This concept was raised about 15 years ago in Japan. And now most of Japanese people regret what they have done, coming to realize stupidity of themselves. Ignorance was what Japanese people had. And the price Japanese people have to pay now is a huge. What Japanese people got, in exchange for giving so much to South Korean for more than 10 years, was more anti-Japanese hatred than ever before. Duhhhh! Hahaha.

Continues to part-3