Finally the time has come to explain about the myth “Nanking Massacre”.
If you are new to my blog, you should read my past postings so that you can learn the real history of East Asia. I have spent most of my time in my blog writing about the fabricated history of South Korea and comfort women. Now it’s China. I’m sure all Chinese people and Chinese government are scared to death now. Hahaha.
I was just beginning to write about the issue when the news came in. It was Chinese president Xi visiting UK as a state guest from Oct 19th thru 23nd.
What was interesting of all was that President Xi mentioned how cruel Japanese people were referring to WW2 and Nanking Massacre during two occasions, one at the state dinner with Queen Elizabeth and the other at the federal congress in his speech.
He needed to mention something that might or might not have happened 87 years ago.
Why after 87 years, suddenly China had to be so desperate to remind British people of the incident during the occasions where China and UK were supposed to talk about their future? During 11 minutes of Xi’s speech at the federal congress, all the countries President Xi had made comments were only on China, UK, and Japan. It was so weird and strange that no British member of the diet applauded his speech, according to Korean news called “Donga Daily News”. .
Xi emphasized Japanese cruelty at the state dinner and the federal congress.
No British member of the Diet applauded President Xi’s speech
President Xi is only 62 years old. He was talking about the past history that might have happened more than 20 years ago before he was born, using the term “Cruel” as if he was the living witness. What do you think?
1. Why after 87 years, China has to desperately insist that Japanese were cruel? What’s the purpose of doing that? What is China going to gain from doing that?
2. Why President Xi had to mention “Japanese were cruel” while he was young enough to have never experienced the actual war?
It is very suspicious both China and South Korea suddenly started Anti-Japanese propaganda all over the world since around 2010. And they are screaming louder and louder as the time goes by. Yep, they are becoming restless and desperate.
They scream, “Japan is revising their history!” Wrong. What China and South Korea want to say is this. “The internet is revealing everything! We can’t go any more without our long time frauds of fabricated histories! Don’t reveal the actual history any more Japan! You have to always remain an absolute evil so that the world will misunderstand us Chinese and Korean for innocent!” That’s exactly what Chinese and Korean are thinking. Haha.
Now let me ask you this. What comes in your mind when you hear cruelty of human history? Nazis Germany? Or maybe Japan? At least you would think Japan was very cruel in their past. Because South Korean people have been spreading a false rumor saying that “Japan needs to apologize to us just like what Nazis Germany did!” By paralleling Nazis and Japan, Korean people are scheming to brainwash gullible people out there into believing that Japan did as horrible holocaust as Nazis did. Like I always say Korean people have this peculiar habit of committing a fraud all together. They are now eagerly committing the Sexual Slavery fraud.
Now, before I talk about Nanking Massacre, I have to let you know something first. Please take a look at the image-1 attached below.
This is a list of the world holocaust ranking.
Who is ranked as the number one? China! Hahaha. Look at the number of people China massacred. And those Chinese people belong to the communist party which dominates China now. They had been even committing cannibalism for a long time eating the human flesh of opposition party.
And this China is saying to the whole world, “Japanese people were cruel! Please don’t forget that!!” What kind of Chinese joke is that?
How about North and South Korea? They are both ranked in 7 th and 8th.
Both North and South Korean have always been traditionally, and even now, very cruel people.
Japan can never be listed in the ranking because there is no history of massacre committed by Japan.
But you have to realize how strong brainwashing can influence you.
Without evidences at all、 Korean and Chinese people have successfully brainwashed you into believing Japan was cruel.
Of course after WW2, the U.S and Western countries had been spreading the anti-Japanese propaganda until recently. But Western countries no longer raise the anti-Japanese propaganda, but instead China and South Korea are now megaphoning their fabricated histories in attempt to raise hatred toward Japanese people.
Chinese and Korean are like blood-related brothers or maybe twins. They are always low and malicious.
From now on, anything I say about Western countries and White people has nothing to do with people who read this. Because what I’m talking about had happened way long time ago, even before you were born. So it is nothing to do with yourself. Please separate yourself from people in the old days. Okay?
Now please take a look at the image-2 attached below.
There are two maps of Asia. On the left side is a map of present Asian countries. On the right side is a map of Asian countries before WW2.
Can you see the difference? Look at China in the middle. Before WW2. China was that small country. Northern part was occupied by Russia. Southern part was occupied by British. And just for information, I attached the map of Africa in the old days.
See the image-3 attached below.
Before WW2, all Asian countries were invaded and colonized by Western countries except Japan and Thailand. Asia had been like this and colonized for nearly two hundred years.
Well, Russia being included, it may be more accurate to say Caucasian people were dominating entire Asia.
Now, I’ve just used the word “invade” to describe the colonization by Caucasian. But this is not my word. It was a word from honorable judge Radhabinod Pal. He was an Indian jurist and a member of UN international law commission, appointed to Far East’s trials of Japanese war crimes committed during WW2. He was the only Asian among the members.
In 1952, Mr. Pal visited Hiroshima Japan for lecture and referred to the documents he submitted during Far East’s trials. He said “All in all, Victorious countries (Western countries) wanted to label Japan as the aggressor of Asia in order to cover up what they had been doing in Asia for nearly 200 years. I think Western countries were the real aggressor of Asia”.
Judge Pal criticized Victorious countries during Far East’s trial for all trials were designed to sentence Japanese soldiers to be guilty. And he insisted “Not guilty” to all Japanese soldiers.
You see, Japan has a good reputation about their colonization in Asia, except those crazy countries China, North and South Korea, despite Western countries had been spreading the rumor that Japan did horrible things in Asia.
In fact Mr. Michael Yon, a former U.S soldier, now a journalist, has been researching about Japanese army during colonization in South East Asia, and was surprised to find out the most of South East Asian were fond of Japanese army. This must be a shocking reality especially for Westerner, Chinese and Korean.
This is the reason why no matter how much South Korea and China try to raise the anti-Japanese hatred in South East Asia, no country supports.
But many South East Asian countries like and appreciate Japan for they could become independent from western country's colonization.
Anyway, I am not here to raise hatred toward White people but I am explaining why Western countries kept spreading anti-Japanese propaganda after WW2. It’s important to know their motivations before explaining about Nanking Massacre because the story of Nanking Massacre has been strongly supported and pushed by Western countries.
First, Western countries lost their huge territories in South East Asia because of Japan.
Before Japan took over Asia, those Western countries were wealthy because they could extract petroleum and natural resources from South East Asia. And they could use the local Asian people as though slaves for workforce.
No doubt Western countries held grudges against Japan.
Second, Western countries wanted to delete the history of invading Asia.
Let me tell you the interesting speech made by Edward van Thijn, a mayor of Amsterdam when Japanese former soldiers from WW2 visited Netherlands for the friendship ceremony in 1991. It had been already 56 years passed since the end of WW2.
This speech was video-recorded and kind of long. So I will summarize his speech into short below.
“Your country of Japan lost in the previous war. And our country won. However, Japan has become the world 2nd largest economic country now while our country Netherlands has been going through misery. In other words, we became poor despite we won the war.
Before WW2, our country was thriving at its peak getting petroleum and all natural resources from Indonesia.
Your country of Japan has always been apologizing to Asian people and inflicting harsh criticism on yourself but it’s all wrong. You are the ones who saved and released Asian people at the cost of your lives.
Japanese people have been blind-folded and brain-washed into believing Japan did horrible things in their past. But it’s time for you to face the truth.
The truth is, we Caucasian were wrong. For a hundred or two hundred years, we competed against each other invading Asia with military power and made them into our territories.
Your country Japan had an idealism to evenly thrive with Asian countries. But the real problem was us Westerners. Japan lost the war, but you have achieved releasing all Asian countries from Western countries. Your achievement was enormous. Please stop criticizing yourself anymore and get back your pride.”
There are a lot of appreciations for Japan from South East Asian countries after the end of WW2.
The main reason for that was that Japan treated them not as slaves as the way Western countries did for two hundred years but as the same Japanese citizens giving them the equal rights as Japanese people had. Japan gave them education, human rights, and pride of Asian. This was the reason why Western countries did not invade South East Asia again with arms after WW2.
Even though Japanese colonization was a short period of 6 – 7 years, but its influence was enormous and made Asian people completely changed that they were no longer slaves any more. Western countries experienced the resistance of Asia led by Japan, thus, Westerners gave up on invading Asia again after WW2.
Let me show you the some of the examples of appreciation given to Japan by Asian countries.
After WW2, Jawaharlal Nehru, 1st President of India said “India could become independent. It was all because of Japan which helped and made us become independent 30 years earlier than we could. It was not just India but Indonesia, Vietnam and all South East Asian countries were samewise.
India will do anything to help rebuild Japan. And so will the all South East Asian countries.
Gazaly Shafer, a former foreign minister of Malaysia, said as follow.
"One of Japanese politicians made an apology before me, saying 'We are very sorry for giving you a lot of trouble during WW2'. Then I said 'why do you talk like that? You did so good in the war. Japan booted British out of Malaysia. That's why we could become independent. Without that war, Malaysia, Singapore, and all South East Asian countries could never even think of becoming independent."
Kukrit Pramoj, 13th prime minister of Thailand, said in local newspaper as follow.
"Because of Japan, all Asian countries could become independent. Japan was a mother of all Asian. Even though our mother Japan lost her life from her difficult delivery, but her children have been growing up healthily. The reason why we South East Asian people can talk to Westerners in equal position now is because our mother Japan sacrificed her life for us. December 18th, which was the opening date of the war, was the date our mother Japan made her important decision at the risk of her life. We'll never ever forget about the date.”
Bung Tomo, a former ministry of public information and intelligence of Indonesia, said as follow when visited Japan.
"Japanese army beat U.S, British, Netherlands, and French right before us. That gave us tremendous confidence. And we thought we would become independent soon. Once people got the confidence, it never went away. When Japan lost the war, we thought we would have to become independent all by ourselves and it could take 50 years. But unexpectedly we could win the independence soon.
Pacific war was a war of us, therefore, we needed to do it by ourselves and wanted to do that. But we made Japan do it alone. We are very sorry that we couldn't be of much help for Japan."