Sunday, May 24, 2015


I have been thinking what sort of example or metaphor would be a good way to convince people who don't know much about the difference between Japanese and Korean people.
And I found a good one. It's YouTube video and very funny. I got a big laugh out of it.
It's been watched 7,984,317 times as of now. The title is "What kind of Asian are you?".
An American male jogger runs into an Asian female jogger in an open field and asks "What kind of Asian are you?".
She is Korean American. See what's going to happen when you ask Korean about their origin. Hahaha.

(See the attached image-1,2,and3 below)
Did you get a laugh out of it? If you did, it would be probably a different reason from mine. This conversation is revealing so many Korean characters from my point of view.

Remember I explained "View of Good" and "View of Malicious" before? On May 15th, I explained that "View of Good" was "The view of human nature as fundamentally good". "View of Malicious" was "The view of human nature as fundamentally malicious"
And View of Malicious is common sense in South Korean culture. Even though the Korean American in the video was depicted as 3rd generation (her grand-grand parents came to the U.S), still her character revealed "View of Malicious" in her behavior.

In "View of Malicious" mind, people are all cheaters and malicious so Korean don't trust others. In South Korea, people don't trust even their own brothers and sisters. Because everybody cheat each other for their own selfish reasons.
Anyway, when Korean people are dealing within their own race, it is just View of Malicious thing, cheating and screwing up each other. But when Korean people face people from other nationality or race, the inferiority complex kicks in, in addition to View of malicious.
Look at the video and see how Korean girl reacts when asked about her origin. She thinks "You must be looking down on Korean! I will retaliate you!" And she starts to insult English culture. Hahaha. Korean are all like that. Self aggravated and short-tempered. Hahaha.

And politics between Japan and South Korea is the same consequences. Japan and South Korean never had a war in the past. As the matter of fact, Japan made South Korea rich. But Korean never appreciate Japan. It's all because the idea of "View of Malicious" Korean have.
Because in "View of Malicious" there is no concept of doing something for others. People in Korea are all selfish and malicious so if someone did anything for them, they'd think "Oh, you did that for me because I was so valuable" or "You needed to do that for me otherwise you would become in trouble". This is Korean way of thinking. Therefore, no matter how much Japan did for Korea, Korean people never appreciated Japan. Korean people can not just imagine that someone do something for others for a good intention. They think if someone did anything for them, it would be either for his or her malicious plot or for his or her own benefit. Because they have never done anything for others in their entire lives.
Can you believe this? Japanese people didn't know this until recently including myself. It was Asahi (Japanese) Newspaper and some journalism revealed another mystery about South Korean in 2014.
I translated the article below. You will be surprised as much as we did when we first time read it.

Atsushi Ota, 54 years old man married to South Korean woman and has lived in South Korea for 25 years teaching Japanese language, said something very interesting in his interview.
He said living in Korea has always been confusing for him. "Everything from scratch, Japanese and Korean are totally different in way of thinking and morals. It's really really difficult to accept for Japanese", says Atshshi. Atsushi gave an example to us.
There is no word or concept of "Omoiyari" in South Korea. Translation software and dictionary are no use, because the word and the concept itself doesn't exist in Korean culture, he says.
Omoiyari in English means "Thoughtfulness" and Consideration for others". It's a basic Japanese way of thinking to care for others. His Korean wife asked Atsushi about what did "Omoiyari" mean. And Atsushi was in trouble.
He searched through Korean language to see if there was any word close to the meaning of Omoiyari. And what he found the closest was "sympathy" or "assumption". Those are not quite correct meaning of Omoiyari. Because those two words don't have the meaning of "Doing something for others".
Like I said before, South Korean are selfish people. They have no concept of "Doing something for others". And nobody can understand the meaning of "Doing something for others". "Why the heck we have to do something for others?" is what South Korean people feel like.

Then he talked about how South Korean raise their kids. Korean parents teach their kids to be as selfish as possible. "Give as much trouble to others as you can. Only think of yourself" is the way of Korean thinking and how they raise their children. "You'll find confrontations, arguments and fights everywhere anywhere all the time in South Korea. That is very much outlandish and uneasy to accept for Japanese people" says Atsushi.
There are many Korean born and grew up in Japan, then returned to South Korea. But those Korean grew up in Japan are used to the idea of thoughtfulness and yielding to each other. Therefore, they can not live with native South Korean. If you become thoughtful to Korean, they only take advantage over you. And you'll never get ahead in South Korea, Atsushi says.

(See the attached image-4 below) (full article)

Atsushi is giving really valuable tips to understand distinctive South Korean characters. This explains all about the latest confrontation between Japan and South Korea.

That's what Japanese people found out recently. As you see after watching the YouTube video, it doesn't matter whether you are American or Japanese. You will end up the same way with Korean people.
So what I want to tell you is this. Just because there is always complaints from Korean against Japan doesn't necessarily mean that there really is a problem on the side of Japan.
Most of times it's selfish Korean making up a lie and harassing Japan in hopes of extracting something from Japan. And don't expect Japan and Korea will get along each other. Because nobody can get along with Korean. They are the people with "View of malicious". No matter what you do for Korean with full of good intention, they take it as your malicious intention. Dah.
Regarding Korean mental disease, well, I will talk about that from scientific evidences and grounds on other occasion. Hahahaha.
Thanks for reading.

Friday, May 8, 2015

I found an interesting movie on YouTube. Mr.Kent Gilbert, the U.S attorney and entrepreneur, released a new video Yesterday giving a comment on 19 historians in the U.S.
 What really made me surprised most was not about what he said on the video, but the fact he could speak English. Hahaha.
 I mean, I have been watching him on Japanese TV for the last 30 years. But never have I seen him speak in English before! Hahaha.

Anyway, he referred to a survey conducted by the U.S government. The survey is called "IWG Report" published in 2007.
 It was Chinese anti-Japan organization in the U.S who requested the U.S government to initiate the investigation.
 The survey took 7 years and cost 30 million dollars for the U.S government in attempt to find an evidence that might prove that there really was the alleged sexual crime by Japanese Imperial Army. It involved CIA, FBI, Military, and everything all together in the name of honor of the U.S. A huge national project began.

Strangely Chinese anti-Japan Organization didn't request the U.S government to investigate the trustability of Nanking Massacre. Maybe because they knew that was a 100% fabricated story by themselves. But instead they requested to investigate the Comfort Women issue accused by South Korean people.
 This national project was launched on the premise (ground) that South Korean people were honest and were telling the truth. In other words, the U.S government was believing that South Korean people were trustworthy people. That's why the government decided to use 30 million dollars from their budget. Okay? Please keep this in your mind for my last conclusion.

Probably Chinese anti-Japan Organization was thinking like this. "South Korean people have been persistently accusing Japanese people for Comfort Women issue and even crying shamelessly before all people. This must be true. Human being couldn't act like that without feeling ashamed or guilty if they were lying. Otherwise Korean people would become all crazy liars".
 And when the result of IWG report came out, people got all stunned to face the unbelievable consequences. The U.S government ended up not being able to find even one single evidence or record to prove the allegation!

By spending 7 years and 30 million dollars, what the U.S government and Chinese anti-Japan Organization proved was that all South Korean people were nothing but dishonest and shameless liars. Lmao!
 Thanks to the U.S government and Chinese anti-Japan Organization! Hahahaha!

Below is Mr.Kent Gilbert's video. Please watch it.

This is the IWG Report