What I am reporting this time is about Japanese, Chinese, and Korean people. This is not majority of opinion in Japan. In fact I've been trying to spread my opinion in Japan and change the way Japanese people are thinking.
I've spent total about 10 years in Los Angeles California in the past. And Los Angeles is a place where a lot of immigrants live together. One time I lived in Hispanic community, another time I lived in Black community, and the other time I lived in White community.
I made friends from Armenia which I would've never known about unless I lived in L.A. Just like the common-sense held in the U.S, I was thinking "Everyone is the same regardless of their nationalities. There are good people and bad people in any country". I grew up in Japan and was raised to believe that way so I wouldn't become a racist.
However, what I am about to explain now is a little different from the common-sense held in Japanese and the U.S's societies.
Do you guys think Japanese, Chinese, and Korean people are similar or resembling to each other? Well, at least that's how majority of Japanese people had been thinking until recently. Japanese people were thinking that Japanese way of thinking (morals, ethics, and conscience) could work out for Korean people.
What happened to Japanese people? What made Japanese people changed? The answer is the internet. I think Japan is one of the most drastically changed countries by the internet prevalence.
There were a lot of discoveries found via the internet. So here I'm going to share with you what Japanese people have found out, learned, and discovered from using the internet, and what I have been trying to prevail in Japanese society.
First of all, to give you better comprehension, let me explain about Japanese people first.
We Japanese people have "The view of human nature as fundamentally good" (I'll call it "View of Good" from now on) in common. This is a very traditional way of Japanese thinking. It's like a mother software for Japanese people. Without the software, Japanese people become at lost. "View of Good" is engraved deeply in Japanese DNA. Okay?
So what does "View of Good" do to Japanese people? "Because human nature is fundamentally good, people don't make a lie"(meaning all people are presumed to be honest). "Because human nature is fundamentally good, people don't steal anything". Those ideas are in the minds of majority of Japanese people.
That's why when you lost your wallet in Japan, it would be returned to you with high probability. What Korean and Chinese tourists get surprised about when traveling in Japan is that Japanese people are displaying expensive things outside and inside their houses casually. Because people are not supposed to steal other's belongings in Japan.
According to a South Korean female entertainer "Yun Sona" appeared on Japanese TV before. She said "You have to hide any expensive things in your house when you have a guest. Even your relatives can steal it. It's considered all your fault having your belongings stolen in South Korea". Her comment really made Japanese audiences surprised. "That kind of notion we Japanese people never have" replied TV show host in awe.
Japanese people believe "View of Good" is a good idea and that it could exist anywhere in the world. Yep, Japanese people are misunderstanding the whole world especially about Korea and China. And so are Westerners and Asian people I bet.
Even though "View of Good" originated from China, the idea hasn't existed in Korea and China at all which Japanese people haven't known until recently. But because of the internet, people in Japan started to know the differences between Japan and two countries, Korea and China.
Then what's in China and Korea? Well, I shouldn't combine both China and Korea and generalize them into one opinion. Because China is a large country (The population is as much as four times of the U.S) and so many different ethnic groups living within the country. But there are certain degree of resemblance between China and Korea since they had been together for 2,000 years.
Anyway, I'm going to put aside China for now and talk about Korea.
What's in Korea is the opposite of "View of Good", "The view of human nature as fundamentally malicious"(I'll call it "View of Malicious" from now on). "Because human nature is fundamentally malicious, people make a lie and deceive innocent people all the time (meaning all people are dishonest liars) ". "Because human nature is fundamentally malicious, people commit a crime for a selfish reason".
Those ideas are in the minds of majority of Korean people. That's why one out of five South Korean people has a criminal record which is quite high compared to the world. And under the "View of Malicious", people don't trust each other at all. Whereas "View of Good" people trust and believe others easily.
So what does "View of Malicious" do to Korean people? Majority of Korean people became malicious making lies and cheating others all the time. As the result, nobody can trust anybody. Because they think everybody is cheating on others as they do.
There was an interesting news from South Korea last year about the result of national survey. The news title is "Korean people have misanthropy. Only 20% Korean can trust others while majority of them think other people are enemies".
The survey was questioning "Can you trust other people?" And only about 20% of South Korean people said "Yes" while majority of them said "No!". 20% is the lowest score among OECD. It was lower than it is of the U.S. The highest was Norway of 60% followed by Denmark and Sweden. Japan is around 50s.
The U.S is an immigrant country with multiple races and back grounds. So I understand that the U.S couldn't score high. But South Korea is a single race country without diversity. Yet they scored the lowest.
What do you think? What the result of the survey means that South Korean people are the world most untrustworthy and dishonest liars admitted by Korean people themselves. Hahaha. See? I always say "Watch out South Korean people!"
There is no sense of honesty in history of Korea. Perjury (a crime making false testimony at court) in South Korea is committed more than 600 times than it is of Japan. There is no truth in a society of South Korea.
Reference: Survey "Trustability of South Korean people is the lowest among OECD" 韓国人は人間不信、「他人を信用する」のはわずか2割、大多数が「他人は敵」とみなす―韓国紙
Reference: South Korea's trustability of Government and Judicial institutions are the lowest among OECD 韓国の公的システム信頼度「OECD最下位圏」
Reference: Nation attitude survey in Japan in 2011 平成23年度 国民意識調査 報告書 3-2 (4) 「人間関係についての満足度」参照
As you can see, there is no similarity between Japanese and Korean people at all. It might be difficult for you to believe that Japanese and East Asian people could be totally different. But think this way. Jew, Islam, and Catholic are all the same origin of Jesus, but they are different now. Right? So do Japan and East Asia. Japan is an island and developed its own style and culture all by itself. (See the attached image-1)
Even though more than 1400 years ago, Japan shared Buddhism, which was originally from India, with China. Now Buddhism in Japan developed into many styles.
Long ago South Korea had Buddhism but now majority of Korean people are Christians. However, it is not real Christianity from Western countries. It's kind of... Well, seeing is believing. Please take a look at the attached image-2 and 3 below.
Wait! I have to warn you this beforehand. I won't take any responsibility even if you got choked to death from laughing too much. Okay?
Is this Cathoric or Protestant? It's a heretical religion totally diverted from its origin. Because the Virgin Mary and Jesus were native Korean. Lmao! See the image-3. Korean Jesus is having the last supper. Probably Jesus was eating dog meat soup and Kimchee which are symbolic of South Korean foods. Hahaha.
It's all fabricated. But nobody cares about the origin at all. Isn't that amazing? Nobody gives damn about making lies and fabricating the story as long as it is convenient for themselves. The issue of Comfort women is the same. Majority of South Korean people don't care about the truth and evidences at all.
Please take a look at the image-4.
This picture was taken when Pope Francis visited South Korea in 2014. Look at the Pope praying before "Native South Korean Virgin Mary". Lmao! Poor Pope was set up to pray before this fake Virgin Mary by Korean people.
And here's what Pope Francis said before Korean people. "I hope that South Korean people take the Seowl tragedy as an occasion for moral and spiritual rebirth" (See the attached image-5)
What do you think? People in Japan were all laughing their asses off when they read this news.(See the attached image-4) Pope Francis sounded to me as though saying "You low and unethical Korean! Why don't you kill yourself and rebirth as honest and good spirited people?! And don't *uck with the Virgin Mary anymore!" Lmao! Hahaha.
I will show you one more good example before drawing a conclusion. Please take a look at the attached image-6. On the right is a still image from Korean News in English on YouTube. This is all computer graphic movie created and fabricated by Korean News. On the left is the actual image of the rocket. As you can see in their CG movie, they removed the Japanese flag and "Nippon (Japan)" from the rocket. But strangely they left logo of Mitsubishi as if to say "Mitsubishi is a Korean company".
If you watched the news you would get the impression that South Korea was a very sophisticated and advanced nation with space technology. But this is all lies as usual. Hahaha.
Korean people tend to brag about something they don't have. Right. They are big liars. South Korea doesn't have any rocket at all even though they say in the News "Korea has been successfully advancing its space technology for the last 20 years". But the truth is they have always been seeking for help from other countries such as Russia and Japan.
The rocket was launched by Japan for Korea in 2012. The reason why South Korea, the anti-Japanese country, asked Japan for help was because the previous year, Russia launched a rocket for Korea but ended up to have it exploded in the air. Hahahaha. All the money and the satellite blew up into pieces. Hahaha. I guess Korea demanded Russia to lower the price as usual since they are cheap. And Russia had no choice but chose the oldest and the most worn-out rocket for Korea. Hahaha.
So what I am trying to tell you is that these cases of the fabricated Virgin Mary and the fabricated News about the rocket are the evidences that there are no conscience nor the sense of honesty in the society of South Korea. I am not talking about an exceptional case like a few men are making a lie and fabricating a story but whole nation is doing it. If this were in Japan or the U.S, there would be people who said "No! That's not good! Be honest! Stop that!" to the lies and fabrications. But in South Korea, there is no such a voice to refrain from fabrications and lies because the society has the "View of Malicious".
"There are good people and bad people in any country. So don't generalize the entire nationality, otherwise you will be labeled as a racist". You could say that if there were morals, ethics, sense of honesty, and fairness in its society. But the country like South Korea has no roots of any of those in it. Of course there would always be an exception. I won't deny that.
Yet I still insist that it's important to look at them individually in order to judge the person but you have to know the difference beforehand that they don't have what you have as standard and common sense. Otherwise you can't judge the person correctly. Or you will miss an important truth from the prejudice that South Korean are the same as Japanese and American people.
In regard to Comfort women issue, you believed their testimonies without the evidence since the prejudice you have that South Korean are the same as Japanese and American people. But they casually make a lie and deceive you without feeling a bit of guilty conscience because they have no root of sense of honesty in their country.
In addition to that, the definition of Justice they have is far different from what we have. They teach their children that killing Japanese people is Justice. At elementary school class, Korean teachers encourage their children to draw an image of killing Japanese people. (See the attached image-7)
Adult Korean people are proudly displaying those hatred images on the windows of subway station in South Korea. Please imagine, if this were Japanese children drawing the images of killing American people and bombing the U.S just because Japan lost war against the U.S, and adult Japanese people were encouraging their children to have intense hatred toward American people, could you possibly accept this psychotic hatred being prevailed in Japan? If you faced this psychotic anti-U.S hatred, you American people would recognize Japanese people as enemies and raise your guards. Right?
Japan and South Korea have never had a war against each other. But Korea has developed the intense hatred and racism all because of their inferiority complex.
That's what's happening in Japan. The internet revealed the real ugliness of South Korean people and their hatred.
In the eyes of Japanese "View of Good", there are no enemies on the Earth but the actual enemies looked to be Saint men of virtue. I have been telling Japanese people again and again the "View of Good" is a very dangerous belief that is blocking their eyes from reality.
With the belief of "View of Good", Japanese people never had a doubt on what South Korean people ever said, not knowing that Korean had "View of Malicious" and were the biggest lairs. Nowadays people in Japan are beginning to regret that they had been believing the idea that all people are the same. "There are good and bad people in any country" was a really stupid and ignorant idea. If only Japanese people could see the real figure of Korean people without "View of Good", Japanese people wouldn't have made so much mistakes in the past.
Now Japanese media, which is mostly run by Korean descent and immigrants are saying that Japanese people are leaning toward right-wing. But it's not. Only Japanese people are removing a glasses called "View of Good" from their eyes and are first time getting to see the reality. The reality that their enemies do exist. The enemies from the country of "View of Malicious".
Anyway, whenever I criticize Korea, there is always a voice telling me "Hey, you must be jealous of Korean! Because Japan is no longer doing better than Korea". I heard this from Japanese media (run by Korean) a lot. Well, are we? Haha. Please take a look at the attached image-8 and see it for yourself.
For the last, Japanese prime minister Abe is having a speech at a congress in the U.S on Wednesday Apr 29th. And Korean people in the U.S are announcing that they will do anything they can to block and prevent the speech. The country of terrorists South Korea is so desperate now that may do a stupid thing. So please keep watching closely on every movements of all South Korean people in the U.S.
I hope I won't have to report "I told you!" in a few days to follow. Thanks for reading.