Wednesday, September 10, 2014

This time, my report is really shocking! Very critical to South Korean. It's really surprising but at the same time, really funny.
I have been talking about the comfort women issue here. And for South Korean, the issue of comfort women has been the best way to hold sway over Japan as a political tactic...until now.
The situation has drastically changed now.

Last month on Aug 5th & 6th, Asahi News wrote an editorial on its paper saying that they had admitted everything they ever reported about the comfort women in the past was all wrong.
This was really shocking and unusual admission. Because Asahi never admitted their fault before.
(Asahi News website admitting Comfort Women was all fabrication in Japanese language)

All comfort women issues started in 1991 by the reports of Asahi Newspaper. "Takashi Uemura" was the man who wrote the reports. Until then, there had been no claims from South Korean, nor had the word "Comfort women" existed. So Asahi newspaper was the one who first set the fire on the comfort women issue.
Their reports in 1991 were based on the testimony of the man named "Seiji Yoshida". Yoshida was a Japanese novelist who wrote the Comfort Women (See the picture-2 below).

In the interview, Yoshida testified that Japanese army abducted 200 Korean women from Saiju island in Korea. Asahi reported this testimony in their newspaper 16 times in series. And Asahi interviewed a self-claimed Comfort woman also and reported it on the paper.
However, other Japanese newspaper companies were skeptical about it. Sankei newspaper was one of those and tried to contact Yoshida. But Yoshida refused to talk about anything to Sankei. He was very suspicious.
Some journalists were actually visiting Saiju island and were interviewing over 80 year old people to see if such a thing really happened. But the all elderlies denied it and said "Our village is not so big. I should know that if that many people were abducted."

In 1996, Yoshida admitted his testimony was all fabrication. However, his novel "Comfort women" and Asahi newspaper's report had continued to spread in South Korea and Japan. Why? Because "Comfort women" was the best political tool for Korean-Japananese politicians.
In other words, "Comfort women issue" was spreaded by Korean-Japanese politicians.
Mizuho Fukushima, a Korean-Japanese politician, was the one who dedicated her life to create the fabricated story of Comfort women.
She was calling all South Korean people to join in her anti-Japan project so that they could hold sway over Japan and extract money and technologies from Japanese people. But her anti-Japan propaganda was all based on the reports from Asahi Newspaper. Now, she is refusing to talk about anything she did in the past and is avoiding Japanese media.

Anyway, let's get back to Seiji Yoshida. The more investigation progressed, the more suspicious his life was revealed. He had many names which is a characteristic of Korean immigrant. And he died twice. The first one was with his different name. The second one was his actual death.
When he was at the age of twenty five, he adopted twenty years old South Korean man. This was very unusual. He was single. Why he had to adopt an adult male? Further more, why he adopted South Korean man who was only five years younger than his was? This was very strange and was too much mysteries to explain.
One assumption is, Yoshida was a Korean immigrant who came to Japan during the merger. Some how he got a Japanese nationality. Probably he bought it at a black market or killed a single Japanese person and stole the nationality which was kind of common back then.
The reason Yoshida adopted Korean man was because the adopted man was his brother. By adopting his brother, his brother could get a Japanese nationality. This makes all perfect sense.

The issue of Comfort women had started everything on the basic stone of Asahi News reported in 1991. But the basic stone has now fallen apart. Lmao! You know the magnitude of this influence? Hahahaha.
Let me show you the example of this influence.

Kent Gilbert(age 62), an American attorney and entrepreneur has been a popular celebrity since 80's in Japan. He has been living in Japan for decades and speaks fluent Japanese.
He commented on the Asahi's correction in his blog on Aug 22nd and caught a lot of attention from Japanese media. Below is summary of what he wrote.

"It would be difficult to measure how much damage the fabricated story caused Japan's national trust and honor for the last 30 years. I myself was one of those who had been believing the story of comfort women until recently.
My conservative Japanese friends would tell me that there was no alleged comfort women but I never bought their words. I think my Japanese friends might be making a fool of me secretly. Or I might be losing the trust from them.
But we shouldn't forget that there are other victims deceived by Asahi's fabricated story. That's Korean people in Korea. They were believing what Asahi News said about the abduction and forced sexual-slavery. That's why they have been requesting Japanese government for the settlement and have been building the statues of Comfort Women all over the U.S.
But all of sudden, Asahi News says 'Hey, we have recently scrutinized the Comfort Women's reports written in 1991 and found all the reports were untrustworthy. We deleted the reports. So forget it.' Wait a minute! What about the disgrace they got from pushing and supporting Comfort Women? It's a huge shame for US senators, Mayors, and UN officials!
Even U.N Human Rights council was supporting the comfort women as the Asahi's reports in grounds. Asahi's correction was a huge betrayal to all Korean people as well. And even revealed the investigation by U.N Human Rights council was a sloppy job.
Coomaraswamy, who submitted the report of Comfort Women to U.N Human Rights council, ended up to have an undeletable smudge in her record all because of Asahi's correction. I want Asahi Newspaper to apologize to everyone!"

(If you can read Japanese language, below is Mr.Gilbert's blog)


Well, there is something we all Japanese people come to realization lately. That is Korean lineage (pedigree). As you can see, regardless whether he or she has Japanese nationality, as long as he or she has Korean pedigree, he or she will remain Korean (Anti-Japanese spirit).
You don't find this character in any other race or nationality but only Korean.
There are a lot of immigrants who's got Japanese nationality and become Japanese citizen. Most of them are okay. But Korean are all different. There are a lot of Korean-Japanese politicians in Japan. But all of them remain loyal to Korea. All they do is for the country of Korea.and anti-Japanese propaganda.
Nowadays we Japanese are beginning to recognize the risks of Korean immigrants. Korean are a huge problem and headache in Japanese society. You will be the same. If you accept more Korean immigrants, they will start imposing South Korean standard on you while denying your standard. Because they remain loyal to Korea.